Caries increment among army personnel: a 5-year longitudinal study.

Autor: Wahid AA; University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Yusof ZY; University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia., Jaafar N; University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Asia-Pacific journal of public health [Asia Pac J Public Health] 2014 May; Vol. 26 (3), pp. 268-74. Date of Electronic Publication: 2011 Dec 20.
DOI: 10.1177/1010539511431602
Abstrakt: To assess the progression of dental caries among Malaysian infantry soldiers after 5 years in military service. A retrospective cohort study with a self-administered questionnaire and a clinical oral examination. Data were available for 173 (67.3%) soldiers. Mean decayed, missing, or filled teeth had increased significantly by 20.6% (P = .001) over 5 years. The highest increase was in the missing teeth component (+120%), followed by filled teeth (+23%). This was accompanied by a decrease in decayed teeth (-23.5%; P < .05). In terms of surfaces, mean decayed, missing, or filled surfaces, missing surfaces, and filled surfaces had increased significantly (P < .05). Caries experience was significantly associated with smoking status and rank (P < .05). Dental caries experience was worse after 5 years in military service compared with during recruitment, and there were more tooth extractions than restorations. Health promotion interventions are needed to prevent further tooth loss among soldiers.
(© 2011 APJPH.)
Databáze: MEDLINE