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of 233
pro vyhledávání: '"Levine, J M"'
Publikováno v:
The Journal of Cell Biology, 1999 Sep . 146(6), 1365-1374.
Externí odkaz:
Yelenik, S. G., Levine, J. M.
Publikováno v:
Ecological Applications, 2010 Apr 01. 20(3), 716-727.
Externí odkaz:
Publikováno v:
Science, 1986 Nov . 234(4778), 873-876.
Externí odkaz:
Suarez, J. I., Martin, R. H., Bauza, C., Georgiadis, A., Venkatasubba Rao, C. P., Calvillo, E., Hemphill, J. C., Sung, G., Oddo, M., Taccone, Fabio Silvio, Leroux, P. D., Layon, A. J., Sarwal, A., Ali, A., Lele, A., Jarquin-Valdivia, A. A., Misiewska-Kaczur, A., Ahmad, A., Deeb, A. M., Jabbary, A. A., Fathy, A., Chan, A., Kern, CHRISTOPH ALEXANDER, Gritsan, A., Bshabshe, A. A., Malek, A., Schiefecker, A., Neto, A. R., ALHAJJ HASSAN, Ali, Zahrani, A. R. A., Sukumaran, A. V., Sarma, A. K., Aneman, A., Kramer, A., Naidech, A., Lacerda Gallardo, A. J., Miller, A., O'Connor, A., Kim, A., Afshinnik, A., Katila, A., Paulson, A., Parra, A., Rosengart, A., Almemari, A., Sanchez, B., Ray, B., Mccrum, B., Tegedor, B. V., Nathan, B., Tan, B., Emanuel, B., Pfaulser, B., Nazliel, B., Gil, B., Hightower, B., Francis, B., Roberts, B., Chaudhry, B., Romero, C., Graffagnino, C., VANDEN BERGHE, GREET CLARA, Hobohm, C., Dias, C., Bradford, C., Basignani, C., Chang, C., Junker, C., Lazaridis, C., Mcarthur, C., Williamson, C., Hebert, C., Ethan Kahn, D., Harvey, D., Laskowitz, D. T., Milzman, D., Chung, D., Greer, D., Seder, D., Miller, D. W., Barge, D., Roberts, D., Jordan, D., Bhonagiri, D., Nair, D., Aggarwal, D. G., Kutsogiannis, D. J., Laiwattana, D., Pinto, D. B., Bautista, D., Perez, D., Herrera, E. A., Singares, E. S., Manno, E., Wilensky, E. M., Giraldo, E. A., Jenkinson, E., Yarad, E., Zavala, E., Tesoro, E., Eskiogly, E., Bershad, E. M., Rosenthal, E., Coronel, E. B., Gordon, E., Salgado, E., Poch, E. J., Eriksson, E., Taccone, F. S., Al-Suwaidan, F., Sorond, F., Bilotta, F., Goldenberg, F. D., Rosciani, F., Bass, F., Bernard, F., Julian, F. B., Rasulo, F., Rincon, F., Santos, G., Anderson, G., Henderson, G., Meyfroidt, G., Wong, G. K. C., Aguilar, G., Rodriguez-Vega, G., Tamayo, G., Johnston, G., Kapinos, G., Abrego, G. C., Paul, G., Xu, G., Domeniconi, G., Dugan, G., Murthy, H. H. K., Peled, H., Zraiki, H., Alvarez, H., Rodgers, H., Vaitkevicius, H., Schumacher, H. C., Kobata, H., Al-Jehani, H., Lopez Delgado, H. J., Olmecah, H. M., Madrinan-Navia, H., Tran, H., Seppelt, I., Schirotzek, I., Medary, I. B., Maldonado, I. L., da Silva, I. R. F., Hemphill III, J. C., Javier Provencio, J., Mora, J. E., Abdullah, J. M., Langdon, J. R., Claassen, J., de Oliveira, J., Shilkin, J., Horn, J., Teitelbaum, J., Frank, J. I., Fletcher, J. J., Berkeley, J., Andersson, KIM JIMMY, Kirkwood, J., Welbourne, J., Song, J., Domingues, J. R. S., Paxton, J., Falla, J., Lokin, J., Dissin, J., Bonomo, J., Martinez, J. E., Mejia-Mantilla, J. H., Ramirez-Arce, J., Palo, J. E., Moretti, J. I., Gonzalez, J. R. Y., Levine, J. M., Medow, J., Pou, J. A. L., Ciro, J. D., Paucar, J. L. C., Wright, J. C., Bosel, J., Martinez, J., Mijangos-Mendez, J. C., Chalela, J., Granillo, J. F., Sohal, J., Hirsch, K. G., Donaldson, K., Cummings, K., Hubner, K. E., Wartenberg, K., Goyal, K., Sheth, K., Kunze, K., O'Phelan, K., Sheehan, K., Altaweel, L., Cross, L., Barrachina, L. G., Kuisle, L., Connolyy, L. S., Tack, L., Johnson, L., Shutter, L., Pelunkova, L., Ramos-Gomez, L. A., Camputaro, L. A., Kamran Athar, M., Madhusudan, M., Hashmi, M., Mokhtari, M., Jibaja, M., Muller, M. C. A., Costilla, M., Mirski, M., Ochoa, M. E., Pegoli, M., Dujardin, M. -F., Allasia, M., Teran, M. D., Gorman, Michael Murray, Chapman, M., Amatangelo, M., Nagayama, M., Dickinson, M., Koenig, M., Moreda, M., Berman, M., De Georgia, M., Kuiper, M., O'Leary, M., Rodricks, M., Schneck, M., Torbey, M., Defilippis, M., Meeker, M., Allen, David Michael, Llano, M., Villalobos, M., Treggiari, M., Tuppeny, M., Sharaby, M., Kottapally, M., Mcnett, M., Mcbride, M., Gomez, M., Varga, M., Kumar, M., Yazbeck, M. F., Smith, M., Stevenson Porter, N., Hammond, N., Karanjia, N., Sokhal, N., Singhal, N. S., Badjatia, N., Maldonado, N., Ko, N., Marinoff, N., Hernandez Aguilar, Orisel, Krauchi, O. R., Sanchez, O., Gomez, O., Rivera, O. S., Gilvaz, P. C., Raffa, P., Varelas, P., Promsin, P., Merlani, P., Shushma, P., Allan, P., Biston, P., Vespa, P., Amorim, P., de Azambuja Rodrigues, P. M., Hopkins, P., Hantson, P., Vanamoorthy, P., Gupta, P., Garvin, R., Badenes, R., Damani, R., Helbok, R., Dhar, R., Rawal, R., Carandang, R., Guisado, R., Luengo, R. -I. G., Sajjad, R., Davis, R., Rison, R. A., Hoesch, R., Murillo, R., Smith, R., Ball, R., Beer, R., Reshi, R. A., Landry, R., Puvanendiran, S., Ansari, S., Mukaddam, S., Garg, S., Mishra, S., Clark, S., Napolitano, Silvano, Pattnaik, S., Vosylius, S., John, S., Josephson, S. A., Glickman, S., Brehaut, S. S., Shiraz, S. A., Aguilera, S., Sternberg, S., Chou, S., Vallance, S., Lasocki, S., Schoenenberger, S., Bird, S., Finfer, S., Shieber, S., Vadi, S., Samavedam, S., Cordina, S., Feske, S., Glassner, S., Dixit, S., Dowling, S., Tena, S. A., Bowling, S., Francken, S., Muehlschlegel, S., Renard, S., Poli, S., Carter, T., Bleck, T. P., Trim, T., Breitenfeld, T., Van Bui, T., Shukla, U., Sinha, V., Rajajee, V., Aiyagari, V., Mccredie, V., Svigelj, V., Verma, V., Rao, V. A., David Freeman, W., Smith, W. S., Videtta, W., Habre, W., Hall, W., Coplin, W. M., Abdo, W. F., Wittebole, X., Titova, Y.
Publikováno v:
Neurocritical Care, 32, 1, pp. 172-179
Neurocritical Care, 32, 172-179
Neurocritical care, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 172-179
Neurocritical Care
Neurocritical care. Humana Press
Neurocritical care, p. [1-8] (2019)
Neurocritical Care, 32, 172-179
Neurocritical care, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 172-179
Neurocritical Care
Neurocritical care. Humana Press
Neurocritical care, p. [1-8] (2019)
Introduction Neurocritical care focuses on the care of critically ill patients with an acute neurologic disorder and has grown significantly in the past few years. However, there is a lack of data that describe the scope of practice of neurointensivi
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Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Synthesis and Perspectives.
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Levine, J. M., Godoy, Óscar
Publikováno v:
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Coexistence theory provides a valuable framework for understanding how biotic resistance influences the population dynamics of introduced species, and for predicting biotic resistance from the traits of invaders and resident competitors. It suggests
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