Reduced relative fitness in hatchery-origin Pink Salmon in two streams in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

Autor: Shedd KR; Alaska Department of Fish & Game Anchorage Alaska USA., Lescak EA; Alaska Department of Fish & Game Anchorage Alaska USA., Habicht C; Alaska Department of Fish & Game Anchorage Alaska USA., Knudsen EE; Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC) Cordova Alaska USA., Dann TH; Alaska Department of Fish & Game Anchorage Alaska USA., Hoyt HA; Alaska Department of Fish & Game Anchorage Alaska USA., Prince DJ; Alaska Department of Fish & Game Anchorage Alaska USA., Templin WD; Alaska Department of Fish & Game Anchorage Alaska USA.
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Evolutionary applications [Evol Appl] 2022 Mar 15; Vol. 15 (3), pp. 429-446. Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Mar 15 (Print Publication: 2022).
DOI: 10.1111/eva.13356
Abstrakt: Previous studies generally report that hatchery-origin Pacific Salmon ( Oncorhynchus spp.) have lower relative reproductive success (RRS) than their natural-origin counterparts. We estimated the RRS of Pink Salmon ( O .  gorbuscha ) in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska using incomplete pedigrees. In contrast to other RRS studies, Pink Salmon have a short freshwater life history, freshwater habitats in PWS are largely unaltered by development, and sampling was conducted without the aid of dams or weirs resulting in incomplete sampling of spawning individuals. Pink Salmon released from large-scale hatchery programs in PWS have interacted with wild populations for more than 15 generations. Hatchery populations were established from PWS populations but have subsequently been managed as separate broodstocks. Gene flow is primarily directional, from hatchery strays to wild populations. We used genetic-based parentage analysis to estimate the RRS of a single generation of stray hatchery-origin Pink Salmon in two streams, and across the odd- and even-year lineages. Despite incomplete sampling, we assigned 1745 offspring to at least one parent. Reproductive success (RS), measured as sampled adult offspring that returned to their natal stream, was significantly lower for hatchery- vs. natural-origin parents in both lineages, with RRS ranging from 0.03 to 0.47 for females and 0.05 to 0.86 for males. Generalized linear modeling for the even-year lineage indicated that RRS was lower for hatchery-origin fish, ranging from 0.42 to 0.60, after accounting for sample date (run timing), sample location within the stream, and fish length. Our results strongly suggest that hatchery-origin strays have lower fitness in the wild. The consequences of reduced RRS on wild productivity depend on whether the mechanisms underlying reduced RRS are environmentally driven, and likely ephemeral, or genetically driven, and likely persistent across generations.
Competing Interests: Research presented in this manuscript is part of the larger Alaska Hatchery Research Program (AHRP), which has received funding from the State of Alaska, private nonprofit (PNP) hatcheries, the seafood processing industry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 2016 Pink Salmon Disaster funds, the North Pacific Research Board, NOAA Saltonstall‐Kennedy grant program, and the Pacific Salmon Treaty Northern Endowment Fund. This program is designed to collect information to inform the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) policy regarding hatchery permitting and release levels. Bill Templin, the Chief Fisheries Scientist, shapes the ADF&G policy and Chris Habicht, the ADF&G Principal Geneticist, implements the genetic policy during hatchery permit reviews. Private nonprofit (PNP) hatchery operators are supported by fish taxes and must secure permits from the State of Alaska to operate hatcheries and release fish. The seafood processing industry benefits from the PNP hatchery programs that augment wild production and stabilize harvests. The State of Alaska manages fisheries with a wild‐stock priority and the seafood industry has a vested interest in sustainable fisheries management both for third‐party certification from the Marine Stewardship Council and the United Nations Responsible Fisheries Management Program and for its long‐term viability.
(© 2022 Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Evolutionary Applications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
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