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pro vyhledávání: '"Logistic efficiency"'
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Ramírez Mora, Julian Enrique
Publikováno v:
ACP, A. (2013). Informe estadístico del petróleo. Bogotá: P. 33. Aguilera
Aguilera, C. (2000). Un enfoque gerencial a la teoria de las restricciones. Estudios gerenciales, 53-69.
Aktepe, A., Ersöz, S., & Toklu, B. (2015). Customer satisfaction and loyalty analysis with classification algorithms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 95-106.
Albrecht, K., & Bradford, L. J. (2005). La excelencia en el servicio. Ciudad de mexico: 3R Editores.
Andrejić, M., & Kilibarda, M. (2015). Distribution channels selection using PCA-DEA. International Journal for Traffic & Transport Engineering, 74-81.
Andrejić, M., & Kilibarda, M. (2016). A framework for measuring and improving efficiency in distribution channels. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 137-148.
Andrejić, M., Bojović, N., & Kilibarda, M. (2016). A framework for measuring transport efficiency in distribution centers. Transport Policy, 99-106.
Arias, J. (Noviembre de 2009). Evaluacion de la eficiencia bancariaen Venezuela desde el analisis de fronteras deterministas (periodo 2005-2008). Obtenido de http://ri.bib.udo.edu.ve/bitstream/123456789/207/1/PG_JA.pdf
Ascarsa, E., Ebbes, P., Netzer, O., & Danielson, M. (2017). Beyond the Target Customer: Social Effects of Customer Relationship Management Campaigns. Journal of Marketing Research, 347-363.
Ascarza, E., Ebbes, P., Netzer, O., & Danielson, M. (2017). Beyond the Target Customer: Social Effects of Customer Relationship Management Campaigns. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 347-363.
Aydin, A., & Parker, R. (2017). Innovation and Technology Diffusion in Competitive Supply Chains. European Journal of Operational Research, Disponible en línea 1 Septiembre 2017.
Ballou, R. H. (2004). Logistica, Administracion de la cadena de suministro. Mexico: Pearson.
Berg Insight. (2017). Report Catalogue . Obtenido de http://www.berginsight.com/media/berg-insight-report-catalogue.pdf.
Braga, H., & Moreira, J. (2014). Management Indicators and Measurement of Innovation: Review of the Literature. Business Management Dynamics, 52-58.
Burke, R. (2002). Technology and the Customer Interface: What Consumers Want in the Physical and Virtual Store. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 411-432.
Chao, F., & Miao, W. (2017). Analysis of energy efficiency in China's transportation sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 565-575.
Chen, I., & Popovich, K. (2003). Understanding customer relationship management (CRM) : People, process and technology. Business Process Management Journal, 672-688.
Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2007). Supply Chain Management; Administración de las directrices internacionales – 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Coll, V., & Blasco, O. (2006). Evaluación de la eficiencia mediante el análisis envolvente de datos. Valencia: Universidad de valencia.
Dash, S. (2017). An Analysis of Customer Needs and Satisfaction: Application of Kano Model. Journal of Business Strategy, 58-67.
De los Mozos, J., & Moreno, S. (2007). Optimización de flotas de vehículos, una herramienta para incrementar la eficiencia. Universia Bisiness Review, 118-127.
Dibrell, C., Craig, J., & Neubaum, D. (2014). Linking the formal strategic planning process, planning flexibility, and. Journal of Business Research, 2000-2007.
Dinero, R. (7 de Abril de 2017). Estas son las conexiones que necesitan la logística colombiana. Obtenido de http://www.dinero.com/edicion-impresa/informe-especial/articulo/logistica-en-colombia-necesita-nuevas-conexiones/243936
Dorfman, J. H., & Gary, K. (2005). Current developments in productivity and efficiency measurement. Journal of Econometrics, 233-240.
Drucker, P. (1976). La gerencia, Tareas, responsabilidades y practicas. El Ateneo.
Ecopetrol S.A. (17 de 8 de 2017). Página oficial de Ecopetrol. Obtenido de http://www.ecopetrol.com.co/wps/portal/es
Fedesarrollo. (Septiembre de 2010). La Ley de fronteras y su efecto en el comercio de combustibles líquidos. Obtenido de 101 http://www.repository.fedesarrollo.org.co/bitstream/handle/11445/167/CDF_No_32_Septiembre_2010.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Forigua, J., & Lyons, L. (2016). Safety analysis of transportation chain for dangerous goods: A case study in Colombia. Transportation Research Procedia, 842-850.
Gacosur. (2017). Servicio de Transporte de CombustibleServicio de Transporte de Combustible. Obtenido de http://www.gacosur.com/servicio-de-transporte-de-combustible/
Garcia, A. (2009). Data envelopment analysis, a tool for efficiency measurement in health institutions: potentials and limitations. Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología, 47-58.
Haislip, J., & Richardson, V. (2017). The effect of Customer Relationship Management systems on firm performance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 16-29.
Hajdul, M., & Kolińska, K. (2014). Supply Chain Management Based on Logistic and Statical Indicators. Scientific Journal of Logistics, 235-245.
Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2009). Principios de administracion de operaciones. Ciudad de Mexico: Pearson.
Hyungsuk, C., Young-Hyo, A., & Duk-Byeong, P. (2018). Using the Data Envelopment Analysis to Measure and Benchmark the Efficiency of Small-scale Tourism Farms in South Korea. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 1-15.
Jiang, H., & Zhang, Y. (2016). An investigation of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in China's airline market. Journal of Air Transport Management, 80-88.
Jordá, P. (Octubre de 2012). Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Obtenido de Archivi digital UPM: http://oa.upm.es/14125/1/Pablo_Jorda_Lope.pdf
Kao, C. (2017). Efficiency measurement and frontier projection identification for general two-stage systems in data envelopment analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 679-689.
Kendal, G. (1998). Securing the future strategies for exponencial growth using the Theory of Constraints. CRC Press.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2008). Fundamentos de marketing. Ciudad de Mexico.: Pearson educacíon.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2012). Marketing. Nauclapan de Juárez: Pearson.
Kovács, G. (2017). Transportation Metrics for Evaluation of Transport Activity. International Journal of Engineering, 157-162.
Lavy, S., Garcia, J., & Dixit, M. (2014). KPIs for facility’s performance assessment, Part I: identification and categorization of core indicators. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 256-274.
Limbourg, S., Quynh Giang, H., & Cools, M. (2016). Logistics Service Quality: The Case of Da Nang City. Procedia Engineering, 124 – 130.
Liu, W., Shen, X., & Xie, D. (2017). Decision method for the optimal number of logistics service providers with service quality guarantee and revenue fairness. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 53-69.
Londoño, L., & Giraldo, Y. (2009). Análisis Envolvente de Datos-DEA-: Una aplicación al sector de telecomunicaciones de países de medianos ingresos. Ecos de Economia, 53-73.
Madroñal, M., Galeano, B., & Escobar, N. (2016). Search for Facility Management’s KPIs to manage the hospitals infrastructure in Colombia. Revista Ingeniería Biomédica, 13-19.
Martí, L., Martín, J., & Puertas, R. (2016). A DEA-Logistics performance index. Journal of Applied Economics, 169-192.
Mcfarlane, D., Giannikas, V., & Lu, W. (2016). Intelligent logistics: Involving the customer. Computers in Industry, 105-115.
Milan, A., & Kilibarda, M. (2016). A framework for mesauring and improving efficiency in distribution channels. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 137-148.
Milan, A., Nebojša, B., & Milorad, K. (2016). A framework for measuring transport efficiency in distribution centers. Elsevier Ltd, 99-106.
Ministerio de minas y energia. (16 de Mayo de 2015). Decreto Único Reglamentario del SectorAdministrativo de Minas y Energía. Obtenido de https://www.minminas.gov.co/documents/10180/170046/Decreto+%F2nico+Reglamentario+Sector+Minas+y+Energ%92a.pdf/8f19ed1d-16a0-4a09-8213-ae612e424392
Mohanty, M., & Shankar, R. (2017). Modelling uncertainty in sustainable integrated logistics using Fuzzy-TISM. Transportation Research, 471-491.
Mora, L. (2014). Logística del transporte y distribución de la carga. Bogotá: ECOE Ediciones.
Murillo, C. (Julio de 2002). Contribuciones al analisis estocastico de la eficiencia tecnica mediante metodos no parametricos. Obtenido de Tesis Doctoral: http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/10630/TesisCMM.pdf
Peretto, C. (2016). Métodos para medir y evaluarla eficiencia de unidades productovas. Revista de la Escuela de Perfeccionamiento en Investigación Operativa, 5-25.
