[Colonization resistance and immunological reactivity of children's oropharyngeal mucosa in health and bronchopulmonary pathology].

Autor: Metel'skaia VA, Aleshkin BA, Voropaeva EA, Karaulov AV, Nesvizhskiĭ IuV, Afanas'ev SS, Matveevskaia NS, Panurina RL, Bichucher AM, Grechishnikova OG, Baĭrakova AL, Urban IuN, Aleshkin AV, Slobodeniuk VV, Egorova EA
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk [Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk] 2010 (7), pp. 10-5.
Abstrakt: The study group was comprised of 27 practically healthy children, 51 patients with acute bronchitis, 15 with chronic bronchitis and 11 with pneumonia. It was shown that changes of microbiocoenosis in back of the throat (BOT) were related to increased mucosal contamination with normal microflora and opportunistic microorganisms. The highest degree of contamination was observed in children with acute bronchitis. Normocoenosis was detected only in 13 practically healthy children. The disorders of microbiocoenosis took the form of disbiosis and acute inflammatory processes in patients with acute and chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. However, the large amount of normal flora together with the high Ig level ensured marked colonization resistance as evidenced by the values of natural colonization coefficient of nasopharyngeal epithelium (NCCNE) and balance coefficient (BC). These data suggested development of compensated secondary immunodeficiencies. In patients with acute bronchitis and pneumonia, local synthesis of Ig prevailed. It is shown that BC can be used to screen children for disorders of mucosal immunity. The presence of increased saliva IgE levels in patients with acute and chronic bronchitis supports the generally accepted concept of bronchi as a "shock organ" in allergic condition. It was demonstrated that IgE levels in saliva increase earlier than in serum and may be used as a prognostic criterion in patients with bronchopulmonary pathology.
Databáze: MEDLINE