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pro vyhledávání: '"Leila C Sahni"'
Laura D, Zambrano, Kathleen N, Ly, Ruth, Link-Gelles, Margaret M, Newhams, Manzilat, Akande, Michael J, Wu, Leora R, Feldstein, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Leila C, Sahni, Becky J, Riggs, Aalok R, Singh, Julie C, Fitzgerald, Jennifer E, Schuster, John S, Giuliano, Janet A, Englund, Janet R, Hume, Mark W, Hall, Christina M, Osborne, Sule, Doymaz, Courtney M, Rowan, Christopher J, Babbitt, Katharine N, Clouser, Steven M, Horwitz, Janet, Chou, Manish M, Patel, Charlotte, Hobbs, Adrienne G, Randolph, Angela P, Campbell
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Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 41:891-898
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a postinfectious severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-related complication that has disproportionately affected racial/ethnic minority children. We conducted a pilot stu
Natasha B, Halasa, Samantha M, Olson, Mary A, Staat, Margaret M, Newhams, Ashley M, Price, Pia S, Pannaraj, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Kathleen, Chiotos, Melissa A, Cameron, Katherine E, Bline, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Aline B, Maddux, Bria M, Coates, Kelly N, Michelson, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Katherine, Irby, Ryan A, Nofziger, Elizabeth H, Mack, Laura, Smallcomb, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Tracie C, Walker, Shira J, Gertz, Jennifer E, Schuster, Satoshi, Kamidani, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Samina S, Bhumbra, Mia, Maamari, Janet R, Hume, Hillary, Crandall, Emily R, Levy, Matt S, Zinter, Tamara T, Bradford, Heidi R, Flori, Melissa L, Cullimore, Michele, Kong, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Suzanne M, Gilboa, Kara N, Polen, Angela P, Campbell, Adrienne G, Randolph, Manish M, Patel
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New England Journal of Medicine. 387:109-119
Infants younger than 6 months of age are at high risk for complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and are not eligible for vaccination. Transplacental transfer of antibodies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-C
Ashley M, Price, Samantha M, Olson, Margaret M, Newhams, Natasha B, Halasa, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Pia S, Pannaraj, Katherine, Irby, Katherine E, Bline, Aline B, Maddux, Ryan A, Nofziger, Melissa A, Cameron, Tracie C, Walker, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Elizabeth H, Mack, Laura, Smallcomb, Jennifer E, Schuster, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Satoshi, Kamidani, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Tamara T, Bradford, Emily R, Levy, Kathleen, Chiotos, Samina S, Bhumbra, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Melissa L, Cullimore, Shira J, Gertz, Bria M, Coates, Mary A, Staat, Matt S, Zinter, Michele, Kong, Brandon M, Chatani, Janet R, Hume, Katri V, Typpo, Mia, Maamari, Heidi R, Flori, Mark W, Tenforde, Laura D, Zambrano, Angela P, Campbell, Manish M, Patel, Adrienne G, Randolph
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New England Journal of Medicine. 386:1899-1909
Spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) B.1.1.529 (omicron) variant, which led to increased U.S. hospitalizations for coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), generated concern about immune evasion and the duration of p
Avnika B. Amin, Timothy L. Lash, Jacqueline E. Tate, Lance A. Waller, Mary E. Wikswo, Umesh D. Parashar, Laura S. Stewart, James D. Chappell, Natasha B. Halasa, John V. Williams, Marian G. Michaels, Robert W. Hickey, Eileen J. Klein, Janet A. Englund, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Peter G. Szilagyi, Mary Allen Staat, Monica M. McNeal, Julie A. Boom, Leila C. Sahni, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Christopher J. Harrison, Mary E. Moffatt, Jennifer E. Schuster, Barbara A. Pahud, Gina M. Weddle, Parvin H. Azimi, Samantha H. Johnston, Daniel C. Payne, Michael D. Bowen, Benjamin A. Lopman
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BACKGROUND: Estimates of rotavirus vaccine effectiveness (VE) in the United States appear higher in years with more rotavirus activity. We hypothesized rotavirus VE is constant over time but appears to vary as a function of temporal variation in loca
Samantha M, Olson, Margaret M, Newhams, Natasha B, Halasa, Ashley M, Price, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Pia S, Pannaraj, Katherine, Irby, Tracie C, Walker, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Aline B, Maddux, Elizabeth H, Mack, Tamara T, Bradford, Jennifer E, Schuster, Ryan A, Nofziger, Melissa A, Cameron, Kathleen, Chiotos, Melissa L, Cullimore, Shira J, Gertz, Emily R, Levy, Michele, Kong, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Mary A, Staat, Satoshi, Kamidani, Brandon M, Chatani, Samina S, Bhumbra, Katherine E, Bline, Mary G, Gaspers, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Mia, Maamari, Heidi R, Flori, Janet R, Hume, Matt S, Zinter, Kelly N, Michelson, Laura D, Zambrano, Angela P, Campbell, Manish M, Patel, Adrienne G, Randolph
