Dynamics of 137Cs in the forests of the 30-km zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Autor: Shcheglov, A. I., Tikhomirov, F. A., Mamikhin, S. V.
Zdroj: Science of the Total Environment. 1/30/1997, Vol. 193 Issue 3, p169. 0p.
Abstrakt: Dynamics of the {sup}137{end}Cs content in the components of the forests in the 30-km zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP)in 1986--1994 are associated mainly with such factors as the size ofradioactive particles in the fallout, ecosystem humidification and soil type, tree age. The influence of particle size was especially noticable between 1986--1987 and was displayed by low biological availability of radionuclides in the near part of the zone (within the 10-kmradius circle around the NPP) in comparison with more distant regions (within the 30-km radius circle). Later, the expression of this influence decreased and transfer factor (the ratio of {sup}137{end}Cs content in overground phytomass to the soil contamination density) became approximately the same for all plots with similar ecological and fallout characteristics. Humidity of landscape and soil type determined the velocity of radionuclide vertical migration in the soil and {sup}137{end}Cs biological availability. These parameters were maximum for the hydromorphic soils of wet landscapes enriched in organic substance and poor clayey minerals. Differences of {sup}137{end}Cs accumulation in overground phytomass of trees caused by tree age are displayed in the higher {sup}137{end}Cs concentration in structural parts ofyoung trees as compared with old ones. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: GreenFILE