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pro vyhledávání: '"Remon Helmy"'
Katia Iglesias, Sabina De Geest, Lut Berben, Fabienne Dobbels, Kris Denhaerynk, L. Cynthia Russell, Remon Helmy, Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux, on behalf of the BRIGHT study team
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BMC Health Services Research, Vol 20, Iss 1, Pp 1-11 (2020)
Abstract Background Transplant recipients are chronically ill patients, who require lifelong follow-up to manage co-morbidities and prevent graft loss. This necessitates a system of care that is congruent with the Chronic Care Model. The eleven-item
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Yuliya, Senft, Monika, Kirsch, Kris, Denhaerynck, Fabienne, Dobbels, Remon, Helmy, Russell, Cynthia L., Lut, Berben, Sabina De Geest, Crespo-Leiro, Maria G., Sandra, Cupples, DE SIMONE, Paolo, Albert, Groenewoud, Christiane, Kugler, Linda, Ohler, Johan Van Cleemput, Alain Jean Poncelet, Laurent, Sebbag, Magali, Michel, Andrée, Bernard, Andreas, Doesch, Ugolino, Livi, Valentina, Manfredini, Vicens Brossa Loidi, Javier, Segovia, Luis, Almoner, Carmen Segura Saint-Gerons, Paul, Mohasco, Eva, Horvath, Cheryl, Riotto, Gareth, Parry, Ashi, Firouzi, Stella, Kozuszko, Haissam, Haddad, Annemarie, Kaan, Grant, Fisher, Tara, Miller, Maureen, Flattery, Kristin, Ludrosky, Bernice, Coleman, Jacqueline, Trammell, Clair, Katherine S. t., Andrew, Kao, Maria, Molina, Karyn Ryan Canales, Samira Scalso de Almeida, Cotait Ayoub, A., Fernanda, Barone, Michelle, Harkess, Joanne, Maddicks-Law
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European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 17:356-367
Background:As medication non-adherence is a major risk factor for poor post-transplant outcomes, we explored how adherence is assessed, enhanced and integrated across the transplant continuum.Aim:The aim of this study was to study practice patterns r
Kris Denhaerynck, Albert Groenewoud, Sandra Cupples, Annemarie Kaan, Christiane Kugler, Eva Horvath, Javier Segovia-Cubero, Paolo De Simone, Paul Mohacsi, Andrew Kao, Eva Baumgartner, Ashi Firouzi, Bernice Coleman, Samira Scalso de Almeida, Linda Ohler, Joanne Maddicks-Law, Gareth Parry, Ugolino Livi, Haissam Haddad, María G. Crespo-Leiro, Karyn Ryan Canales, M. Harkess, Gabriele Berger, Kristin Ludrosky, Johan Van Cleemput, Jacqueline Trammell, Andrée Bernard, Katherine St. Clair, V. Manfredini, Christine Vetter, Maan Isabella Cajita, L. Sebbag, Vicens Brossa-Loidi, Grant Fisher, Tara Miller, Maria Molina, Cynthia L. Russell, Remon Helmy, Sandra Schönfeld, Andrea Cotait Ayoub, Carmen Segura Saint-Gerons, Lut Berben, Andreas O. Doesch, Magali Michel, Fernanda Barone, Maureen Flattery, Luis Almenar-Bonet, Fabienne Dobbels, Cheryl Riotto, Alain Poncelet, S. Kozuszko, Sabina De Geest
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Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, Vol. 46, no.5, p. 351-356 (2022)
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to: (1) explore the proportion of HTx centers that have a multidisciplinary team and (2) assess the relationship between multidisciplinarity and the level of chronic illness management (CIM). BACKGROUND:
Ira B. Wilson, Remon Helmy, Dyfrig A. Hughes, Leah L. Zullig, Bernard Vrijens, Sabina De Geest, Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob
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Ann Intern Med
Research on assessing or managing medication adherence applies approaches from observational, interventional, and implementation science that spans many disciplines and demands coherent conceptualization, valid methods, appropriate analyses, and comp
Bartira de Aguiar Roza, Andreas O. Doesch, Magali Michel, Gareth Parry, Andrea Cotait Ayoub, Marisa G. Crespo-Leiro, Paul Mohacsi, M. Harkess, Albert Groenewoud, Tara Miller, Sabina De Geest, Maureen Flattery, Christiane Kugler, Linda Ohler, Johan Van Cleemput, Cheryl Riotto, Fabienne Dobbels, Andrée Bernard, Haissam Haddad, Sandra Cupples, Nancy M. Albert, Remon Helmy, Flavio Epstein, Eva Horvath, Fernanda Barone, Karyn Ryan Canales, Annemarie Kaan, Paolo De Simone, Lut Berben, Samira Scalso de Almeida, Jacqueline Trammell, Ugolino Livi, Ashi Firouzi, Carmen Segura Saint-Gerons, Kris Denhaerynck, Luis Almenar-Bonet, Javier Segovia-Cubero, Alain Poncelet, S. Kozuszko, Kristin Ludrosky, Andrew Kao, Cynthia L. Russell, Grant Fisher, Katherine St. Clair, Bernice Coleman, Joanne Maddicks-Law, Luciano Potena, Maria Molina, L. Sebbag, Vicens Brossa-Loidi
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r-IIS La Fe. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe
r-IIB SANT PAU. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica Sant Pau
Clin. Ther.
Clin. Ther., 2019, 41 (1), pp.130--136. ⟨10.1016/j.clinthera.2018.11.007⟩
r-IIS La Fe. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe
r-IIB SANT PAU. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica Sant Pau
Clin. Ther.
Clin. Ther., 2019, 41 (1), pp.130--136. ⟨10.1016/j.clinthera.2018.11.007⟩
PURPOSE: To assess and compare the prevalence of medication nonadherence (MNA) (implementation and persistence) to immunosuppressants and co-medications in heart transplant recipients. METHODS: MNA prevalence was assessed using the Basel Assessment o
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K. Denhaerynk, Katia Iglesias, S. De Geest, X. Luta, Remon Helmy, Cynthia L. Russell, Fabienne Dobbels, I. Peytremann-Bridevaux
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The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 37:S421
Marisa G. Crespo-Leiro, S. De Geest, Nathalie Duerinckx, Cynthia L. Russell, Lut Berben, Johan Vanhaecke, Fabienne Dobbels, K. Denhaerynckx, Remon Helmy
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The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 37:S20
Marisa G. Crespo-Leiro, Lut Berben, Nathalie Duerinckx, Johan Vanhaecke, Cynthia L. Russell, Remon Helmy, Fabienne Dobbels, S. De Geest, Kris Denhaerynck
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The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 35:S146-S147
Bernard Vrijens, Ira B. Wilson, Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, S. De Geest, Dyfrig A. Hughes, Remon Helmy, Leah L. Zullig
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BMJ Open
INTRODUCTION: Medication adherence is fundamental to achieving optimal patient outcomes. Reporting research on medication adherence suffers from some issues-including conceptualisation, measurement and data analysis-that thwart its advancement. Using
Denhaerynck, Kris, Wermuth, Gabriele Berger, Dobbels, Fabienne, Berben, Lut, Russell, Cynthia L., De Geest, Sabina
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Transplant International; 2024, p1-10, 10p