Urinary cadmium concentration is associated with the severity and clinical outcomes of COVID-19: a bicenter observational cohort study.

Autor: Chiu, Li-Chung1,2 (AUTHOR), Lee, Chung-Shu1,2,3 (AUTHOR), Hsu, Ping-Chih1,2 (AUTHOR), Li, Hsin-Hsien1,4 (AUTHOR), Chan, Tien-Ming2,5 (AUTHOR), Hsiao, Ching-Chung2,6 (AUTHOR), Kuo, Scott Chih-Hsi1,2 (AUTHOR), Ko, How-Wen1,2 (AUTHOR), Lin, Shu-Min1,2 (AUTHOR), Wang, Chun-Hua1,2 (AUTHOR), Lin, Horng-Chyuan1,2 (AUTHOR), Chu, Pao-Hsien2,7 (AUTHOR), Yen, Tzung-Hai2,8,9 (AUTHOR) m19570@cgmh.org.tw
Zdroj: Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. 3/19/2024, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p1-12. 12p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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