Shapiro+Raj Revolutionizes Market Research with AI-Powered Insights, Appoints Scott Swigart to Lead New AI Innovation Practice

Autor: PR Newswire
Zdroj: PR Newswire US. 03/06/2024.
Abstrakt: CHICAGO, March 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Shapiro+Raj, the #5 most innovative research agency, #1 Strategic Insights Consultancy, and largest minority research agency in North America, announced the promotion of Scott Swigart to head the newly formed Technology Practice + AI Innovation group. This elevation underscores Shapiro+Raj's commitment to its TechManity™ focus – an AI-infused and human-inspired approach that delivers future-forward insights to help clients shape the future, not just respond to it. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Regional Business News
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