Radović, D., & Stević, Ž. (2018). Evaluation and seletion of KPI in transport using swara metod. TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS, 60-69.
Rescala, C. (2012). Dos modelos para determinar la eficiencia de una empresa constructora. Universidad de valladolid, 21-38.
Rincón, H. (Enero de 2009). Banco de la republica. Obtenido de http://www.banrep.gov.co/docum/ftp/borra581.pdf
Román, S. (1 de Julio de 2014). Distribución Minorista de combustibles líquidos en Colombia (2012). Obtenido de http://www.sic.gov.co/sites/default/files/files/combustibles_julio_de_2014car.pdf
Routhier, J., & Toilier, F. (2007). policy oriented software of modelling urban goods movement. n Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research.
Ruiz, M. (2008). Calidad del servicio logístico e intensidad tecnológica en el comercio minorista. Universia Bossines Review, 84-89.
Russo, F., & Comi, A. (2013). A model for simulating urban goods transport and logistics: the integrated choice of ho.re.ca. activity decision-making and final business consumers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 717-728.
Sheng, H., & Jui, T. (2018). Applications of network data envoloment analysis to explore the opperational efficiencies of international five-star hotels. International journal of Organizational Innovation., 64-87.
Sicom. (10 de Octubre de 2017). Sistema de informacion de combustibles liquidos. Obtenido de http://www.sicom.gov.co/index.shtml
Stopka, O., Černá, L., & Zitrický, V. (2016). Methodology for Measuring the Customer Satisfaction with the Logistics Services . Nase More, 189-194.
Šukalová, V. (2015). Application of The Theory of Constraints Instrument in The Enterprise Distribution System. Procedia Economics and Finance, 134 – 139.
Tagdira, S., & Hasinur, K. (2018). Efficiency Analysis of Manufacturing Firms Using Data Envelopment Analysis Technique. Journal of Data Science, 69-78.
Tolosa, B. (2017). Biblioteca digital de la universidad nacional. Obtenido de Evaluación de eficiencia en el sectorde distribución de energía eléctrica en Colombia empleando la metodología de análisis envolvente de datos – DEA.: http://bdigital.unal.edu.co/9370/1/7710022.2013.pdf
Tucker, M., & Pitt, M. (2010). Improving service provision through better management and measurement of customersatisfaction in facilities management. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 220-233.
Umble, M., & Srikanth, M. (1995). Synchronous Manufacturing: Principles for World Class Excellence.
Velazquez, E. (2012). Canales de distribucion y Logistica. Tlalnepantla de baz: Red tercer milenio.
Villareal, F., & Tohmé, F. (2017). Análisis envolvente de datos. Un caso de estudio para una universidad argentina. Estudios gerenciales, 302-308.
Villarreal, F., & Thomé, F. (2017). Análisis envolvente de datos. Un caso de estudio para una universidad argentina. Estudios Gerenciales, 302-308.
Wu, F., Yeniyurt, S., Kim, D., & Cavusgil, S. (2006). The impact of information technology on supply chain capabilities and firm performance: A resource-based view. Industrial Marketing Management, 493-504.
Yu, K., Cadeaux, J., & Song, H. (2017). Flexibility and quality in logistics and relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 211–225.
Zhixing, L., Hu, Q., ChanHou, C., & Andrew, L. (2015). On service consistency in multi-period vehicle routing. European Journal of Operational Research, 731-744.
Zhong, R., & Huang, G. (2016). A customer satisfaction evaluation model for logistics services using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 1024-1042.
Repositorio UMNG
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
instacron:Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Aguilera, C. (2000). Un enfoque gerencial a la teoria de las restricciones. Estudios gerenciales, 53-69.
Aktepe, A., Ersöz, S., & Toklu, B. (2015). Customer satisfaction and loyalty analysis with classification algorithms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 95-106.
Albrecht, K., & Bradford, L. J. (2005). La excelencia en el servicio. Ciudad de mexico: 3R Editores.
Andrejić, M., & Kilibarda, M. (2015). Distribution channels selection using PCA-DEA. International Journal for Traffic & Transport Engineering, 74-81.
Andrejić, M., & Kilibarda, M. (2016). A framework for measuring and improving efficiency in distribution channels. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 137-148.
Andrejić, M., Bojović, N., & Kilibarda, M. (2016). A framework for measuring transport efficiency in distribution centers. Transport Policy, 99-106.
Arias, J. (Noviembre de 2009). Evaluacion de la eficiencia bancariaen Venezuela desde el analisis de fronteras deterministas (periodo 2005-2008). Obtenido de http://ri.bib.udo.edu.ve/bitstream/123456789/207/1/PG_JA.pdf
Ascarsa, E., Ebbes, P., Netzer, O., & Danielson, M. (2017). Beyond the Target Customer: Social Effects of Customer Relationship Management Campaigns. Journal of Marketing Research, 347-363.
Ascarza, E., Ebbes, P., Netzer, O., & Danielson, M. (2017). Beyond the Target Customer: Social Effects of Customer Relationship Management Campaigns. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 347-363.
Aydin, A., & Parker, R. (2017). Innovation and Technology Diffusion in Competitive Supply Chains. European Journal of Operational Research, Disponible en línea 1 Septiembre 2017.
Ballou, R. H. (2004). Logistica, Administracion de la cadena de suministro. Mexico: Pearson.
Berg Insight. (2017). Report Catalogue . Obtenido de http://www.berginsight.com/media/berg-insight-report-catalogue.pdf.
Braga, H., & Moreira, J. (2014). Management Indicators and Measurement of Innovation: Review of the Literature. Business Management Dynamics, 52-58.
Burke, R. (2002). Technology and the Customer Interface: What Consumers Want in the Physical and Virtual Store. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 411-432.
Chao, F., & Miao, W. (2017). Analysis of energy efficiency in China's transportation sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 565-575.
Chen, I., & Popovich, K. (2003). Understanding customer relationship management (CRM) : People, process and technology. Business Process Management Journal, 672-688.
Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2007). Supply Chain Management; Administración de las directrices internacionales – 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Coll, V., & Blasco, O. (2006). Evaluación de la eficiencia mediante el análisis envolvente de datos. Valencia: Universidad de valencia.
Dash, S. (2017). An Analysis of Customer Needs and Satisfaction: Application of Kano Model. Journal of Business Strategy, 58-67.
De los Mozos, J., & Moreno, S. (2007). Optimización de flotas de vehículos, una herramienta para incrementar la eficiencia. Universia Bisiness Review, 118-127.
Dibrell, C., Craig, J., & Neubaum, D. (2014). Linking the formal strategic planning process, planning flexibility, and. Journal of Business Research, 2000-2007.
Dinero, R. (7 de Abril de 2017). Estas son las conexiones que necesitan la logística colombiana. Obtenido de http://www.dinero.com/edicion-impresa/informe-especial/articulo/logistica-en-colombia-necesita-nuevas-conexiones/243936
Dorfman, J. H., & Gary, K. (2005). Current developments in productivity and efficiency measurement. Journal of Econometrics, 233-240.
Drucker, P. (1976). La gerencia, Tareas, responsabilidades y practicas. El Ateneo.
Ecopetrol S.A. (17 de 8 de 2017). Página oficial de Ecopetrol. Obtenido de http://www.ecopetrol.com.co/wps/portal/es
Fedesarrollo. (Septiembre de 2010). La Ley de fronteras y su efecto en el comercio de combustibles líquidos. Obtenido de 101 http://www.repository.fedesarrollo.org.co/bitstream/handle/11445/167/CDF_No_32_Septiembre_2010.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Forigua, J., & Lyons, L. (2016). Safety analysis of transportation chain for dangerous goods: A case study in Colombia. Transportation Research Procedia, 842-850.
Gacosur. (2017). Servicio de Transporte de CombustibleServicio de Transporte de Combustible. Obtenido de http://www.gacosur.com/servicio-de-transporte-de-combustible/
Garcia, A. (2009). Data envelopment analysis, a tool for efficiency measurement in health institutions: potentials and limitations. Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología, 47-58.
Haislip, J., & Richardson, V. (2017). The effect of Customer Relationship Management systems on firm performance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 16-29.
Hajdul, M., & Kolińska, K. (2014). Supply Chain Management Based on Logistic and Statical Indicators. Scientific Journal of Logistics, 235-245.
Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2009). Principios de administracion de operaciones. Ciudad de Mexico: Pearson.
Hyungsuk, C., Young-Hyo, A., & Duk-Byeong, P. (2018). Using the Data Envelopment Analysis to Measure and Benchmark the Efficiency of Small-scale Tourism Farms in South Korea. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 1-15.
Jiang, H., & Zhang, Y. (2016). An investigation of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in China's airline market. Journal of Air Transport Management, 80-88.
Jordá, P. (Octubre de 2012). Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Obtenido de Archivi digital UPM: http://oa.upm.es/14125/1/Pablo_Jorda_Lope.pdf
Kao, C. (2017). Efficiency measurement and frontier projection identification for general two-stage systems in data envelopment analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 679-689.
Kendal, G. (1998). Securing the future strategies for exponencial growth using the Theory of Constraints. CRC Press.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2008). Fundamentos de marketing. Ciudad de Mexico.: Pearson educacíon.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2012). Marketing. Nauclapan de Juárez: Pearson.
Kovács, G. (2017). Transportation Metrics for Evaluation of Transport Activity. International Journal of Engineering, 157-162.
Lavy, S., Garcia, J., & Dixit, M. (2014). KPIs for facility’s performance assessment, Part I: identification and categorization of core indicators. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 256-274.
Limbourg, S., Quynh Giang, H., & Cools, M. (2016). Logistics Service Quality: The Case of Da Nang City. Procedia Engineering, 124 – 130.
Liu, W., Shen, X., & Xie, D. (2017). Decision method for the optimal number of logistics service providers with service quality guarantee and revenue fairness. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 53-69.
Londoño, L., & Giraldo, Y. (2009). Análisis Envolvente de Datos-DEA-: Una aplicación al sector de telecomunicaciones de países de medianos ingresos. Ecos de Economia, 53-73.
Madroñal, M., Galeano, B., & Escobar, N. (2016). Search for Facility Management’s KPIs to manage the hospitals infrastructure in Colombia. Revista Ingeniería Biomédica, 13-19.
Martí, L., Martín, J., & Puertas, R. (2016). A DEA-Logistics performance index. Journal of Applied Economics, 169-192.
Mcfarlane, D., Giannikas, V., & Lu, W. (2016). Intelligent logistics: Involving the customer. Computers in Industry, 105-115.
Milan, A., & Kilibarda, M. (2016). A framework for mesauring and improving efficiency in distribution channels. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 137-148.
Milan, A., Nebojša, B., & Milorad, K. (2016). A framework for measuring transport efficiency in distribution centers. Elsevier Ltd, 99-106.
Ministerio de minas y energia. (16 de Mayo de 2015). Decreto Único Reglamentario del SectorAdministrativo de Minas y Energía. Obtenido de https://www.minminas.gov.co/documents/10180/170046/Decreto+%F2nico+Reglamentario+Sector+Minas+y+Energ%92a.pdf/8f19ed1d-16a0-4a09-8213-ae612e424392
Mohanty, M., & Shankar, R. (2017). Modelling uncertainty in sustainable integrated logistics using Fuzzy-TISM. Transportation Research, 471-491.
Mora, L. (2014). Logística del transporte y distribución de la carga. Bogotá: ECOE Ediciones.
Murillo, C. (Julio de 2002). Contribuciones al analisis estocastico de la eficiencia tecnica mediante metodos no parametricos. Obtenido de Tesis Doctoral: http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/10630/TesisCMM.pdf
Peretto, C. (2016). Métodos para medir y evaluarla eficiencia de unidades productovas. Revista de la Escuela de Perfeccionamiento en Investigación Operativa, 5-25.
Radović, D., & Stević, Ž. (2018). Evaluation and seletion of KPI in transport using swara metod. TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS, 60-69.
Rescala, C. (2012). Dos modelos para determinar la eficiencia de una empresa constructora. Universidad de valladolid, 21-38.
Rincón, H. (Enero de 2009). Banco de la republica. Obtenido de http://www.banrep.gov.co/docum/ftp/borra581.pdf
Román, S. (1 de Julio de 2014). Distribución Minorista de combustibles líquidos en Colombia (2012). Obtenido de http://www.sic.gov.co/sites/default/files/files/combustibles_julio_de_2014car.pdf
Routhier, J., & Toilier, F. (2007). policy oriented software of modelling urban goods movement. n Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research.
