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pro vyhledávání: '"S, Louvain"'
G.A.T. Laranja, Tatiana S. Louvain, Celso Luiz Salgueiro Lage, Franco Albano, Bárbara Balzana Mendes Pires, Israel Felzenszwalb, Maria Cristina da Costa e Silva, Karla Kovary
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British Journal of Nutrition. 85:431-440
Naturally occurring antioxidants such as carotenoids are extensively studied for their potential in reducing the risk for cancer and other chronic diseases. In the present study, the radical-scavenger activity of the food additive norbixin, a water-s
Isabelle, Niedhammer, Simone, David, Stephanie, Degioanni, Anne, Drummond, Pierre, Philip, D, Acquarone, F, Aicardi, P, André-Mazeaud, M, Arsento, R, Astier, H, Baille, F, Bajon-Thery, E, Barre, C, Basire, J L, Battu, S, Baudry, C, Beatini, N, Beaud'huin, C, Becker, D, Bellezza, C, Beque, O, Bernstein, C, Beyssier, F, Blanc-Cascio, N, Blanchet, C, Blondel, R, Boisselot, G, Bordes-Dupuy, N, Borrelly, D, Bouhnik, M F, Boulanger, J, Boulard, P, Borreau, D, Bourret, A M, Boustière, C, Breton, G, Bugeon, M, Buono-Michel, J F, Canonne, D, Capella, M, Cavin-Rey, C, Cervoni, D, Charreton, D, Charrier, M A, Chauvin, B, Chazal, C, Cougnot, G, Cuvelier, G, Dalivoust, R, Daumas, A, Debaille, L, De Bretteville, G, Delaforge, A, Delchambre, L, Domeny, Y, Donati, J, Ducord-Chapelet, C, Duran, D, Durand-Bruguerolle, D, Fabre, A, Faivre, R, Falleri, G, Ferrando, J, Ferrari-Galano, M, Flutet, J P, Fouché, F, Fournier, E, Freyder, M, Galy, A, Garcia, G, Gazazian, C, Gérard, F, Girard, M, Giuge, C, Goyer, C, Gravier, A, Guyomard, M C, Hacquin, E, Halimi, T, Ibagnes, P, Icart, M C, Jacquin, B, Jaubert, J P, Joret, J P, Julien, M, Kacel, E, Kesmedjian, P, Lacroix, M, Lafon-Borelli, S, Lallai, J, Laudicina, X, Leclercq, S, Ledieu, J, Leroy, L, Leroyer, F, Loesche, D, Londi, J M, Longueville, M C, Lotte, S, Louvain, M, Lozé, M, Maculet-Simon, G, Magallon, V, Marcelot, M C, Mareel, P, Martin, A M, Masse, M, Méric, C, Milliet, R, Mokhtari, A M, Monville, B, Muller, G, Obadia, M, Pelser, L, Peres, E, Perez, M, Peyron, F, Peyronnin, S, Postel, P, Presseq, E, Pyronnet, C, Quinsat, H, Raulot-Lapointe, P, Rigaud, F, Robert, O, Robert, K, Roger, A, Roussel, J P, Roux, D, Rubini-Remigy, N, Sabate, C, Saccomano-Pertus, B, Salengro, P, Salengro-Trouillez, E, Samson, L, Sendra-Gille, C, Seyrig, G, Stoll, N, Tarpinian, M, Tavernier, S, Tempesta, H, Terracol, F, Torresani, M F, Triglia, V, Vandomme, F, Vieillard, K, Vilmot, N, Vital
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SLEEP, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2009, 32 (9), pp.1211-9
SLEEP, 2009, 32 (9), pp.1211-9
SLEEP, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2009, 32 (9), pp.1211-9
SLEEP, 2009, 32 (9), pp.1211-9
SLEEP DISORDERS MAY BE HIGHLY PREVALENT AMONG MIDDLE-AGED POPULATIONS; STUDIES HAVE REPORTED PREVALENCES RANGING FROM 10% TO 40% in working populations,1–13 with insomnia being one of the most common disorders. In addition, a 1995 study estimated t
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Niedhammer I; INSERM, U1018, CESP Centre for research in epidemiology and population health, Epidemiology of occupational and social determinants of health team, Hôpital Paul Brousse, 94807 Villejuif, France. isabelle.niedhammer@inserm.fr, David S, Degioanni S, Drummond A, Philip P, Acquarone D, Aicardi F, André-Mazeaud P, Arsento M, Astier R, Baille H, Bajon-Thery F, Barre E, Basire C, Battu JL, Baudry S, Beatini C, Beaud'huin N, Becker C, Bellezza D, Beque C, Bernstein O, Beyssier C, Blanc-Cascio F, Blanchet N, Blondel C, Boisselot R, Bordes-Dupuy G, Borrelly N, Bouhnik D, Boulanger MF, Boulard J, Bourreau P, Bourret D, Boustière AM, Breton C, Bugeon G, Buono-Michel M, Canonne JF, Capella D, Cavin-Rey M, Cervoni C, Charreton D, Charrier D, Chauvin MA, Chazal B, Cougnot C, Cuvelier G, Dalivoust G, Daumas R, Debaille A, De Bretteville L, Delaforge G, Delchambre A, Domeny L, Donati Y, Ducord-Chapelet J, Duran C, Durand-Bruguerolle D, Fabre D, Faivre A, Falleri R, Ferrando G, Ferrari-Galano J, Flutet M, Fouché JP, Fournier F, Freyder E, Galy M, Garcia A, Gazazian G, Gérard C, Girard F, Giuge M, Goyer C, Gravier C, Guyomard A, Hacquin MC, Halimi E, Ibagnes T, Icart P, Jacquin MC, Jaubert B, Joret JP, Julien JP, Kacel M, Kesmedjian E, Lacroix P, Lafon-Borelli M, Lallai S, Laudicina J, Leclercq X, Ledieu S, Leroy J, Leroyer L, Loesche F, Londi D, Longueville JM, Lotte MC, Louvain S, Lozé M, Maculet-Simon M, Magallon G, Marcelot V, Mareel MC, Martin P, Masse AM, Méric M, Milliet C, Mokhtari R, Monville AM, Muller B, Obadia G, Pelser M, Peres L, Perez E, Peyron M, Peyronnin F, Postel S, Presseq P, Pyronnet E, Quinsat C, Raulot-Lapointe H, Rigaud P, Robert F, Robert O, Roger K, Roussel A, Roux JP, Rubini-Remigy D, Sabaté N, Saccomano-Pertus C, Salengro B, Salengro-Trouillez P, Samsom E, Sendra-Gille L, Seyrig C, Stoll G, Tarpinian N, Tavernier M, Tempesta S, Terracol H, Torresani F, Triglia MF, Vandomme V, Vieillard F, Vilmot K, Vital N
Publikováno v:
The Annals of occupational hygiene [Ann Occup Hyg] 2011 Mar; Vol. 55 (2), pp. 152-63. Date of Electronic Publication: 2010 Dec 20.