Hydrologický výskum vo vysokohorskom povodí Jaloveckého potoka.

Autor: Holko, Ladislav, 1963-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0042-790X
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper provides basic information on hydrological research performed in the mountain catchment of the Jalovecky creek, the Western Tatra Mountains by the Institute of Hydrology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences since the mid-1980-ties. The research was devoted to better understanding of spatial distribution of precipitation, soil moisture, snow cover, evapotranspiration and runoff generation. First part of the paper brings an overview of the results. Second part of the paper is devoted to the water balance of the catchment in hydrological years 1989 - 2005 and estimation of mean transit time of water in the catchment as given by the tracer method using the stable environmental isotope of 18O. Catchment mean annual precipitation in the studied period was 1562 mm. It varied from 1116 mm in the year of 2003 to 1854 mm in 2001. Mean annual runoff was 1015 mm and it varied between 703 mm in 2003 and 1284 mm in 1998. Mean annual air temperature at catchment mean elevation (1500 m a.s.l.) was 3.5 °C. Interpertation of ?18O in precipitation and runoff from the period 1991 - 2002 gave the mean transit time of 13 months. Direct application of measured values in precipitation provided more realistic results than the input data series prepared according to recommendations found in the literature.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR