Clostridium difficile infection: nursing considerations.

Autor: Mitchell, Brett G., Russo, Phillip L., Race, Paul
Zdroj: Nursing Standard; 7/23/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 47, p43-48, 6p
Abstrakt: Clostridium difficile is a bacterium which commonly causes diarrhoea in inpatients. C. difficile affects hospitalised patients worldwide and can pose a significant risk to patients. This article explores the transmission and risk factors for C. difficile infection (CDI). There are many aspects to the prevention and control of CDI: appropriate antibiotic use, early instigation and maintenance of prevention and control strategies, and high standards of environmental cleanliness, education, and surveillance. This article discusses the role of the nurse in each of these prevention and control activities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index