Vladislavský sál pražského hradu ve světle nových nálezů : Příspěvek k dějinám každodennosti pozdního středověku a raného novověku.

Autor: Blažková, Gabriela, 1974-
Další autoři:
Frolík, Jan, 1956-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-979X
Abstrakt: Abstract: At the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, resque archaeological excavation was conducted during the reconstruction of the floor in Vladislav Hall of Prague Castle. The research was limited in the major part of the Hall to the surface terrain with the exception of eight trenches in various parts of the Hall, but always at the external walls. It is substantial for the method of the research and its conclusions that all of the selected backfill was sifted and partially also floated. The items found characterize several areas of everyday life. The components of clothing are numerous (buttons, clasps, needles, leather bags and fragments of shoes, a ring, a pendant or part of an earring, pins and thimbles). The personal equipment includes a pocket sundial of wood. There were feasts on celebratory occasions in the hall, which is proved by tableware (a knife, wooden spoons, fragments of glass vessels). Another significant function of the Hall was also the operation of a marketplace. The testimony on business transactions are fragments of leather purses and scales (including a set of nested weights). The coin finds are also related at least partially with this activity. Most of the finds can be chronologically placed in the second half of the 16th century and earlier part of the 17th century. They clearly prove that the Hall fulfilled several functions at that time. It was always connected with social communication (public ceremonies, the sessions of the estates’ diet).
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR