Transformations in the settlement of Karlovy Vary region in the High Middle Ages. The testimony of pottery.

Autor: Kolejáková, Klára
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: This study focuses on the transformation of medieval settlement in the region around Karlovy Vary (in Czech: Karlovarsko) in the High Middle Ages (13th-15th century). This process is associated with gradual colonization, structural changes, and development of socio-economic mechanisms. Pottery became a significant historical source as it’s among the most common archaeological discoveries. The ceramic artifacts found at Kostelní Horka Castle (Karlovy Vary district) and Hartenberg Castle (Sokolov district) were examined. The study of connecting medieval colonization and the development of pottery in the Karlovy Vary region provided a new perspective on this topic.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR