Chapter 13: Strategies for Managing Climate Risks in the Lower Mekong River Basin: A Place-based Approach.

Autor: Chinvanno, Suppakorn, Souvannalath, Soulideth, Lersupavithnapa, Boontium, Kerdsuk, Vichien, Nguyen Thuan
Zdroj: Climate Change & Adaptation. 2008, p228-246. 19p. 5 Charts, 1 Map.
Abstrakt: Chapter 13 of the book "Climate Change and Adaptation" is presented. It examines the similarities, differences and implications of the variety of strategies and practices that are employed to cope with and manage climate risks in the farming villages in Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. It highlights the perceptions of farmers of climate hazards, the risks to their farming activities, observed changes in climate and the impacts, and the strategies and measures used to cope with climate risks.
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