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pro vyhledávání: '"PAILLOT, B."'
Adenis, A., Alessio, A., Aouakli, A., Azzedine, A., Bedjaoui, A., Bidault, A., Blanchi, A., Botton, A., Cadier-Lagnes, A., Fatisse, A., Gagnaire, A., Gilbert, A., Gueye, A., Hollebecque, A., Lemaire, A., Mahamat, A., Marre, A., Patenotte, A., Rotenberg, A., Roussel, A., Thirot-Bidault, A., Votte, A., Weber, A., Zaanan, A., Dupont-Gossart, A.C., Villing, A.L., Queuniet, A.M., Coudert, B., Denis, B., Garcia, B., Lafforgue, B., Landi, B., Leduc, B., Linot, B., Paillot, B., Rhein, B., Winkfield, B., Barberis, C., Becht, C., Belletier, C., Berger, C., Bineau, C., Borel, C., Brezault, C., Buffet, C., Cornila, C., Couffon, C., De La Fouchardière, C., Giraud, C., Lecaille, C., Lepere, C., Lobry, C., Locher, C., Lombard-Bohas, C., Paoletti, C., Platini, C., Rebischung, C., Sarda, C., Vilain, C., Briac-Levaché, C., Auby, D., Baudet-Klepping, D., Bechade, D., Besson, D., Cleau, D., Festin, D., Gargot, D., Genet, D., Goldfain, D., Luet, D., Malka, D., Peré-Vergé, D., Pillon, D., Sevin-Robiche, D., Smith, D., Soubrane, D., Tougeron, D., Zylberait, D., Carola, E., Cuillerier, E., Dorval Danquechin, E., Echinard, E., Janssen, E., Maillard, E., Mitry, E., Norguet-Monnereau, E., Suc, E., Terrebonne, E., Zrihen, E., Pariente, E.A., Almaric, F., Audemar, F., Bonnetain, F., Desseigne, F., Dewaele, F., Di Fiore, F., Ghiringhelli, F., Husseini, F., Khemissa, F., Kikolski, F., Morvan, F., Petit-Laurent, F., Riot, F., Subtil, F., Zerouala-Boussaha, F., Caroli-Bosc, F.X., Boilleau-Jolimoy, G., Bordes, G., Cavaglione, G., Coulanjon, G., Deplanque, G., Gatineau-Saillant, G., Goujon, G., Medinger, G., Roquin, G., Brixi-Benmansour, H., Castanie, H., Lacroix, H., Maechel, H., Perrier, H., Salloum, H., Senellart, H., Baumgaertner, I., Cumin, I., Graber, I., Trouilloud, I., Boutin, J., Butel, J., Charneau, J., Cretin, J., Dauba, J., Deguiral, J., Egreteau, J., Ezenfis, J., Forestier, J., Goineau, J., Lacourt, J., Lafon, J., Martin, J., Meunier, J., Moreau, J., Provencal, J., Taieb, J., Thaury, J., Tuaillon, J., Vergniol, J., Villand, J., Vincent, J., Volet, J., Bachet, J.B., Barbare, J.C., Souquet, J.C., Grangé, J.D., Dor, J.F., Paitel, J.F., Jouve, J.L., Raoul, J.L., Cheula, J.M., Gornet, J.M., Sabate, J.M., Vantelon, J.M., Vaillant, J.N., Aucouturier, J.P., Barbieux, J.P., Herr, J.P., Lafargue, J.P., Lagasse, J.P., Latrive, J.P., Plachot, J.P., Ramain, J.P., Robin, J.P., Spano, J.P., Douillard, J.Y., Beerblock, K., Bouhier-Leporrier, K., Slimane Fawzi, K., Cany, L., Chone, L., Dahan, L., Gasnault, L., Rob, L., Stefani, L., Wander, L., Baconnier, M., Ben Abdelghani, M., Benchalal, M., Blasquez, M., Carreiro, M., Charbit, M., Combe, M., Duluc, M., Fayolle, M., Gignoux, M., Giovannini, M., Glikmanas, M., Mabro, M., Mignot, M., Mornet, M., Mousseau, M., Mozer, M., Pauwels, M., Pelletier, M., Porneuf, M., Ramdani, M., Schnee, M., Tissot, M., Zawadi, M., Clavero-Fabri, M.C., Gouttebel, M.C., Kaminsky, M.C., Galais, M.P., Abdelli, N., Barrière, N., Bouaria, N., Bouarioua, N., Delas, N., Gérardin, N., Hess-Laurens, N., Stremsdoerfer, N., Berthelet, O., Boulat, O., Capitain, O., Favre, O., Amoyal, P., Bergerault, P., Burtin, P., Cassan, P., Chatrenet, P., Chiappa, P., Claudé, P., Couzigou, P., Feydy, P., Follana, P., Geoffroy, P., Godeau, P., Hammel, P., Laplaige, P., Lehair, P., Martin, P., Novello, P., Pantioni, P., Pienkowski, P., Pouderoux, P., Prost, P., Ruszniewski, P., Souillac, P., Texereau, P., Thévenet, P., Haineaux, P.A., Benoit, R., Coriat, R., Lamy, R., Mackiewicz, R., Beorchia, S., Chaussade, S., Hiret, S., Jacquot, S., Lavau Denes, S., Montembault, S., Nahon, S., Nasca, S., Nguyen, S., Oddou-Lagraniere, S., Pesque-Penaud, S., Fratte, S.P., Chatellier, T., Mansourbakht, T., Morin, T., Walter, T., Boige, V., Bourgeois, V., Derias, V., Guérin-Meyer, V., Hautefeuille, V., Jestin Le Tallec, V., Lorgis, V., Quentin, V., Sebbagh, V., Veuillez, V., Adhoute, X., Coulaud, X., Becouarn, Y., Coscas, Y., Courouble, Y., Le Bricquir, Y., Molin, Y., Rinaldi, Y., Lam, Y.H., Ladhib, Z., Aparicio, Thomas, Ducreux, Michel, Faroux, Roger, Barbier, Emilie, Manfredi, Sylvain, Lecomte, Thierry, Etienne, Pierre-Luc, Bedenne, Laurent, Bennouna, Jaafar, Phelip, Jean-Marc, François, Eric, Michel, Pierre, Legoux, Jean-Louis, Gasmi, Mohamed, Breysacher, Gilles, Rougier, Philippe, De Gramont, Aimery, Lepage, Come, Bouché, Olivier, Seitz, Jean-François
Publikováno v:
In European Journal of Cancer July 2018 98:1-9
Sarter, Hélène, Savoye, Guillaume, Marot, Guillemette, Ley, Delphine, Turck, Dominique, Hugot, Jean-Pierre, Vasseur, Francis, Duhamel, Alain, Wils, Pauline, Princen, Fred, Colombel, Jean-Frédéric, Gower-Rousseau, Corinne, Fumery, Mathurin, Al Hameedi, R, Al Khatib, M, Al Turk, S, Agoute, E, Andre, J, Antonietti, M, Aouakli, A, Armand, A, Armengol-Debeir, L, Aroichane, I, Assi, F, Aubet, J, Auxenfants, E, Avram, A, Ayafi-Ramelot, F, Azzouzi, K, Bankovski, D, Barbry, B, Bardoux, N, Baron, P, Baudet, A, Bayart, P, Bazin, B, Bebahani, A, Becqwort, J, Bellati, S, Benet, V, Benali, H, Benard, C, Benguigui, C, Ben Soussan, E, Bental, A, Berkelmans, I, Bernet, J, Bernou, K, Bernou-Dron, C, Bertot, P, Bertiaux-Vandaële, N, Bertrand, V, Billoud, E, Biron, N, Bismuth, B, Bleuet, M, Blondel, F, Blondin, V, Bobula, M, Bohon, P, Bondjemah, V, Boniface, E, Bonkovski, D, Bonnière, P, Bonvarlet, E, Bonvarlet, P, Boruchowicz, A, Bostvironnois, R, Boualit, M, Bouazza, A, Bouche, B, Boudaillez, C, Bourgeaux, C, Bourgeois, M, Bourguet, A, Bourienne, A, Boutaleb, H, Bouthors, A, Branche, J, Bray, G, Brazier, F, Breban, P, Bridenne, M, Brihier, H, Bril, L, Brung-Lefebvre, V, Bulois, P, Burgiere, P, Butel, J, Canva, J, Canva-Delcambre, V, Capron, J, Cardot, F, Carette, S, Carpentier, P, Cartier, E, Cassar, J, Cassagnou, M, Castex, J, Catala, P, Cattan, S, Catteau, S, Caujolle, B, Cayron, G, Chandelier, C, Chantre, M, Charles, J, Charneau, T, Chavance-Thelu, M, Cheny, A, Chirita, D, Choteau, A, Claerbout, J, Clergue, P, Coevoet, H, Cohen, G, Collet, R, Colin, M, Colombel, J, Coopman, S, Cordiez, L, Corvisart, J, Cortot, A, Couttenier, F, Crinquette, J, Crombe, V, Dadamessi, I, Daoudi, H, Dapvril, V, Davion, T, Dautreme, S, Debas, J, Decoster, S, Degrave, N, Dehont, F, Delatre, C, Delcenserie, R, Delesalle, D, Delette, O, Delgrange, T, Delhoustal, L, Delmotte, J, Demmane, S, Deregnaucourt, G, Descombes, P, Desechalliers, J, Desmet, P, Desreumaux, P, Desseaux, G, Desurmont, P, Devienne, A, Devouge, E, Devred, M, Devroux, A, Dewailly, A, Dharancy, S, Di Fiore, A, Djedir, D, Djedir, R, Doleh, W, Dreher-Duwat, M, Dubois, R, Duburque, C, Ducatillon, P, Duclay, J, Ducrocq, B, Ducrot, F, Ducrotte, P, Dufilho, A, Duhamel, C, Dujardin, D, Dumant-Forest, C, Dupas, J, Dupont, F, Duranton, Y, Duriez, A, Duveau, N, El Achkar, K, El Farisi, M, Elie, C, Elie-Legrand, M, Elkhaki, A, Eoche, M, Essmaeel, E, Evrard, D, Evrard, J, Fatome, A, Filoche, B, Finet, L, Flahaut, M, Flamme, C, Foissey, D, Fournier, P, Foutrein-Comes, M, Foutrein, P, Fremond, D, Frere, T, Gallais, P, Gamblin, C, Ganga, S, Gerard, R, Geslin, G, Gheyssens, Y, Ghossini, N, Ghrib, S, Gilbert, T, Gillet, B, Godart, D, Godard, P, Godchaux, J, Godchaux, R, Goegebeur, G, Goria, O, Gottrand, F, Gower, P, Grandmaison, B, Groux, M, Guedon, C, Guerbeau, L, Gueroult-Dero, M, Guillard, J, Guillem, L, Guillemot, F, Guimberd, D, Haddouche, B, Hakim, S, Hanon, D, Hautefeuille, V, Heckestweiller, P, Hecquet, G, Hedde, J, Hellal, H, Henneresse, P, Heyman, B, Heraud, M, Herve, S, Hochain, P, Houssin-Bailly, L, Houcke, P, Huguenin, B, Iobagiu, S, Istanboli, S, Ivanovic, A, Iwanicki-Caron, I, Janicki, E, Jarry, M, Jeu, J, Joly, J, Jonas, C, Jouvenet, A, Katherin, F, Kerleveo, A, Khachfe, A, Kiriakos, A, Kiriakos, J, Klein, O, Kohut, M, Kornhauser, R, Koutsomanis, D, Laberenne, J, Lacotte, E, Laffineur, G, Lagarde, M, Lalanne, A, Lalieu, A, Lannoy, P, Lapchin, J, Laprand, M, Laude, D, Leblanc, R, Lecieux, P, Lecleire, S, Leclerc, N, Le Couteulx, C, Ledent, J, Lefebvre, J, Lefiliatre, P, Le Goffic, C, Legrand, C, Le Grix, A, Lelong, P, Leluyer, B, Lemaitre, C, Lenaerts, C, Lepeut, G, Lepileur, L, Leplat, A, Lepoutre-Dujardin, E, Leroi, H, Leroy, M, Le Roy, P, Lesage, B, Lesage, J, Lesage, X, Lescanne-Darchis, I, Lescut, J, Lescut, D, Leurent, B, Levy, P, Lhermie, M, Libier, L, Lion, A, Lisambert, B, Loge, I, Loire, F, Loreau, J, Louf, S, Louvet, A, Lubret, L, Luciani, M, Lucidarme, D, Lugand, J, Macaigne, O, Maetz, D, Maillard, D, Mancheron, H, Manolache, O, Marks-Brunel, A, Marre, C, Marti, R, Martin, F, Martin, G, Marzloff, E, Mathurin, P, Mauillon, J, Maunoury, V, Maupas, J, Medam Djomo, M, Mechior, C, Melki, Z, Mesnard, B, Metayer, P, Methari, L, Meurisse, B, Meurisse, F, Michaud, L, Mirmaran, X, Modaine, P, Monthe, A, Morel, L, Mortier, P, Moulin, E, Mouterde, O, Mozziconaci, N, Mudry, J, Nachury, M, Ngo, M, N’guyen Khac, Eric, Notteghem, B, Ollevier, V, Ostyn, A, Ouraghi, A, Oussadou, B, Ouvry, D, Paillot, B, Painchart, C, Panien-Claudot, N, Paoletti, C, Papazian, A, Parent, B, Pariente, B, Paris, J, Patrier, P, Paupard, T, Pauwels, B, Pauwels, M, Penninck, E, Petit, R, Piat, M, Piotte, S, Plane, C, Plouvier, B, Pollet, E, Pommelet, P, Pop, D, Pordes, C, Pouchain, G, Prades, P, Prevost, A, Prevost, J, Quartier, G, Quesnel, B, Queuniet, A, Quinton, J, Rabache, A, Rabelle, P, Raclot, G, Ratajczyk, S, Rault, D, Razemon, V, Reix, N, Renaut-Vantroys, T, Revillion, M, Riachi, G, Richez, C, Robinson, P, Rodriguez, J, Roger, J, Roux, J, Rudelli, A, Saber, A, Savoye, G, Schlossberg, P, Sefrioui, D, Segrestin, M, Seguy, D, Seminur, C, Serin, M, Seryer, A, Sevenet, F, Shekh, N, Silvie, J, Simon, V, Spyckerelle, C, Talbodec, N, Tavernier, N, Tchandeu, H, Techy, A, Thelu, J, Thevenin, A, Thiebault, H, Thomas, J, Thorel, J, Thuillier, C, Tielman, G, Tode, M, Toisin, J, Tonnel, J, Touchais, J, Toumelin, P, Touze, Y, Tranvouez, J, Triplet, C, Triki, N, Turck, D, Uhlen, S, Vaillant, E, Valmage, C, Vanco, D, Vandaele-Bertiaux, N, Vandamme, H, Vanderbecq, E, Vander Eecken, E, Vandermolen, P, Vandevenne, P, Vandeville, L, Vandewalle, A, Vandewalle, C, Vaneslander, P, Vanhoove, J, Vanrenterghem, A, Vanveuren, C, Varlet, P, Vasies, I, Verbiese, G, Verlynde, J, Vernier-Massouille, G, Vermelle, P, Verne, C, Vezilier-Cocq, P, Vigneron, B, Vincendet, M, Viot, J, Voiment, Y, Wacrenier, A, Waeghemaecker, L, Wallez, J, Wantiez, M, Wartel, F, Weber, J, Willocquet, J, Wizla, N, Wolschies, E, Zaharia, O, Zaoui, S, Zalar, A, Zaouri, B, Zellweger, A, Ziade, C, Beaugerie, L, Allez, M, Ruemmele, F, Lamer, A, Roy, M
Publikováno v:
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023, ⟨10.1093/ibd/izad090⟩
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023, ⟨10.1093/ibd/izad090⟩
International audience; Background The identification of patients at high risk of a disabling disease course would be invaluable in guiding initial therapy in Crohn’s disease (CD). Our objective was to evaluate a combination of clinical, serologica
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K zobrazení výsledku je třeba se přihlásit.
K zobrazení výsledku je třeba se přihlásit.
the ECP Colon Group, Faivre, J, Couillault, C, Kronborg, O, Rath, U, Giacosa, A, De Oliveira, H, Obrador, T, O'Morain, C, Andreatta, R, Buset, M, Crespon, B, Fenger, K, Justum, A M, Kerr, G, Legoux, J L, Marks, C, Matek, W, Owen, R W, Paillot, B, Piard, F, Pienkowski, P, Pignatelle, M, Prada, A, Pujol, J, Rozen, P, Richter, F, Seitz, J F, Sturniolo, G C, Zambelli, A
Publikováno v:
European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 1997 Apr 01. 6(2), 132-138.
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Antoine, V., Roigt, F., Bodenan, L., Paillot, B., de la Forest-Divonne, F., Rajafimamonjy, J., Cambon, H., Feignon, A., Mallet, A.
Publikováno v:
In NPG Neurologie - Psychiatrie - Geriatrie 2007 7(42):35-48
Seitz, J.-F. *, Bennouna, J., Paillot, B., Gamelin, E., François, E., Conroy, T., Raoul, J.-L., Becouarn, Y., Bertheault-Cvitkovic, F., Ychou, M., Nasca, S., Fandi, A., Barthelemy, P., Douillard, J.-Y.