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The New England Journal of Medicine
The increasing incidence of pediatric hospitalizations associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) caused by the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the United States has offered an opp
Natasha B, Halasa, Samantha M, Olson, Mary A, Staat, Margaret M, Newhams, Ashley M, Price, Julie A, Boom, Leila C, Sahni, Melissa A, Cameron, Pia S, Pannaraj, Katherine E, Bline, Samina S, Bhumbra, Tamara T, Bradford, Kathleen, Chiotos, Bria M, Coates, Melissa L, Cullimore, Natalie Z, Cvijanovich, Heidi R, Flori, Shira J, Gertz, Sabrina M, Heidemann, Charlotte V, Hobbs, Janet R, Hume, Katherine, Irby, Satoshi, Kamidani, Michele, Kong, Emily R, Levy, Elizabeth H, Mack, Aline B, Maddux, Kelly N, Michelson, Ryan A, Nofziger, Jennifer E, Schuster, Stephanie P, Schwartz, Laura, Smallcomb, Keiko M, Tarquinio, Tracie C, Walker, Matt S, Zinter, Suzanne M, Gilboa, Kara N, Polen, Angela P, Campbell, Adrienne G, Randolph, Manish M, Patel, Mia, Maamari
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MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 71:264-270
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for persons who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future, to protect them from COVID-19.
Bishnu Adhikari, Christopher J Harrison, Brian R Lee, Jennifer E Schuster, Mary E Moffatt, Vasanthi Avadhanula, Leila C Sahni, Janet A Englund, Eileen J Klein, Mary A Staat, Monica McNeal, Miwako Kobayashi, Maureen H Diaz, Ariana Perez, Aaron T Curns, Xiaoyan Lu, Rangaraj Selvarangan
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Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 9
Background Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP), a common pediatric pneumonia pathogen, has 2 subtypes based on P1 adhesin gene variation. Macrolide-resistant MP (MRMP), seen since 2000 in many countries, has been subtype associated. Limited U.S. pediatric dat
Varvara Probst, Tess Stopczynski, Justin Z Amarin, Andrew J Spieker, Herdi Kurnia Rahman, Laura S Stewart, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Jennifer E Schuster, Marian G Michaels, John Williams, Julie A Boom, Leila C Sahni, Vasanthi Avadhanula, Mary A Staat, Elizabeth P Schlaudecker, Monica McNeal, Christopher J Harrison, Mary E Moffatt, Geoffrey A Weinberg, Peter G Szilagyi, Janet A Englund, Eileen J Klein, Aaron T Curns, Ariana Perez, Benjamin R Clopper, Brian Rha, Susan I Gerber, James Chappell, Natasha B Halasa
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Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 9
Background Adenovirus (AdV) is a common cause of acute respiratory illness (ARI). Multiple respiratory AdV types have been identified in humans, but it remains unclear which are the most common in U.S. children with ARI. Methods We conducted a multic
Justin Z Amarin, Laura S Stewart, Molly Potter, Andrew J Spieker, James Chappell, John Williams, Julie A Boom, Janet A Englund, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Jennifer E Schuster, Mary A Staat, Geoffrey A Weinberg, Eileen J Klein, Leila C Sahni, Flor M Munoz, Peter G Szilagyi, Christopher J Harrison, Angela P Campbell, Manish M Patel, Natasha B Halasa
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Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 9
Background According to the 2018 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) clinical practice guidelines and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, clinicians should start antiviral treatment as soon as possible for children wh
Melisa M. Shah, Ariana Perez, Joana Y. Lively, Vasanthi Avadhanula, Julie A. Boom, James Chappell, Janet A. Englund, Wende Fregoe, Natasha B. Halasa, Christopher J. Harrison, Robert W. Hickey, Eileen J. Klein, Monica M. McNeal, Marian G. Michaels, Mary E. Moffatt, Catherine Otten, Leila C. Sahni, Elizabeth Schlaudecker, Jennifer E. Schuster, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Mary A. Staat, Laura S. Stewart, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, John V. Williams, Terry Fan Fei Ng, Janell A. Routh, Susan I. Gerber, Meredith L. McMorrow, Brian Rha, Claire M. Midgley
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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is associated with a broad spectrum of illnesses, including mild to severe acute respiratory illness (ARI) and acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). Enteroviruses, including EV-D68, are typically detected in the United States during