Majetkoprávní důsledky panovnických sankcí roku 1547 pro pozemkový majetek rodu Tlusků Vrábských z Vrábí.

Autor: Vorel, Petr, 1963-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0231-7494
Abstrakt: Abstract: The king’s sanctions enforced in Bohemia after the failed estates’ resistance in 1547 brought about fundamental changes in the political structure of the country, but also in distribution of the land property and its further development. In 1547, the sanctions were directed against political “suppression” of the main representatives of the opposition and speedy acquiring of cash, which the Habsburgs needed for payment of the war debts. The complicated system of punishments imposed on the individual noblemen included transfers of the free (allod) property into the king’s property (fief). The author reconstructs the following development of thus burdened land property on the example of Jan Vrábský of Vrábí and his son Hynek Vrábský of Vrábí. On the example of legal disputes over the “Vrábí fief”, which were not concluded until 1584, it is possible to document modifications in the structure of client-power networks Inspired by changes on the Bohemian throne over three generations of the royal family (Ferdinand I, Maximilian II and Rudolf II).
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR