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Newton-Vesty MC; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.; Australian Research Council Centre for Cryo-electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins, Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia., Currie MJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Davies JS; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Panjikar S; Australian Synchrotron, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), 800 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia.; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria 3800, Australia., Sethi A; Australian Synchrotron, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), 800 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia., Whitten AE; Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS), ANSTO, Lucas Heights, New South Wales 2234, Australia., Tillett ZD; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Wood DM; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Wright JD; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Love MJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Allison TM; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Jamieson SA; Biochemistry Department, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand., Mace PD; Biochemistry Department, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand., North RA; School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia., Dobson RCJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.; Australian Research Council Centre for Cryo-electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins, Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.; Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia.
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The Biochemical journal [Biochem J] 2024 Dec 18; Vol. 481 (24), pp. 1901-1920.
King-Hudson TJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand., Davies JS; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand; Computational and Structural Biology Division, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia. Electronic address: j.davies@victorchang.edu.au., Quan S; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand., Currie MJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand., Tillett ZD; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand., Copping J; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand., Panjikar S; Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO, Clayton, Victoria, Australia; Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia., Friemann R; Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research (CARe) at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden., Allison JR; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand., North RA; School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia., Dobson RCJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand; Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. Electronic address: renwick.dobson@canterbury.ac.nz.
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The Journal of biological chemistry [J Biol Chem] 2024 Nov; Vol. 300 (11), pp. 107851. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Sep 30.
Currie MJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand., Davies JS; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden., Scalise M; Department DiBEST (Biologia, Ecologia, Scienze della Terra) Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy., Gulati A; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden., Wright JD; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand., Newton-Vesty MC; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand., Abeysekera GS; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand., Subramanian R; Biological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Bindley Bioscience Center, Purdue University West Lafayette, West Lafayette, United States., Wahlgren WY; Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Structural Biology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden., Friemann R; Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research (CARe) at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden., Allison JR; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Digital Life Institute, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand., Mace PD; Biochemistry Department, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand., Griffin MDW; ARC Centre for Cryo-electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins, Bio Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia., Demeler B; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Montana, Missoula, United States.; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada., Wakatsuki S; Biological Sciences Division, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, United States.; Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, United States., Drew D; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden., Indiveri C; Department DiBEST (Biologia, Ecologia, Scienze della Terra) Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy.; CNR Institute of Biomembranes, Bioenergetics and Molecular Biotechnologies (IBIOM), Bari, Italy., Dobson RCJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.; ARC Centre for Cryo-electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins, Bio Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia., North RA; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.; School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
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ELife [Elife] 2024 Feb 13; Vol. 12. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Feb 13.
Davies JS; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden., Currie MJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand; School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand., Dobson RCJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand; School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand; Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia., Horne CR; Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, 1G Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia; Department of Medical Biology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia; Drug Discovery Biology, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia. Electronic address: horne.c@wehi.edu.au., North RA; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden; School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Electronic address: rachel.north@sydney.edu.au.
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Trends in biochemical sciences [Trends Biochem Sci] 2024 Feb; Vol. 49 (2), pp. 134-144. Date of Electronic Publication: 2023 Dec 14.
Khanppnavar B; Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland. Electronic address: basavraj.khanppnavar@psi.ch., North RA; School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia. Electronic address: rachel.north@sydney.edu.au., Ventura S; Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina (IBB) and Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: Salvador.Ventura@uab.cat., Xu Y; Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, New Cornerstone Science Laboratory, Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China. Electronic address: xuyh@fudan.edu.cn.
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Trends in biochemical sciences [Trends Biochem Sci] 2024 Feb; Vol. 49 (2), pp. 93-96. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Jan 09.
Molyneaux, E, Pasupathy, D, Kenny, LC, McCowan, LME, North, RA, Dekker, GA, Walker, JJ, Baker, PN, Poston, L, Howard, LM
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Journal of Affective Disorders
Molyneaux, E, Pasupathy, D, Kenny, LC, McCowan, LME, North, RA, Dekker, GA, Walker, JJ, Baker, PN, Poston, L & Howard, LM 2016, ' Socio-economic status influences the relationship between obesity and antenatal depression: data from a prospective cohort study ', Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 202, pp. 124–127 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2016.05.061
Molyneaux, E, Pasupathy, D, Kenny, LC, McCowan, LME, North, RA, Dekker, GA, Walker, JJ, Baker, PN, Poston, L & Howard, LM 2016, ' Socio-economic status influences the relationship between obesity and antenatal depression: data from a prospective cohort study ', Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 202, pp. 124–127 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2016.05.061
Background Obesity has been associated with increased risk of antenatal depression, but little is known about this relationship. This study tested whether socio-economic status (SES) influences the relationship between obesity and antenatal depressio
North RA; Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK.
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Function (Oxford, England) [Function (Oxf)] 2023 Mar 23; Vol. 4 (3), pp. zqad014. Date of Electronic Publication: 2023 Mar 23 (Print Publication: 2023).
Davies JS; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand.; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 10691, Stockholm, Sweden., Currie MJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand., North RA; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand. rachel.north@dbb.su.se.; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 10691, Stockholm, Sweden. rachel.north@dbb.su.se., Scalise M; Department DiBEST (Biologia, Ecologia, Scienze della Terra) Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci 4C, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy., Wright JD; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand., Copping JM; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Digital Life Institute, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand., Remus DM; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand., Gulati A; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 10691, Stockholm, Sweden., Morado DR; Science for Life Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 17165, Solna, Sweden., Jamieson SA; Biochemistry Department, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, 9054, New Zealand., Newton-Vesty MC; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand., Abeysekera GS; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand., Ramaswamy S; Biological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Bindley Bioscience Center, Purdue University, 1203 W State St, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA., Friemann R; Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research (CARe) at University of Gothenburg, Box 440, S-40530, Gothenburg, Sweden., Wakatsuki S; Biological Sciences Division, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA.; Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, 94305, USA., Allison JR; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Digital Life Institute, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, and School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand., Indiveri C; Department DiBEST (Biologia, Ecologia, Scienze della Terra) Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci 4C, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy.; CNR Institute of Biomembranes, Bioenergetics and Molecular Biotechnologies (IBIOM), Via Amendola 122/O, 70126, Bari, Italy., Drew D; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 10691, Stockholm, Sweden., Mace PD; Biochemistry Department, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, 9054, New Zealand., Dobson RCJ; Biomolecular Interaction Centre, Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, PO Box 4800, Christchurch, 8140, New Zealand. renwick.dobson@canterbury.ac.nz.; Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3010, Australia. renwick.dobson@canterbury.ac.nz.
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Nature communications [Nat Commun] 2023 Feb 27; Vol. 14 (1), pp. 1120. Date of Electronic Publication: 2023 Feb 27.
North RA; Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK.
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Function (Oxford, England) [Function (Oxf)] 2022 Dec 23; Vol. 4 (1), pp. zqac064. Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Dec 23 (Print Publication: 2023).
Vieira MC; Department of Women and Children's Health, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, School of Life Course Sciences, King's College, London, UK.; School of Medicine, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil., McCowan LME; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand., North RA; Department of Women and Children's Health, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, School of Life Course Sciences, King's College, London, UK., Myers JE; Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, Maternal & Fetal Health Research Center, Institute of Human Development, Manchester Academic Health Science Center, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK., Walker JJ; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Leeds Institute of Biomedical & Clinical Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK., Baker PN; College of Medicine, Biological Sciences & Psychology, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK., Dekker GA; Women's and Children's Division Lyell McEwin Hospital, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia., Kenny LC; The Irish Center for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University College Cork, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Cork, Ireland., Poston L; Department of Women and Children's Health, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, School of Life Course Sciences, King's College, London, UK.; NIHR Biomedical Research Center at Guy's and St Thomas' NH Foundation Trust and King's College London, King's College London, London, UK., Pasupathy D; Department of Women and Children's Health, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, School of Life Course Sciences, King's College, London, UK.; NIHR Biomedical Research Center at Guy's and St Thomas' NH Foundation Trust and King's College London, King's College London, London, UK.
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Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica [Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand] 2018 Aug; Vol. 97 (8), pp. 1015-1024. Date of Electronic Publication: 2018 May 29.