Effect of avatrombopag in the management of severe and refractory chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia (CIT) in patients with solid tumors.

Autor: Gao, Yanting1 (AUTHOR), Liu, Qi2 (AUTHOR), Shen, Yingying1 (AUTHOR), Li, Yuzhu2 (AUTHOR), Shao, Keding1,3 (AUTHOR), Ye, Baodong1 (AUTHOR), Shen, Yiping1 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Yuhong1 (AUTHOR) zyhblood@163.com, Wu, Dijiong1,2 (AUTHOR) wudijiong@zcmu.edu.cn
Zdroj: Platelets. 2022, Vol. 33 Issue 7, p1024-1030. 7p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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