Publikováno v:
In Annals of Oncology July 2002 13(7):1072-1079
Conroy, T. *, Etienne, P.-L., Adenis, A., Ducreux, M., Paillot, B., Oliveira, J., Seitz, J.-F., Francois, E., Van Cutsem, E., Wagener, D.J.T., Kohser, F., Daamen, S., Praet, M., Gorlia, T., Baron, B., Wils, J.
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In Annals of Oncology May 2002 13(5):721-729
Akademický článek
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K zobrazení výsledku je třeba se přihlásit.
K zobrazení výsledku je třeba se přihlásit.
Wobbes, Th. *, Baron, B., Paillot, B., Jacob, J.H., Haegele, P., Gignoux, M., Michel, P., Couvreur, M-L.
Publikováno v:
In European Journal of Cancer March 2001 37(4):470-477
Nordlinger, B, Sorbye, H, Glimelius, B, Poston, Gj, Schlag, Pm, Rougier, P, Bechstein, Wo, Primrose, Jn, Walpole, Et, FINCH JONES, M, Jaeck, D, Mirza, D, Parks, Rw, Collette, L, Praet, M, Bethe, U, VAN CUTSEM, E, Scheithauer, W, Gruenberger, T, Hohenberger, W, Iveson, T, Karner, J, Levi, J, Hugh, T, DE GREVE, J, Chan, A, Davidson, B, Lindner, P, Peeters, M, Stein, B, Diamond, T, Ducreux, M, Lasser, P, Graeven, U, Paillot, B, Doran, J, Gouillat, C, Iesalnieks, I, Jauch, Kw, JAGOT LACOUSSIERE, P, Jansen, Rl, Koehne, H, Konopke, R, Otto, F, Sherlock, D, VAN HAZEL, G, Ackland, S, Bedenne, L, Bories, E, CLAVERO FABRI MC, Conroy, T, KAMINSKY FORRETT MC, Husseini, F, Karapetis, C, Mãœller, L, Price, T, Rosenberg, R, Schott, J, Tschmelitsch, J, VAN LAETHEM JL, Wals, J, Weimann, A, Arnaud, Jp, Arsene, D, Auby, D, Bhattacharya, S, Cebon, E, Cherqui, D, Confente, C, Dousset, B, Frickhofen, N, Frilling, A, Evan, P, Ganju, V, Hã–ffken, K, Lazorthes, F, Letoublon, C, Madroszyk, A, Nitti, Donato, Orr, B, Pariente, Ea, Pector, Jc, Raoul, Jl, Rees, M, Ridwelski, K, Rouanet, P, Toogood, Gj, Vergauwe, P, Wilke, Hj, Kaplan, R, Horiot, Jc, Littbrand, B, Awada, A, Stenning, S, Lejeune, F.
Publikováno v:
Lancet, Elsevier, 2008, 371 (9617), pp.1007-1016. ⟨10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60455-9⟩
Nordlinger, B, Sorbye, H, Glimelius, B, Poston, G J, Schlag, P M, Rougier, P, Bechstein, W O, Primrose, J N, Walpole, E T, Finch-Jones, M, Jaeck, D, Mirza, D, Parks, R W, Collette, L, Praet, M, Bethe, U, Van Cutsem, E & Scheithauer, W & Gruenberger, T 2008, ' Perioperative chemotherapy with FOLFOX4 and surgery versus surgery alone for resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer (EORTC Intergroup trial 40983) : a randomised controlled trial ', The Lancet, vol. 371, no. 9617, pp. 1007-16 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60455-9
Lancet, Elsevier, 2008, 371 (9617), pp.1007-1016. ⟨10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60455-9⟩
Nordlinger, B, Sorbye, H, Glimelius, B, Poston, G J, Schlag, P M, Rougier, P, Bechstein, W O, Primrose, J N, Walpole, E T, Finch-Jones, M, Jaeck, D, Mirza, D, Parks, R W, Collette, L, Praet, M, Bethe, U, Van Cutsem, E & Scheithauer, W & Gruenberger, T 2008, ' Perioperative chemotherapy with FOLFOX4 and surgery versus surgery alone for resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer (EORTC Intergroup trial 40983) : a randomised controlled trial ', The Lancet, vol. 371, no. 9617, pp. 1007-16 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60455-9
Summary Background Surgical resection alone is regarded as the standard of care for patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer, but relapse is common. We assessed the combination of perioperative chemotherapy and surgery compared with surg