Předtoleranční a toleranční nekatolíci v Čechách jako přiklad omezené, avšak charakteristické skupiny drobné inteligence.

Autor: Hajdinová, Eva, 1980-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1804-6983
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article maps a numerically limited and religiously and socially discriminated group of pre‐tolerance and tolerance non‐Catholics, thus a group of persons of restricted education, which was except some rare examples limited to the basic level. In this regard, the text offers a more compendious analysis of one confessional and social group that was most of the time just a restricted recipient of the enlightened ideas and education spread by so‐called "plebeian" intelligence and most of all by new protestant preachers. This group showed however a great ability to absorb, transform, create and spread within their community the adopted and own thoughts, the fact that significantly contributed to their emancipation in the following period.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR