Immunointervention with cyclosporin A in autoimmune neurological disorders.

Autor: Tindall RS; Department of Neurology, Southwestern Medical School, University of Texas, Dallas.
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Journal of autoimmunity [J Autoimmun] 1992 Apr; Vol. 5 Suppl A, pp. 301-13.
DOI: 10.1016/0896-8411(92)90048-u
Abstrakt: Cyclosporin A has proven a remarkably effective compound in suppressing disease activity in a number of animal models of autoimmune neurological disorders. During the last decade a number of controlled clinical trials have been carried out in human neurological disorders which are considered to be immune-mediated. The results of those trials are reviewed.
Databáze: MEDLINE