Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.

Autor: Benda, Petr
Další autoři:
Hanák, Vladimír, 1931-2022
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-376X
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1A collection of 596 bat specimens belonging to 30 species of four families housed in the zoological collection of the National Museum, Prague, is presented. The specimens originate from 60 localities of nine countries of Transcaucasia (Armenia [9 species from 7 record sites], Azerbaijan [17/18], Georgia [7/4], Russia [1/1]) and West Turkestan (S Kazakhstan [2 species from 3 record sites], Kirghizstan [15/14], Tajikistan [4/3], Turkmenistan [8/5], Uzbekistan [9/5]), i.e. from the southern part of the former Russian and Soviet realms in Asia. The collection is composed mostly of specimens collected by the staff and students of the Department of Zoology, Charles University, Prague, during numerous research trips to the respective countries in the period from the 1960s to 1980s and later presented to the Museum. Additional specimens are also included, gathered by various other collectors mostly in the 1980s. The most valuable material includes specimens of Rhinolophus bocharicus Kaŝenko et Akimov, 1918 (17 specimens from Kirghizstan and Uzbekistan), Rhinolophus lepidus Blyth, 1844 (9 specimens from Kirghizstan and Uzbekistan), Myotis (nattereri) tschuliensis Kuzâkin, 1935 (5 specimens from Azerbaijan), Myotis bucharensis Kuzâkin, 1950 (4 specimens from Uzbekistan), Barbastella darjelingensis (Hodgson, 1855) (26 specimens from Kirghizstan and Uzbekistan), and Plecotus strelkovi Spitzenberger, 2006 (7 specimens from Kirghizstan). Two paratype specimens of Myotis mystacinus hajastanicus Argiropulo, 1939 (from Armenia) and one paratype specimen of Nyctalus noctula meklenburzevi Kuzâkin, 1934 (from Uzbekistan) also belong to the collection. Records of Rhinolophus lepidus are here mentioned from accurate localities in West Turkestan for the first time (two sites in the Oš District of S Kirghizstan and one site in SE Uzbekistan).
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR