New species of Palearctitc Osmiini, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Megachilidae)

Autor: Tkalců, Bořek
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The following species are described: Anthocopa (Anthocopa) alatauensis sp. n. from Kazakhstan, Anthocopa (Anthocopa) quadrispina sp. n. from Tunis, Anthocopa (Anthocopa) cretaea sp. n. from Crete [both latter species are closely related to A.bisulca (Gerstaecker, 1869) the lectotype of which is designated], Anthocopa (Gloso smia) mur ina sp.n. from Turkmenistan, Hoplitis (Hoplitis) semilinguaria sp.n. from Iran (the holotype of the related H.linguaria (Morawitz, 1876) is studied and redescribed], Hoplitis (Allosmia) imita-trix sp.n. from Turkmenistan, Hoplosmia (Hoplosmia) tyrneri sp.n. from Uzbekistan, //. (Hoplosmia) elegans sp.n. from Turkey, Hoplosmia (Odontanthocopa) wamckei sp. n. from Iran, Hoplosmia (Odontanthocopa) her-monensis sp.n. from Israel and Osmia (Chalcosmia)milenae sp.n. from Turkey.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR