Inter-Rater Agreement in Assessing Risk of Bias in Melanoma Prediction Studies Using the Prediction Model Risk of Bias Assessment Tool (PROBAST): Results from a Controlled Experiment on the Effect of Specific Rater Training.

Autor: Kaiser, Isabelle1 (AUTHOR), Pfahlberg, Annette B.1 (AUTHOR), Mathes, Sonja2 (AUTHOR), Uter, Wolfgang1 (AUTHOR), Diehl, Katharina1 (AUTHOR), Steeb, Theresa3 (AUTHOR), Heppt, Markus V.3,4 (AUTHOR), Gefeller, Olaf1 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Medicine. Mar2023, Vol. 12 Issue 5, p1976. 13p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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