Aristokracie práce a výzva socialismu. Typografové v Praze v kontextu proměn předlitavské dělnické kultury v letech 1890-1914.

Autor: Raška, Jakub, 1990-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-6111
Abstrakt: Abstract: This study deals with skilled employees of Prague book printers at the turn of the 20th century. Typographers have traditionally had a reputation as elite and elitist workers. In addition, they were active participants in public patriotic life in Prague in the 1860s-1880s. After 1890, however, their main provincial organisation, the Typographic Club, became involved in building a united workers’ movement under the auspices of socialism. The study examines the activities of several typographers-socialists within the structures of social democracy and the reaction of skilled typographers, i.e., the members of the Typographic Club, to the change of rhetoric and strategies of their organisation. It also focuses on how the Typographic Club mastered some cultural practices of the socialist movement (e.g., May Day celebrations, engagement in a unified socialist educational institution or the change in the relationship with unskilled workers). Using the example of the engagement of the Typographic Club in the Dělnická knihtiskárna a nakladatelství [Workers’ Printing Office and Publishing House], it shows the conflicting areas in which the typographic organisation began to split ideologically at the end of the century.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR