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pro vyhledávání: '"Saskia Ranson"'
Matheus P C G, Lourenco, Thomas E, Fuller, Saskia, Ranson, Johan W S, Vlaeyen, Rilana F F, Cima
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Ear and hearing.
Chronic tinnitus is effectively treated through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Both group and individual CBT for tinnitus are effective, but no study has directly compared the two. The current study explores group versus individual CBT for tinni
Winfried, Schlee, Stefan, Schoisswohl, Susanne, Staudinger, Axel, Schiller, Astrid, Lehner, Berthold, Langguth, Martin, Schecklmann, Jorge, Simoes, Patrick, Neff, Steven C, Marcrum, Myra, Spiliopoulou, Uli, Niemann, Miro, Schleicher, Vishnu, Unnikrishnan, Clara, Puga, Lena, Mulansky, Ruediger, Pryss, Carsten, Vogel, Johannes, Allgaier, Efi, Giannopoulou, Katalin, Birki, Klairi, Liakou, Rilana, Cima, Johan W S, Vlaeyen, Nicolas, Verhaert, Saskia, Ranson, Birgit, Mazurek, Petra, Brueggemann, Benjamin, Boecking, Nyamaa, Amarjargal, Sandy, Specht, Alexandra, Stege, Michael, Hummel, Matthias, Rose, Kevin, Oppel, Juliane, Dettling-Papargyris, Jose Antonio, Lopez-Escamez, Sana, Amanat, Alvaro, Gallego-Martinez, Alba, Escalera-Balsera, Juan Manuel, Espinosa-Sanchez, Juan, Garcia-Valdecasas, Maria, Mata-Ferron, Juan, Martin-Lagos, Maria, Martinez-Martinez, María Jesús, Martinez-Martinez, Nicolas, Müller-Locatelli, Patricia, Perez-Carpena, Jorge, Alcazar-Beltran, Leyre, Hidalgo-Lopez, Eleftheria, Vellidou, Michalis, Sarafidis, Panagiotis, Katrakazas, Vassileia, Kostaridou, Dimitris, Koutsouris, Rano, Manta, Evangelos, Paraskevopoulos, Maria, Haritou, Ana Belén, Elgoyhen, Hazel, Goedhart, Michael, Koller, Giriraj Singh, Shekhawat, Holger, Crump, Ronny, Hannemann, Marc, Holfelder, Timon, Oberholzer, Apostolos, Vontas, Ilias, Trochidis, Vicky, Moumtzi, Christopher R, Cederroth, Konstantina, Koloutsou, George, Spanoudakis, Ioannis, Basdekis, Silvano, Gallus, Alessandra, Lugo, Chiara, Stival, Elisa, Borroni, Nikolaos, Markatos, Athanasios, Bibas, Dimitris, Kikidis
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Progress in brain research. 260
Tinnitus is the perception of a phantom sound and the patient's reaction to it. Although much progress has been made, tinnitus remains a scientific and clinical enigma of high prevalence and high economic burden, with an estimated prevalence of 10%-2
María Jesús Martinez-Martinez, Sandy Specht, Giriraj Singh Shekhawat, Alexandra Stege, Myra Spiliopoulou, Leyre Hidalgo-Lopez, Alvaro Gallego-Martinez, Chiara Stival, Juan Manuel Espinosa-Sanchez, Dimitris Koutsouris, Sana Amanat, Maria Mata-Ferron, Berthold Langguth, Rilana F. F. Cima, Rano Manta, Susanne Staudinger, Kevin Oppel, Juliane Dettling-Papargyris, Efi Giannopoulou, Matthias Rose, Ioannis Basdekis, Clara Puga, Juan Garcia-Valdecasas, Martin Schecklmann, Juan Martin-Lagos, Dimitris Kikidis, Evangelos Paraskevopoulos, Carsten Vogel, Birgit Mazurek, Ana Belén Elgoyhen, Panagiotis Katrakazas, Alessandra Lugo, Athanasios Bibas, Axel Schiller, Johannes Allgaier, Vishnu Unnikrishnan, Nicolas Verhaert, Patrick Neff, Johan W.S. Vlaeyen, Michael Koller, Nyamaa Amarjargal, Miro Schleicher, George Spanoudakis, Marc Holfelder, Stefan Schoisswohl, Jorge Simoes, Nicolas Müller-Locatelli, Hazel Goedhart, Klairi Liakou, Uli Niemann, Saskia Ranson, Apostolos Vontas, Konstantina Koloutsou, Jose A. Lopez-Escamez, Christopher R. Cederroth, Silvano Gallus, Holger Crump, Lena Mulansky, Jorge Alcazar-Beltran, Patricia Perez-Carpena, Maria Haritou, Michael Hummel, Katalin Birki, Winfried Schlee, Steven C. Marcrum, Ilias Trochidis, Eleftheria Vellidou, Elisa Borroni, Maria Martinez-Martinez, Ruediger Pryss, Nikolaos Markatos, Ronny Hannemann, Alba Escalera-Balsera, Benjamin Boecking, Petra Brueggemann, Timon Oberholzer, Michalis Sarafidis, Vassileia Kostaridou, Astrid Lehner, Vicky Moumtzi
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Progress in Brain Research ISBN: 9780128215869
Progress in Brain Research
Progress in Brain Research-Tinnitus-An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Individualized Treatment: From Heterogeneity to Personalized Medicine
Tinnitus-An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Individualized Treatment: From Heterogeneity to Personalized Medicine
Progress in Brain Research
Progress in Brain Research-Tinnitus-An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Individualized Treatment: From Heterogeneity to Personalized Medicine
Tinnitus-An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Individualized Treatment: From Heterogeneity to Personalized Medicine
Tinnitus is the perception of a phantom sound and the patient's reaction to it. Although much progress has been made, tinnitus remains a scientific and clinical enigma of high prevalence and high economic burden, with an estimated prevalence of 10%-2
Externí odkaz:
ispartof: The Lancet vol:377 issue:9780 pages:1834-1834 ispartof: location:England status: published
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