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pro vyhledávání: '"Sabrina M Heidemann"'
Alon Geva, Manish M. Patel, Margaret M. Newhams, Cameron C. Young, Mary Beth F. Son, Michele Kong, Aline B. Maddux, Mark W. Hall, Becky J. Riggs, Aalok R. Singh, John S. Giuliano, Charlotte V. Hobbs, Laura L. Loftis, Gwenn E. McLaughlin, Stephanie P. Schwartz, Jennifer E. Schuster, Christopher J. Babbitt, Natasha B. Halasa, Shira J. Gertz, Sule Doymaz, Janet R. Hume, Tamara T. Bradford, Katherine Irby, Christopher L. Carroll, John K. McGuire, Keiko M. Tarquinio, Courtney M. Rowan, Elizabeth H. Mack, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Philip C. Spinella, Mary A. Staat, Katharine N. Clouser, Vijaya L. Soma, Heda Dapul, Mia Maamari, Cindy Bowens, Kevin M. Havlin, Peter M. Mourani, Sabrina M. Heidemann, Steven M. Horwitz, Leora R. Feldstein, Mark W. Tenforde, Jane W. Newburger, Kenneth D. Mandl, Adrienne G. Randolph
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EClinicalMedicine, Vol 40, Iss , Pp 101112- (2021)
Background: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) consensus criteria were designed for maximal sensitivity and therefore capture patients with acute COVID-19 pneumonia. Methods: We performed unsupervised clustering on data from 1,526
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Natasha B, Halasa, Samantha M, Olson, Mary A, Staat, Margaret M, Newhams, Ashley M, Price, Pia S, Pannaraj, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Kathleen, Chiotos, Melissa A, Cameron, Katherine E, Bline, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Aline B, Maddux, Bria M, Coates, Kelly N, Michelson, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Katherine, Irby, Ryan A, Nofziger, Elizabeth H, Mack, Laura, Smallcomb, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Tracie C, Walker, Shira J, Gertz, Jennifer E, Schuster, Satoshi, Kamidani, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Samina S, Bhumbra, Mia, Maamari, Janet R, Hume, Hillary, Crandall, Emily R, Levy, Matt S, Zinter, Tamara T, Bradford, Heidi R, Flori, Melissa L, Cullimore, Michele, Kong, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Suzanne M, Gilboa, Kara N, Polen, Angela P, Campbell, Adrienne G, Randolph, Manish M, Patel
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New England Journal of Medicine. 387:109-119
Infants younger than 6 months of age are at high risk for complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and are not eligible for vaccination. Transplacental transfer of antibodies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-C
Ashley M, Price, Samantha M, Olson, Margaret M, Newhams, Natasha B, Halasa, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Pia S, Pannaraj, Katherine, Irby, Katherine E, Bline, Aline B, Maddux, Ryan A, Nofziger, Melissa A, Cameron, Tracie C, Walker, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Elizabeth H, Mack, Laura, Smallcomb, Jennifer E, Schuster, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Satoshi, Kamidani, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Tamara T, Bradford, Emily R, Levy, Kathleen, Chiotos, Samina S, Bhumbra, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Melissa L, Cullimore, Shira J, Gertz, Bria M, Coates, Mary A, Staat, Matt S, Zinter, Michele, Kong, Brandon M, Chatani, Janet R, Hume, Katri V, Typpo, Mia, Maamari, Heidi R, Flori, Mark W, Tenforde, Laura D, Zambrano, Angela P, Campbell, Manish M, Patel, Adrienne G, Randolph
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New England Journal of Medicine. 386:1899-1909
Spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) B.1.1.529 (omicron) variant, which led to increased U.S. hospitalizations for coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), generated concern about immune evasion and the duration of p
Samantha M, Olson, Margaret M, Newhams, Natasha B, Halasa, Ashley M, Price, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Pia S, Pannaraj, Katherine, Irby, Tracie C, Walker, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Aline B, Maddux, Elizabeth H, Mack, Tamara T, Bradford, Jennifer E, Schuster, Ryan A, Nofziger, Melissa A, Cameron, Kathleen, Chiotos, Melissa L, Cullimore, Shira J, Gertz, Emily R, Levy, Michele, Kong, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Mary A, Staat, Satoshi, Kamidani, Brandon M, Chatani, Samina S, Bhumbra, Katherine E, Bline, Mary G, Gaspers, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Mia, Maamari, Heidi R, Flori, Janet R, Hume, Matt S, Zinter, Kelly N, Michelson, Laura D, Zambrano, Angela P, Campbell, Manish M, Patel, Adrienne G, Randolph
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The New England Journal of Medicine
The increasing incidence of pediatric hospitalizations associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) caused by the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the United States has offered an opp
Natasha B, Halasa, Samantha M, Olson, Mary A, Staat, Margaret M, Newhams, Ashley M, Price, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Melissa A, Cameron, Pia S, Pannaraj, Katherine E, Bline, Samina S, Bhumbra, Tamara T, Bradford, Kathleen, Chiotos, Bria M, Coates, Melissa L, Cullimore, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Heidi R, Flori, Shira J, Gertz, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Janet R, Hume, Katherine, Irby, Satoshi, Kamidani, Michele, Kong, Emily R, Levy, Elizabeth H, Mack, Aline B, Maddux, Kelly N, Michelson, Ryan A, Nofziger, Jennifer E, Schuster, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Laura, Smallcomb, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Tracie C, Walker, Matt S, Zinter, Suzanne M, Gilboa, Kara N, Polen, Angela P, Campbell, Adrienne G, Randolph, Manish M, Patel, Mia, Maamari
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MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 71:264-270
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for persons who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future, to protect them from COVID-19.
Kerri L, LaRovere, Tina Y, Poussaint, Cameron C, Young, Margaret M, Newhams, Suden, Kucukak, Katherine, Irby, Michele, Kong, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Tracie C, Walker, Melania M, Bembea, Kari, Wellnitz, Kevin M, Havlin, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Mark W, Hall, Julie C, Fitzgerald, Jennifer E, Schuster, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Natasha B, Halasa, Aalok R, Singh, Elizabeth H, Mack, Tamara T, Bradford, Shira J, Gertz, Adam J, Schwarz, Katri V, Typpo, Laura L, Loftis, John S, Giuliano, Steven M, Horwitz, Katherine V, Biagas, Katharine N, Clouser, Courtney M, Rowan, Aline B, Maddux, Vijaya L, Soma, Christopher J, Babbitt, Cassyanne L, Aguiar, Amanda R, Kolmar, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Helen, Harvey, Laura D, Zambrano, Angela P, Campbell, Adrienne G, Randolph, Manish M, Patel
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JAMA neurology.
In 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, neurologic involvement was common in children and adolescents hospitalized in the United States for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-related complications.To provide an update on the s
Yamuna Sanil, Jocelyn Ang, Richard U. Garcia, Usha Sethuraman, Rachel Taylor, Sanjeev Aggarwal, Preetha L. Balakrishnan, Ahmad Charaf Eddine, Amrit Misra, Jennifer M. Blake, Ahmad Farooqi, Raya Safa, Gautam K. Singh, Katherine Cashen, John N. Dentel, Sabrina M. Heidemann, Christian Bauerfield
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Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 34:862-876
BACKGROUND: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) associated with coronavirus disease 2019 causes significant cardiovascular involvement, which can be a determinant of clinical course and outcome. The aim of this study was to investig
Leila C Sahni, Ashley M Price, Samantha M Olson, Margaret M Newhams, Pia S Pannaraj, Aline B Maddux, Natasha B Halasa, Katherine E Bline, Melissa A Cameron, Stephanie P Schwartz, Tracie C Walker, Katherine Irby, Kathleen Chiotos, Ryan A Nofziger, Elizabeth H Mack, Laura Smallcomb, Tamara T Bradford, Satoshi Kamidani, Keiko M Tarquinio, Natalie Z Cvijanovich, Jennifer E Schuster, Samina S Bhumbra, Emily R Levy, Charlotte V Hobbs, Melissa L Cullimore, Bria M Coates, Sabrina M Heidemann, Shira J Gertz, Michele Kong, Heidi R Flori, Mary A Staat, Matt S Zinter, Janet R Hume, Brandon M Chatani, Mary G Gaspers, Mia Maamari, Adrienne G Randolph, Manish M Patel, Julie A Boom
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Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
Background Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine received emergency use authorization for persons ≥ 16 years in December 2020 and for adolescents 12–15 years in May 2021. Despite the clear benefits and favorable safety profile, vaccine uptake in adole
Laura D, Zambrano, Margaret M, Newhams, Samantha M, Olson, Natasha B, Halasa, Ashley M, Price, Amber O, Orzel, Cameron C, Young, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Aline B, Maddux, Katherine E, Bline, Satoshi, Kamidani, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Kathleen, Chiotos, Jennifer E, Schuster, Melissa L, Cullimore, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Ryan A, Nofziger, Pia S, Pannaraj, Melissa A, Cameron, Tracie C, Walker, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Kelly N, Michelson, Bria M, Coates, Heidi R, Flori, Elizabeth H, Mack, Laura, Smallcomb, Shira J, Gertz, Samina S, Bhumbra, Tamara T, Bradford, Emily R, Levy, Michele, Kong, Katherine, Irby, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Matt S, Zinter, Cindy, Bowens, Hillary, Crandall, Janet R, Hume, Manish M, Patel, Angela P, Campbell, Adrienne G, Randolph
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Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), linked to antecedent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, is associated with considerable morbidity. Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection or coronavirus disease 2
Lawrence C. Kleinman, Jennifer K. Gillen, Sule Doymaz, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Tamara T. Bradford, Aline B Maddux, Vinod Havalad, Rowan Walsh, Keiko M. Tarquinio, Anjali Gupta, Jane W. Newburger, Shira J. Gertz, Erica B. Rose, Lincoln S. Smith, Kimberly Marohn, Stacy Ramsingh, Amarilis A. Martin, Amanda N Lansell, Steven M. Horwitz, Matthew E. Oster, Sheemon P. Zackai, Aalok R. Singh, Leora R. Feldstein, Becky J. Riggs, Hulya Bukulmez, Hussam Alharash, Preeti Jaggi, John S. Giuliano, Simon Li, Mary Beth F. Son, Alvaro Coronado Munoz, Robert M. Parker, Mark W Tenforde, Ariel Daube, Adam J. Ratner, Margaret M Newhams, Christopher L. Carroll, Sabrina M. Heidemann, Michael A. Keenaghan, Katharine N. Clouser, Jennifer P. Collins, Manish M. Patel, Natasha B. Halasa, Adrienne G. Randolph, Charlotte V. Hobbs
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New England Journal of Medicine
The New England Journal of Medicine
The New England Journal of Medicine
Background Understanding the epidemiology and clinical course of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) and its temporal association with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is important, given the clinical and public health implicatio