Ruiz, M. (2008). Calidad del servicio logístico e intensidad tecnológica en el comercio minorista. Universia Bossines Review, 84-89.
Russo, F., & Comi, A. (2013). A model for simulating urban goods transport and logistics: the integrated choice of ho.re.ca. activity decision-making and final business consumers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 717-728.
Sheng, H., & Jui, T. (2018). Applications of network data envoloment analysis to explore the opperational efficiencies of international five-star hotels. International journal of Organizational Innovation., 64-87.
Sicom. (10 de Octubre de 2017). Sistema de informacion de combustibles liquidos. Obtenido de http://www.sicom.gov.co/index.shtml
Stopka, O., Černá, L., & Zitrický, V. (2016). Methodology for Measuring the Customer Satisfaction with the Logistics Services . Nase More, 189-194.
Šukalová, V. (2015). Application of The Theory of Constraints Instrument in The Enterprise Distribution System. Procedia Economics and Finance, 134 – 139.
Tagdira, S., & Hasinur, K. (2018). Efficiency Analysis of Manufacturing Firms Using Data Envelopment Analysis Technique. Journal of Data Science, 69-78.
Tolosa, B. (2017). Biblioteca digital de la universidad nacional. Obtenido de Evaluación de eficiencia en el sectorde distribución de energía eléctrica en Colombia empleando la metodología de análisis envolvente de datos – DEA.: http://bdigital.unal.edu.co/9370/1/7710022.2013.pdf
Tucker, M., & Pitt, M. (2010). Improving service provision through better management and measurement of customersatisfaction in facilities management. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 220-233.
Umble, M., & Srikanth, M. (1995). Synchronous Manufacturing: Principles for World Class Excellence.
Velazquez, E. (2012). Canales de distribucion y Logistica. Tlalnepantla de baz: Red tercer milenio.
Villareal, F., & Tohmé, F. (2017). Análisis envolvente de datos. Un caso de estudio para una universidad argentina. Estudios gerenciales, 302-308.
Villarreal, F., & Thomé, F. (2017). Análisis envolvente de datos. Un caso de estudio para una universidad argentina. Estudios Gerenciales, 302-308.
Wu, F., Yeniyurt, S., Kim, D., & Cavusgil, S. (2006). The impact of information technology on supply chain capabilities and firm performance: A resource-based view. Industrial Marketing Management, 493-504.
Yu, K., Cadeaux, J., & Song, H. (2017). Flexibility and quality in logistics and relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 211–225.
Zhixing, L., Hu, Q., ChanHou, C., & Andrew, L. (2015). On service consistency in multi-period vehicle routing. European Journal of Operational Research, 731-744.
Zhong, R., & Huang, G. (2016). A customer satisfaction evaluation model for logistics services using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 1024-1042.
Repositorio UMNG
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
instacron:Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
En el transporte de hidrocarburos a igual que en otros sectores, se constituye un factor diferencial en la oferta de valor, haciendo énfasis en las promesas de servicio y mostrando una solidez consistente de las compañías a sus consumidores (Zhixi
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LAMOSO, Lisandra Pereira
Publikováno v:
Mercator (Fortaleza) v.17 2018
Mercator (Fortaleza. Online)
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
Mercator (Fortaleza), Volume: 17, Article number: e17012, Published: 14 JUN 2018
Mercator (Fortaleza. Online)
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
Mercator (Fortaleza), Volume: 17, Article number: e17012, Published: 14 JUN 2018
RESUMO Este texto objetiva promover uma reflexão sobre o tema da localização geográfica privilegiada que é creditada ao Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, analisando o ponto de vista de suas relações comerciais, baseadas nas exportações de commod
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Grip, Katarina, Pålsson, Jennifer
Warehouses are a key aspect of modern supply chains and play a vital role in the success or failure of businesses today. Figures from the USA indicate that the capital- and operating costs of warehouses represent about 22 % of a company’s logistics
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Background: AA Logistics Sweden is having logistic efficiency problems, and at this point they do not have performance measurement in terms of KPI´s. Due to constant development and demand on their products, there have not been enough resources avai
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Akademický článek
Tento výsledek nelze pro nepřihlášené uživatele zobrazit.
K zobrazení výsledku je třeba se přihlásit.
K zobrazení výsledku je třeba se přihlásit.