Znásilnění ve městech za třicetileté války : Sonda do (zatmělé) problematiky.

Autor: Kilián, Jan, 1976-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0323-0937
Abstrakt: Abstract: Rape is one of the many categories of violence that has been and is being perpetrated not only during armed conflicts. His modern research, methodologically based on gender studies and historical anthropology, was especially stimulated by Susan Brownmiller’s book from 1975. The relative lack of interest in Czech historiography on the topic is also related to difficult heuristics, which bring knowledge only to a very limited extent and rather randomly. Quantification is therefore impossible. Masculine society dispelled this unfortunate experience of its wives and, if possible, ignored its written recording. Alternatively, it was limited to a mere general statement. Already during the Thirty Years’ War, in terms of categorization, we distinguish between individual and mass rape, and we recognize the abuse of both sexes and different age groups. However, due to the silence of the sources corresponding to the period’s view of honor and the position of men as protectors of a woman’s honour, we do not get the opportunity to examine in detail the numbers or experiences of victims and related consequences, including psychosomatic illnesses.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR