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pro vyhledávání: '"U. Persis"'
Publikováno v:
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Vol 51, Iss 2, Pp 3-10 (2014)
The authors propose methods for estimation of the potential of riverflows for electricity production at hydrokinetic power plants. The methods can be applied to any river or its span where it is possible to move using a floating means. The methodical
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Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Vol 50, Iss 2, Pp 3-14 (2013)
The article outlines the requirements and criteria for the hydrokinetic turbine site and determines the water flow characteristics based on which the energy potential of such a turbine is calculated for lower reaches of the River Daugava. The changes
Publikováno v:
Latvian Journal of Physics & Technical Sciences; 2014, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p3-10, 8p
Türktaş, İpek
Publikováno v:
Turkish Thoracic Journal / Turk Toraks Dergisi; Dec2004 Supplement, Vol. 5, pE25-E30, 6p
Publikováno v:
Acta Endoscopica; Mar1982, Vol. 12 Issue 2, p129-135, 7p
Featherstone, Mark
Over the course of the last ten years the issue of debt has become a serious problem that threatens to destroy the global socio-economic system and ruin the everyday lives of millions of people. This collection brings together a range of perspectives
V. M. Buchstaber, I. M. Krichever
This volume contains a selection of papers based on presentations given at the S. P. Novikov seminar held at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow. Topics and speakers were chosen by the well-known expert, S. P. Novikov, one of the leading mat
Karl Ernst Georges, Thomas Baier
Der'Georges'ist seit Jahrzehnten ein unentbehrliches Arbeitsmittel für alle, die sich intensiv mit dem klassischen Latein beschäftigen. Das Handwörterbuch erschließt den großen Reichtum der lateinischen Sprache mit mehr als 54.000 Hauptstichwör
Elaine Fantham
Elaine Fantham provides here a fresh Latin text of Seneca's Traodes and an English version, with an extensive introduction and critical commentary--the first separate treatment of the play in English since Kingery's 1908 edition. Arguing that the Tro
Une grande partie de l'oeuvre de Freud est consacrée à l'étude des groupes humains. Il élucide les espèces de l'amour et de la haine qui les constituent et les défont; il précise quels échanges y sont possibles - du coup de poing aux paroles