What's at stake for Chicago as Kamala Harris leaves the DNC to take on Donald Trump.

Autor: Hinz, Greg (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Crain's Chicago Business. 8/26/2024, Vol. 47 Issue 33, p2-2. 1p.
Abstrakt: This article discusses the upcoming presidential election between Democratic nominee Kamala Harris and Republican nominee Donald Trump, highlighting the issues that are of particular importance to voters in Chicago and Illinois. One key issue is the SALT deduction, which Trump capped at $10,000 per year on individual tax returns, negatively impacting middle-income families in high-tax states like Illinois. The article also mentions the corporate tax rate, tariffs on imports, electric vehicle production, transportation funding, and the futures of Governor J.B. Pritzker and Mayor Brandon Johnson. It concludes by suggesting that Johnson may face challenges in his re-election race due to issues such as Chicago Public Schools funding and crime rates. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Regional Business News
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