Quantifying streamflow properties using a calculus‐based differential approach.

Autor: Koehler, Richard1 (AUTHOR) visual.data.analytics@outlook.com
Zdroj: Ecohydrology. Jun2024, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p1-14. 14p.
Abstrakt: This research quantifies streamflow temporal configuration and demonstrates the advantages of examining the hydrologic record on a day‐to‐day basis, heretofore unavailable with statistical‐based index parameters. The streamflow chronological structure represents a previously untapped wealth of information that would benefit ecohydrology allowing alternate lines of investigation, re‐evaluating past research in a new light and expanding analysis options for ecohydrologists. Innovative approaches are introduced to quantify this important but overlooked hydrologic property. To accomplish this, a non‐index calculus‐based differential approach has been developed using the lag(1) temporal autocorrelation signature of streamflow. The techniques for quantifying discharge (Q), day‐to‐day discharge change (dQ/dt), rate of day‐to‐day discharge change (d2Q/dt2) and sequential discharge summations are explained and presented using updated data visualization methods. A dam release river impact case study for the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona, demonstrates this novel way of analyzing and comparing discharge datasets. A set of highly customizable tools for this new approach can be used as a stand‐alone analysis or to complement other existing techniques. The result is a better understanding of the hydrologic regime, permitting more focused research and more effective management planning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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