Employing digital PCR for enhanced detection of perinatal Toxoplasma gondii infection: A cross-sectional surveillance and maternal-infant outcomes study in El Salvador.

Autor: Lynn, Mary K.1 (AUTHOR), Rodriguez Aquino, Marvin Stanley2 (AUTHOR), Cornejo Rivas, Pamela Michelle2 (AUTHOR), Miranda, Xiomara3 (AUTHOR), Torres-Romero, David F.4 (AUTHOR), Cowan, Hanson1 (AUTHOR), Meyer, Madeleine M.1 (AUTHOR), Castro-Godoy, Willber D.2,4 (AUTHOR), Kanyangarara, Mufaro1 (AUTHOR), Self, Stella C. W.1 (AUTHOR), Campbell, Berry A.5 (AUTHOR), Nolan, Melissa S.1 (AUTHOR) msnolan@mailbox.sc.edu
Zdroj: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 5/20/2024, Vol. 18 Issue 5, p1-14. 14p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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