Zrození státního úředníka na příkladu krajského hejtmana v Čechách.

Autor: Sedláčková, Helena
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0231-7494
Abstrakt: Abstract: a1_The presented study focuses on the main milestones which occurred mostly during the second half of the 18th century and which resulted in the transformation of the office of the regional governor - which was established in the Middle Ages - into the bureaucratized and the lowest body of the state administration. In the Renewed Land Ordinance of 1627, the regional governors were counted among the provincial clerks. Their transformation into state clerks constituted a long-term process which was started during the reign of Maria Theresa and completed during the reign of Joseph II . Although certain indications of attributes characteristic of the state clerks could be observed for regional governors already earlier (an oath to the ruler, instructions, a salary, an approval of his absence in the office), until the reform of the regional offices in 1751, strong ties with the estates existed which were ensured through the fact that the regional governors used to be chosen from among the members of the lordly or knightly estates in the given region. It was not until the rescript of January 23, 1751 that this tradition was violated. Henceforth, there was only one regional governor and since 1782, he did not have to be of noble origin. Since 1751, the regional governor also had to leave his estate and to relocate to a fixed regional town in another region where he headed the regional office which was gradually being enlarged by other qualified personnel. The salary was covered from the means of the state. During the second half of the 18th century, especially since the 1780’s, other benefits connected with the post of a state clerk (such as pension or vacation) started to be embedded in legal norms.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR