The Japanese Sense of Beauty : 英文版:日本人にとって美しさとは何か. [elektronicky zdroj]

Autor: TREYVAUD【訳】, TAKASHINA Shuji/高階秀爾【著】 Matt
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Tokyo : 出版文化産業振興財団 (JPIC), 2018.
Druh dokumentu: Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: What makes Japanese art unique? In The Japanese Sense of Beauty, art critic and historian Takashina Shuji reflects on the aesthetic and philosophical sensibilities underlying Japanese art throughout its history, from the earliest calligraphy and painted screens to modern masters like Hishida Shunso and Yokoyama Taikan. Along the way, Takashina explores themes such as the relationship between subjective perspective and "flat" composition and the playful intermingling of word and image throughout the plastic arts of Japan. He also offers fresh critical perspectives on many individual artists, including Takeuchi Seiho, one of the first to fuse traditional techniques with Western realism, and Takahashi Yuichi, who combined a vivid mastery of texture with deceptively traditionalist compositions. Other essays in this wide-ranging collection touch on everything from the symbolism of Mount Fuji to the ancient music known as gagaku, showing how even the most disparate topics can shed new light on what is essential to Japanese culture. The Japanese Sense of Beauty is an important contribution to the study of aesthetics and cultural history, offering insights that will change the way you think about Japanese art.大胆に切り捨てるデザイン性と、多様な要素を隔てなく一つ画面に納める構成力...。平安時代から、現代を生きる私たちにまで通底する日本独自の美意識、日本的想像力の本質を、日本美術を読み解くことで明らかにし、この感性がいかに中国や西洋の文化を受け入れたかを詳らかにする。.
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