Clinical examples of left ventricular non-compaction in adults.

Autor: Osovska NY; Department of Intenal Therapy №1 of Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnitsa, Ukraine., Kuzminova NV; Department of Intenal Therapy №1 of Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnitsa, Ukraine.
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) [Wiad Lek] 2016; Vol. 69 (3 pt 2), pp. 515-520.
Abstrakt: Introduction: isolated left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) is a heart disease with rather distinct morphologic and clinical manifestations. Available in the literature information about LVNC considering multiple left ventricle abnormal chords (LVAC) as one of its criterion motivated us to review the results obtained in the study of young patients with this pathology. The aim of the research was to demonstrate different clinical variants of left ventricular non-compaction course in adult patients and to clarify some pathogenetic aspects of this pathology. Materials and metods: comprehensive examination of 28 patients with multiple LVAC, 12 patients with LVNC and dilated idiopathic cardiomyopathy aged 16-36 was performed.
Results: according to the results of our research, 16 of 28 patients with multiple LVAC of left ventricle had ejection fraction more than 55%, in 6 patients this index range was 50-54%, in 6 it was 45-49%. Multiple LVAC were found to be associated with significantly greater clinical, phenotypic, structural and hemodynamic changes when compared both to control and solitary LVAC of any location (р<0.05). There were 12 young patients with multiple LVAC and ejection faction 22-41%. The detailed analysis of echocardiographic data in dynamics revealed other criteria of LVNC in all the patients. The data obtained suggest the relationship between pathogenetic mechanisms of heart pathology development in patients with connective tissue dysplasia syndrome and in patients with LVNС. Echocardiographic evidences of multiple LVAC designate the necessity of targeted search of left ventricular non-compacted signs and timely detection of left ventricular dilation.
Databáze: MEDLINE