K problematice tvoření detoponymických adjektiv (na základě materiálu pomístních jmen z území Čech) = On the formation of detoponymic adjectives (Based on minor place-name material from the territory of Bohemia)

Autor: Štěpán, Pavel, 1977-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper, based on material consisting of minor place-names from the territory of Bohemia, provides an overview of the formation of adjectives from toponyms. A great deal of attention is devoted especially to the formation from reduced forms of toponyms, and – on the other hand – to the derivation by extended forms of the suffix -ský, i.e. -ovský, -anský, -enský, -ácký and -ecký. Although the absolute majority of detoponymic adjectives are formed using the suffix -ský (and its variants), also other suffixes – -ový, -ný and -ní – are analysed in the article.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR