Dimensions of culture : The case of Slovakia as an outlier in Hofstede’s research =

Autor: Bašnáková, Jana
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0009-062X
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1 Objectives. This paper builds on and responds to the international values research by Geert Hofstede, which reports Slovakia as an extreme outlier in the dimensions of Power Distance and Masculinity. Hofstede’s reported results for the Czech Republic and Slovakia were not based on data collected from his original sample consisting of IBM employees worldwide, but were mostly estimates based on data collected in Central Europe by Kolman et al. (2003). The objective of the present study is to offer an updated reference to Czech and Slovak cultural dimensions, while overcoming methodological shortcomings of Kolman’s study and using more rigorously composed matched samples. Sample and setting. Data were collected using Hofstede’s VSM 2013 questionnaire on matched samples in three different countries (Slovakia, N=200; the Czech Republic, N=200; and the Netherlands, N=201). Care was taken to match the samples on gender, age and education, in order to counteract a potential limitation of Kolman et al.’s dataset. Hypotheses. The study is a replication. Authors expected that data from well-balanced matched samples would show less extreme positions of Slovakia in the dimensions of Power Distance and Masculinity, and less pronounced differences to values from the Czech Republic. Statistical analysis. Raw scores were calibrated against the anchor country (the Netherlands), yielding scores comparable to the original IBM data set as collected by Hofstede. Results. The Czech and Slovak results show much greater similarity than in Hofstede’s estimates, with Slovakia’s position in terms of Power Distance (25) and Masculinity (83) not reaching extreme values (over 100).
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR