Exploring the 'EarSwitch' concept: a novel ear based control method for assistive technology.

Autor: Hoyle, Anna C.1,2 (AUTHOR), Stevenson, Richard3 (AUTHOR), Leonhardt, Martin1 (AUTHOR), Gillett, Thomas4 (AUTHOR), Martinez-Hernandez, Uriel1,2 (AUTHOR), Gompertz, Nick5 (AUTHOR), Clarke, Christopher2,6,7 (AUTHOR), Cazzola, Dario2,3,7 (AUTHOR), Metcalfe, Benjamin W.1,2 (AUTHOR) b.w.metcalfe@bath.ac.uk
Zdroj: Journal of NeuroEngineering & Rehabilitation (JNER). 12/2/2024, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p1-18. 18p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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