Contemporary Australian Monologues for Men. [elektronicky zdroj]

Autor: Grady, Claire
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Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Sydney : Currency Press, 2017.
Vydání: 1st ed.
Druh dokumentu: Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: 'This is particularly out of character for me.' Monologues are a crucial element of theatre, for actors and students alike. From high school study to professional auditions and performances, the monologue exposes the heart of a play and the capacities of the performer. The monologue should be relevant to the performer, and a revelation to the audience. This new collection brings together 30 monologues from contemporary Australian plays. These voices--from ages 14 to 84, from the 1880s to the near future--showcase the best of our national writing for the stage. Featuring monologues written by: JANE BODIE * ANDREW BOVELL * KIT BROOKMAN * NICHOLAS BROWN & SAM MCCOOL * PATRICIA CORNELIUS * BRENDAN COWELL * EAMON FLACK * RICHARD FRANKLAND * MICHAEL GOW * R. JOHNS * RASHMA N. KALSIE * FINEGAN KRUCKEMEYER * SUZIE MILLER * ROSS MUELLER * LUKE MULLINS & LACHLAN PHILPOTT * KATE MULVANY & CRAIG SILVEY * TOMMY MURPHY & TIMOTHY CONIGRAVE * JOANNA MURRAY-SMITH * LACHLAN PHILPOTT * LEAH PURCELL * MELISSA REEVES * DAMIEN RYAN * MATTHEW RYAN * STEPHEN SEWELL * KATHERINE THOMSON * CHRISTOS TSIOLKAS * ALANA VALENTINE * MATTHEW WHITTET.
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