Istinnost' soobščenija i grammatičeskije sredstva, vyražajuščije količestvennuju i kačestvennuju neopredelennost' referencii.

Autor: Nicolova, Ruselina
Jazyk: ruština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-6736
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article deals with the observation of the Maxim of Quality formulated by H. P. Grice with a view to the evidence for the information presented by the speaker. Languages make use of hedges - pragmatic markers indicating the limited character of the evidence of the speaker in order to reduce his responsibility before the hearer as to the truth of his message. The focus is on the grammatical means indicating quantitative and qualitative indefiniteness in the sphere of reference: approximate numerals, pronouns and articles in Bulgarian and in other Indo-European languages. It is pointed out that the meaning of pronouns and articles contains information not only about the evidence / non-evidence of the speaker but also of other persons: the hearer, the original author of reproduced speech, etc.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR