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pro vyhledávání: '"R, Salazar Murillo"'
R. Salazar-Murillo, S. Campos-García, M.J. González-Blanco, S. García-Pacheco, P. Bolívar-Montesa
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RUNA. Repositorio da Consellería de Sanidade e Sergas
Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS)
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología v.87 n.12 2012
SciELO España. Revistas Científicas Españolas de Ciencias de la Salud
Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS)
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología v.87 n.12 2012
SciELO España. Revistas Científicas Españolas de Ciencias de la Salud
Resumen Caso clinico Lactante de 2 meses con un hemangioma de crecimiento rapido en la hemicara izquierda, que afecta al parpado superior y la porcion superoexterna de la orbita, obstaculizando el eje visual y desplazando medialmente el recto lateral
P. Vega Toro, J. Alonso Flores, M. García Pérez, J. Espinosa Olmedo, J.M. Conde Sánchez, R. Salazar murillo, J. Amaya Gutiérrez
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Actas Urológicas Españolas. 25:315-319
Bladder hernia is an uncommon condition with a frequency between 0.5 and 3%, reaching the 10% between patients older than 50 years. It's more predominant in males aged between 50 and 70. The diagnosis usually happens in the course of surgical repair
J. Amaya Gutiérrez, J. Espinosa Olmedo, R. Salazar murillo, E. Camacho Martínez, M. García Pérez, P. Blasco Hernández, J.M. Conde Sánchez
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Actas Urológicas Españolas. 25:237-240
We report a case of a presacral benign schwannoma which causes right hydroureteronephrosis without other clinical findings. After a fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy under computed tomography (CT) guidance, a fusocellular tumour without athypia was
R, Salazar-Murillo, S, García-Pacheco, M J, González-Blanco, P, Bolívar-Montesa, S, Campos-García
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Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia. 87(12)
A 2-months-old girl had a fast growth hemangioma in the left side of the face, that involved upper eyelid and superior and external portion of the orbit, covering her visual axis and pushing the eye and lateral rectus muscle. We gave oral propranolol
J M, Conde Sánchez, J, Espinosa Olmedo, R, Salazar Murillo, P, Vega Toro, J, Amaya Gutiérrez, J, Alonso Flores, M, García Pérez
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Actas urologicas espanolas. 25(4)
Bladder hernia is an uncommon condition with a frequency between 0.5 and 3%, reaching the 10% between patients older than 50 years. It's more predominant in males aged between 50 and 70. The diagnosis usually happens in the course of surgical repair
J M, Conde Sánchez, J, Espinosa Olmedo, E, Camacho Martínez, R, Salazar Murillo, P, Blasco Hernández, J, Amaya Gutiérrez, M, García Pérez
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Actas urologicas espanolas. 25(3)
We report a case of a presacral benign schwannoma which causes right hydroureteronephrosis without other clinical findings. After a fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy under computed tomography (CT) guidance, a fusocellular tumour without athypia was
M, Domínguez Domínguez, J, Amaya Gutiérrez, R, Salazar Murillo, J, Rico López, E, Camacho Martínez, M, García Pérez
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Actas urologicas espanolas. 23(6)
Contribution of one case report of cystic dysplasia of the seminal vesicle with ipsilateral renal agenesis in a 32 year-old male presenting with primary infertility. The seminograms showed moderate astenoteratospermia while in the abdominal-pelvic ul
J, Rico López, J, Amaya Gutiérrez, P, Blasco Hernández, E, Camacho Martínez, R, Salazar Murillo, A, Mayol Deya, M, García Pérez
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Actas urologicas espanolas. 22(6)
High flow priapism is an infrequent entity, generally following traumatic injuries in the genito-perineal area. Anamnesis, cavernous bodies blood gasometry and Doppler are the basic diagnostic tools for these condition. Therapeutical management is co
C, Reina Ruiz, R, Quintero Rodríguez, J, Espinosa Olmedo, M, Arrabal Martín, P, Campoy Martínez, R, Salazar Murillo, M, García Pérez
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Actas urologicas espanolas. 19(10)
The treatment of ureteral lithiasis has undergone a revolution since the arrival of new techniques offering different therapeutical choices for which time is gradually elucidating the indications for each of the new procedures; although, to a large e
P, Blasco Hernández, E, Camacho Martínez, R, Quintero Rodríguez, P, Campoy Martínez, E, Vilches Cocovi, R, Salazar Murillo, M, García Pérez
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Actas urologicas espanolas. 19(10)
The origin of vesical and lower urinary tract foreign bodies is very wide, the specialized literature descriptions ranging from urethral dilators to coffee spoons handles through wires, cables and surgical instrumentation. The most frequent entry rou