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pro vyhledávání: '"Jeff Templon"'
Robert Currie, A.A. Alves, Armin Michael Nairz, A. Valassi, Hadrien Grasland, Nurcan Ozturk, Gianluca Cerminara, Davide Costanzo, Gabriel Perdue, G Lima, W. Pokorski, Renaud Vernet, Jürgen Reuter, Marian Babik, Glenn Patrick, Giacomo Govi, David Crooks, Sergio F Novaes, Mihaly Novak, Paul Laycock, Eric Lancon, J. R. G. Fernandez, Torben Ferber, Steven Farrell, Nicolo Magini, Josh Mcfayden, Sean Murray, Gordon Watts, B. K. Jashal, Isidro Gonzalez Caballero, Jacob Linacre, Frank Wuerthwein, Margaret Votava, Dirk Duellmann, Alessandra Forti, Peter van Gemmeren, Patricia Mendez Lorenzo, Jan Iven, Giovanni Franzoni, Charles Leggett, Sw. Banerjee, T. Kuhr, Markus Schulz, Alberto Ribon, Christopher Tunnell, Valentin Kuznetsov, Roger Jones, Frank Winklmeier, Claudio Grandi, Peter Elmer, Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen, Gordon Stewart, Giordon Stark, Benedikt Hegner, Giuseppe Bagliesi, Catrin Bernius, Burt Holzman, Nguyen Anh-Ky, Alex Pearce, Gancho Dimitrov, Ian Bird, H. Schellman, Scott Snyder, Gloria Corti, Walter Lampl, Edward Moyse, E. Cogneras, Alexei Klimentov, Frederic Derue, Taylor Childers, K. Genser, J. Cranshaw, Manuel Giffels, Andrew Buckley, Shawn McKee, Marilena Bandieramonte, C. Bozzi, Adam L. Lyon, Heather Gray, Oliver Keeble, Todor Ivanov, Vakhtang Tsulaia, Daniel S. Katz, Gerhard Raven, Renato Santana, Agnieszka Dziurda, Marco Clemencic, Borut Paul Kerševan, Philip Chang, Johannes Elmsheuser, Carl Vuosalo, Gian Piero Siroli, Javier Cervantes Villanueva, Daniele Bonacorsi, Mark Hodgkinson, Vladimir Gligorov, Graeme A. Stewart, L. Grillo, Jakob Blomer, Markus Klute, Kevin Pedro, Michela Paganini, Sabine Crépé-Renaudin, Marko Bracko, G. Cosmo, Eduardo Rodrigues, Dmitri Konstantinov, Kaushik De, Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez, Oliver Gutsche, Miron Livny, Farah Hariri, Teng Li, Laurent Duflot, U. Tamponi, Alaettin Serhan Mete, Jose M Hernandez, Frank Jm Geurts, Ulrik Egede, Jose Flix, Richard Mount, G. Andronico, Dario Menasce, David Lange, Steven Schramm, Vardan Gyurjyan, Lukas Heinrich, Maria Girone, Dorian Kcira, Giulio Eulisse, Alberto Sánchez-Hernández, Francesco Polci, Antonio Boveia, T. J. Smith, Peter Clarke, Ivan Glushkov, Stewart Martin-Haugh, Jeff Templon, H. Meinhard, James Robinson, David Colling, Jean-Roch Vlimant, Michael Kagan, Luca Atzori, Riccardo-Maria Bianchi, Douglas Benjamin, Kyle Cranmer, S. Fuess, Andre Sailer, Sofia Vallecorsa, Gianpaolo Carlino, Torre Wenaus, Gang Chen, Salvatore Di Guida, Soon Yung Jun, Tomas Lindén, Giacomo Tenaglia, Grigori Rybkine, Michael H. Seymour, Albert De Roeck, Simone Campana, Mario Lassnig, Andrea Sartirana, B. Viren, Andrea Formica, Leo Piilonen, John Harvey, Birgit Lewendel, Panagiotis Spentzouris, Sally Seidel, Andrea Sciabà, Stefano Belforte, Dave Dykstra, Leonardo Cristella, Douglas Gingrich, Lorenzo Moneta, Gerardo Ganis, Lorenzo Rinaldi, Meghan Kane, Zhang Xiao-Mei, John Apostolakis, Bodhitha Jayatilaka, M. D. Sokoloff, Thomas Hauth, Carlos Vázquez Sierra, Laurent Bernard Aphecetche, Xingtao Huang, Kajari Mazumdar, R. Mehdiyev, Antonio María Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, Thomas McCauley, Mike Williams, M. S. Neubauer, Michael Hildreth, Stefan Roiser, Stefano Giagu, Peter Zahariev Hristov, Anyes Taffard, A. Petzold, Martin Barisits, Edward Karavakis, Jing-Ge Shiu, Alessandro Di Girolamo, Jim Kowalkowski, Andreas Heiss, Tai Sakuma, V. Daniel Elvira, Jeremy Coles, Davide Sgalaberna, Johannes Albrecht, James Chapman, Tomasz Bold, Antonio Delgado Peris, Robert Gardner, Andrew McNab, Christoph Wissing, Romain Wartel, Sandro Christian Wenzel, Ian Fisk, Vladimir Ivanchenko, Ian Collier, Peter Love, Andres Pacheco Pages, Jim Pivarski, Edoardo Martelli, Vincent R. Pascuzzi, Michel Jouvin, Hartmut Stadie, Makoto Asai, Albert Puig Navarro, Gunter Quast, Troels Petersen, Wahid Bhimji, Brian Bockelman, Andrej Filipcic, B. Pearson, Stefan Hoeche, Luca Perrozzi, Jaroslava Schovancova, Z. Marshall, Marco Cattaneo, Vincent Garonne, Hannah Short, Danilo Piparo, Liviu Valsan, Lothar A. T. Bauerdick, Gareth Roy, Horst Severini, A. Oyanguren, Francesco Giacomini, Kenneth Bloom, A. Gellrich, Marko Petrič, Efe Yazgan, Samuel Cadellin Skipsey, Andrea Dotti, W. Gohn, Wen Guan, Tommaso Boccali, C. Biscarat, Katarzyna Maria Dziedziniewicz-Wojcik, L. Kreczko, Simon George, Arturo Sánchez, Philippe Canal, Illya Shapoval, Caterina Doglioni, Ilya Komarov, Nuno Filipe Castro, Patrick Koppenburg, Jérôme Pansanel, Pere Mato, Wei Yang, Paolo Calafiura, Sezen Sekmen, C. Voss, David Britton, Thomas Hartmann, Guilherme Amadio, Andrew Norman, Michel De Cian, James Letts, Sebastian Lopienski, David Rousseau, Andrew Hanushevsky, Jamie Shiers, Andrei Gheata, Martin Ritter, Karolos Potamianos, Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Michele Michelotto, Luca Canali, Cedric Serfon, Beate Heinemann, Giuseppe Lo Presti, J. Piedra, Fernanda Psihas, Ben Couturier, Robert K. Kutschke, Jovan Mitrevski, Charles William Kalderon, Benjamin Wynne, B. Morgan, Frank Gaede, Mihaela Gheata, Michael H Kirby, P. Buncic, Eric Wayne Vaandering, James Frost, Conor Fitzpatrick
Publikováno v:
Comput.Softw.Big Sci.
Comput.Softw.Big Sci., 2019, 3 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8⟩
Computing and Software for Big Science
Computing and Software for Big Science, 2019, 3 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8⟩
Albrecht, J, Jr, A A A, Amadio, G, Andronico, G, Anh-Ky, N, Aphecetche, L, Apostolakis, J, Asai, M, Atzori, L, Babik, M, Bagliesi, G, Bandieramonte, M, Banerjee, S, Barisits, M, Bauerdick, L A T, Belforte, S, Benjamin, D, Bernius, C, Bhimji, W, Bianchi, R M, Bird, I, Biscarat, C, Blomer, J, Bloom, K, Boccali, T, Bockelman, B, Bold, T, Bonacorsi, D, Boveia, A, Bozzi, C, Bracko, M, Britton, D, Buckley, A, Buncic, P, Calafiura, P, Campana, S, Canal, P, Canali, L, Carlino, G, Castro, N, Cattaneo, M, Cerminara, G, Villanueva, J C, Chang, P, Chapman, J, Chen, G, Childers, T, Clarke, P, Clemencic, M, Cogneras, E, Coles, J, Collier, I, Colling, D, Corti, G, Cosmo, G, Costanzo, D, Couturier, B, Cranmer, K, Cranshaw, J, Cristella, L, Crooks, D, Crépé-Renaudin, S, Currie, R, Dallmeier-Tiessen, S, De, K, Cian, M D, Roeck, A D, Peris, A D, Derue, F, Girolamo, A D, Guida, S D, Dimitrov, G, Doglioni, C, Dotti, A, Duellmann, D, Duflot, L, Dykstra, D, Dziedziniewicz-Wojcik, K, Dziurda, A, Egede, U, Elmer, P, Elmsheuser, J, Elvira, V D, Eulisse, G, Farrell, S, Ferber, T, Filipcic, A, Fisk, I, Fitzpatrick, C, Flix, J, Formica, A, Forti, A, Franzoni, G, Frost, J, Fuess, S, Gaede, F, Ganis, G, Gardner, R, Garonne, V, Gellrich, A, Genser, K, George, S, Geurts, F, Gheata, A, Gheata, M, Giacomini, F, Giagu, S, Giffels, M, Gingrich, D, Girone, M, Gligorov, V V, Glushkov, I, Gohn, W, Lopez, J B G, Caballero, I G, Fernández, J R G, Govi, G, Grandi, C, Grasland, H, Gray, H, Grillo, L, Guan, W, Gutsche, O, Gyurjyan, V, Hanushevsky, A, Hariri, F, Hartmann, T, Harvey, J, Hauth, T, Hegner, B, Heinemann, B, Heinrich, L, Heiss, A, Hernández, J M, Hildreth, M, Hodgkinson, M, Hoeche, S, Holzman, B, Hristov, P, Huang, X, Ivanchenko, V N, Ivanov, T, Iven, J, Jashal, B, Jayatilaka, B, Jones, R, Jouvin, M, Jun, S Y, Kagan, M, Kalderon, C W, Kane, M, Karavakis, E, Katz, D S, Kcira, D, Keeble, O, Kersevan, B P, Kirby, M, Klimentov, A, Klute, M, Komarov, I, Konstantinov, D, Koppenburg, P, Kowalkowski, J, Kreczko, L, Kuhr, T, Kutschke, R, Kuznetsov, V, Lampl, W, Lancon, E, Lange, D, Lassnig, M, Laycock, P, Leggett, C, Letts, J, Lewendel, B, Li, T, Lima, G, Linacre, J, Linden, T, Livny, M, Presti, G L, Lopienski, S, Love, P, Lyon, A, Magini, N, Marshall, Z L, Martelli, E, Martin-Haugh, S, Mato, P, Mazumdar, K, McCauley, T, McFayden, J, McKee, S, McNab, A, Mehdiyev, R, Meinhard, H, Menasce, D, Lorenzo, P M, Mete, A S, Michelotto, M, Mitrevski, J, Moneta, L, Morgan, B, Mount, R, Moyse, E, Murray, S, Nairz, A, Neubauer, M S, Norman, A, Novaes, S, Novak, M, Oyanguren, A, Ozturk, N, Pages, A P, Paganini, M, Pansanel, J, Pascuzzi, V R, Patrick, G, Pearce, A, Pearson, B, Pedro, K, Perdue, G, Yzquierdo, A P-C, Perrozzi, L, Petersen, T, Petric, M, Petzold, A, Piedra, J, Piilonen, L, Piparo, D, Pivarski, J, Pokorski, W, Polci, F, Potamianos, K, Psihas, F, Navarro, A P, Quast, G, Raven, G, Reuter, J, Ribon, A, Rinaldi, L, Ritter, M, Robinson, J, Rodrigues, E, Roiser, S, Rousseau, D, Roy, G, Rybkine, G, Sailer, A, Sakuma, T, Santana, R, Sartirana, A, Schellman, H, Schovancová, J, Schramm, S, Schulz, M, Sciabà, A, Seidel, S, Sekmen, S, Serfon, C, Severini, H, Sexton-Kennedy, E, Seymour, M, Sgalaberna, D, Shapoval, I, Shiers, J, Shiu, J-G, Short, H, Siroli, G P, Skipsey, S, Smith, T, Snyder, S, Sokoloff, M D, Spentzouris, P, Stadie, H, Stark, G, Stewart, G, Stewart, G A, Sánchez, A, Sánchez-Hernández, A, Taffard, A, Tamponi, U, Templon, J, Tenaglia, G, Tsulaia, V, Tunnell, C, Vaandering, E, Valassi, A, Vallecorsa, S, Valsan, L, Gemmeren, P V, Vernet, R, Viren, B, Vlimant, J-R, Voss, C, Votava, M, Vuosalo, C, Sierra, C V, Wartel, R, Watts, G T, Wenaus, T, Wenzel, S, Williams, M, Winklmeier, F, Wissing, C, Wuerthwein, F, Wynne, B, Xiaomei, Z, Yang, W & Yazgan, E 2019, ' A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R &D for the 2020s ', Computing and Software for Big Science, vol. 3, no. 7 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8
Repositório Institucional da UNESP
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal
Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP)
Computing and software for big science 3(1), 7 (2019). doi:10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8
Foundation, HEPS; Albrecht, J; Jr, AAA; Amadio, G; Andronico, G; Anh-Ky, N; et al.(2018). A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Retrieved from: http://www.escholarship.org/uc/item/93c2r1gr
Comput.Softw.Big Sci., 2019, 3 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8⟩
Computing and Software for Big Science
Computing and Software for Big Science, 2019, 3 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8⟩
Albrecht, J, Jr, A A A, Amadio, G, Andronico, G, Anh-Ky, N, Aphecetche, L, Apostolakis, J, Asai, M, Atzori, L, Babik, M, Bagliesi, G, Bandieramonte, M, Banerjee, S, Barisits, M, Bauerdick, L A T, Belforte, S, Benjamin, D, Bernius, C, Bhimji, W, Bianchi, R M, Bird, I, Biscarat, C, Blomer, J, Bloom, K, Boccali, T, Bockelman, B, Bold, T, Bonacorsi, D, Boveia, A, Bozzi, C, Bracko, M, Britton, D, Buckley, A, Buncic, P, Calafiura, P, Campana, S, Canal, P, Canali, L, Carlino, G, Castro, N, Cattaneo, M, Cerminara, G, Villanueva, J C, Chang, P, Chapman, J, Chen, G, Childers, T, Clarke, P, Clemencic, M, Cogneras, E, Coles, J, Collier, I, Colling, D, Corti, G, Cosmo, G, Costanzo, D, Couturier, B, Cranmer, K, Cranshaw, J, Cristella, L, Crooks, D, Crépé-Renaudin, S, Currie, R, Dallmeier-Tiessen, S, De, K, Cian, M D, Roeck, A D, Peris, A D, Derue, F, Girolamo, A D, Guida, S D, Dimitrov, G, Doglioni, C, Dotti, A, Duellmann, D, Duflot, L, Dykstra, D, Dziedziniewicz-Wojcik, K, Dziurda, A, Egede, U, Elmer, P, Elmsheuser, J, Elvira, V D, Eulisse, G, Farrell, S, Ferber, T, Filipcic, A, Fisk, I, Fitzpatrick, C, Flix, J, Formica, A, Forti, A, Franzoni, G, Frost, J, Fuess, S, Gaede, F, Ganis, G, Gardner, R, Garonne, V, Gellrich, A, Genser, K, George, S, Geurts, F, Gheata, A, Gheata, M, Giacomini, F, Giagu, S, Giffels, M, Gingrich, D, Girone, M, Gligorov, V V, Glushkov, I, Gohn, W, Lopez, J B G, Caballero, I G, Fernández, J R G, Govi, G, Grandi, C, Grasland, H, Gray, H, Grillo, L, Guan, W, Gutsche, O, Gyurjyan, V, Hanushevsky, A, Hariri, F, Hartmann, T, Harvey, J, Hauth, T, Hegner, B, Heinemann, B, Heinrich, L, Heiss, A, Hernández, J M, Hildreth, M, Hodgkinson, M, Hoeche, S, Holzman, B, Hristov, P, Huang, X, Ivanchenko, V N, Ivanov, T, Iven, J, Jashal, B, Jayatilaka, B, Jones, R, Jouvin, M, Jun, S Y, Kagan, M, Kalderon, C W, Kane, M, Karavakis, E, Katz, D S, Kcira, D, Keeble, O, Kersevan, B P, Kirby, M, Klimentov, A, Klute, M, Komarov, I, Konstantinov, D, Koppenburg, P, Kowalkowski, J, Kreczko, L, Kuhr, T, Kutschke, R, Kuznetsov, V, Lampl, W, Lancon, E, Lange, D, Lassnig, M, Laycock, P, Leggett, C, Letts, J, Lewendel, B, Li, T, Lima, G, Linacre, J, Linden, T, Livny, M, Presti, G L, Lopienski, S, Love, P, Lyon, A, Magini, N, Marshall, Z L, Martelli, E, Martin-Haugh, S, Mato, P, Mazumdar, K, McCauley, T, McFayden, J, McKee, S, McNab, A, Mehdiyev, R, Meinhard, H, Menasce, D, Lorenzo, P M, Mete, A S, Michelotto, M, Mitrevski, J, Moneta, L, Morgan, B, Mount, R, Moyse, E, Murray, S, Nairz, A, Neubauer, M S, Norman, A, Novaes, S, Novak, M, Oyanguren, A, Ozturk, N, Pages, A P, Paganini, M, Pansanel, J, Pascuzzi, V R, Patrick, G, Pearce, A, Pearson, B, Pedro, K, Perdue, G, Yzquierdo, A P-C, Perrozzi, L, Petersen, T, Petric, M, Petzold, A, Piedra, J, Piilonen, L, Piparo, D, Pivarski, J, Pokorski, W, Polci, F, Potamianos, K, Psihas, F, Navarro, A P, Quast, G, Raven, G, Reuter, J, Ribon, A, Rinaldi, L, Ritter, M, Robinson, J, Rodrigues, E, Roiser, S, Rousseau, D, Roy, G, Rybkine, G, Sailer, A, Sakuma, T, Santana, R, Sartirana, A, Schellman, H, Schovancová, J, Schramm, S, Schulz, M, Sciabà, A, Seidel, S, Sekmen, S, Serfon, C, Severini, H, Sexton-Kennedy, E, Seymour, M, Sgalaberna, D, Shapoval, I, Shiers, J, Shiu, J-G, Short, H, Siroli, G P, Skipsey, S, Smith, T, Snyder, S, Sokoloff, M D, Spentzouris, P, Stadie, H, Stark, G, Stewart, G, Stewart, G A, Sánchez, A, Sánchez-Hernández, A, Taffard, A, Tamponi, U, Templon, J, Tenaglia, G, Tsulaia, V, Tunnell, C, Vaandering, E, Valassi, A, Vallecorsa, S, Valsan, L, Gemmeren, P V, Vernet, R, Viren, B, Vlimant, J-R, Voss, C, Votava, M, Vuosalo, C, Sierra, C V, Wartel, R, Watts, G T, Wenaus, T, Wenzel, S, Williams, M, Winklmeier, F, Wissing, C, Wuerthwein, F, Wynne, B, Xiaomei, Z, Yang, W & Yazgan, E 2019, ' A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R &D for the 2020s ', Computing and Software for Big Science, vol. 3, no. 7 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8
Repositório Institucional da UNESP
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal
Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP)
Computing and software for big science 3(1), 7 (2019). doi:10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8
Foundation, HEPS; Albrecht, J; Jr, AAA; Amadio, G; Andronico, G; Anh-Ky, N; et al.(2018). A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Retrieved from: http://www.escholarship.org/uc/item/93c2r1gr
Computing and software for big science 3(1), 7 (2019). doi:10.1007/s41781-018-0018-8
Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, eithe
Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, eithe
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Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(8), 2239-2251. Elsevier
Remenska, D, Willemse, T A C, Verstoep, K, Templon, J A & Bal, H E 2013, ' Using model checking to analyze the system behavior of the LHC production grid ', Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 2239-2251 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2013.06.004
Remenska, D, Willemse, T A C, Verstoep, K, Templon, J A & Bal, H E 2013, ' Using model checking to analyze the system behavior of the LHC production grid ', Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 2239-2251 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2013.06.004
DIRAC (Distributed Infrastructure with Remote Agent Control) is the grid solution designed to support production activities as well as user data analysis for the Large Hadron Collider "beauty" experiment. It consists of cooperating distributed servic
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Remenska, D, Willemse, T A C, Verstoep, K, Fokkink, W J, Bal, H E & Templon, J A 2012, Using model checking to analyze the system behavior of the LHC production grid . in Proc. 12th Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing-CCGrid'12 . IEEE/ACM, pp. 335-343 .
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Proc. 12th Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing-CCGrid'12, 335-343
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Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2012, Ottawa, Canada, May 13-16, 2012), 335-343
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Remenska, D, Willemse, T A C, Verstoep, K, Fokkink, W J, Bal, H E & Templon, J A 2012, Using model checking to analyze the system behavior of the LHC production grid . in Proc. 12th Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing-CCGrid'12 . IEEE/ACM, pp. 335-343 .
DIRAC (Distributed Infrastructure with Remote Agent Control) is the grid solution designed to support production activities as well as user data analysis for the Large Hadron Collider "beauty" experiment. It consists of cooperating distributed servic
Daniela Remenska, Ricardo Graciani Diaz, Kees Verstoep, Wan Fokkink, Stefan Roiser, Jeff Templon, Tim A. C. Willemse, K Ciba, Philippe Charpentier, E. Lanciotti, Henri E. Bal
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Remenska, D, Templon, J A, Willemse, T A C, Bal, H E, Verstoep, K, Fokkink, W J, Charpentier, P, Graciana Diaz, R, Lanciotti, E, Roiser, S & Ciba, K 2012, ' Analysis of DIRAC's behavior using model checking with process algebra ', Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 396, no. 5 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052061
Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 396(5). IOP Publishing Ltd.
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DIRAC is the grid solution developed to support LHCb production activities as well as user data analysis. It consists of distributed services and agents delivering the workload to the grid resources. Services maintain database back-ends to store dyna
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Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 331(PART 7):72060. IOP Publishing Ltd.
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Remenska, D, Aaij, R, Raven, G, Merk, M, Templon, J & Bril, R J 2011, ' Optimization of large scale HEP data analysis in LHCb ', Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 331, no. PART 7, 72060 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/331/7/072060
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Remenska, D, Aaij, R, Raven, G, Merk, M, Templon, J & Bril, R J 2011, ' Optimization of large scale HEP data analysis in LHCb ', Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 331, no. PART 7, 72060 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/331/7/072060
Observation has lead to a conclusion that the physics analysis jobs run by LHCb physicists on a local computing farm (i.e. non-grid) require more efficient access to the data which resides on the Grid. Our experiments have shown that the I/O bound na
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In a computational Grid which consists of many computer clusters, job start time predictions are useful to guide resource selections and balance the workload distribution. However, the basic Grid middleware available today either has no means of expr