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pro vyhledávání: '"J Senaud"'
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Journal européen d’hydrologie. 32:109-123
Deux bacteriophages differents (oX-174 et MS2) ont ete utilises comme virus modeles dans une serie d'experiences in vitro pour evaluer l'adsorption virale sur des particules minerales argileuses en suspension dans de l'eau distillee sterile. L'effet
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Animal Feed Science and Technology. 75:1-13
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of two probiotics, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) and Aspergillus oryzae (AO) without their culture medium, on the digestion of nitrogen (N) in sheep that have been successively defaunated and re
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Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 17:1600-1605
A simple and rapid test for screening and assessing the cytotoxicity of xenobiotics was developed with Tetrahymena pyriformis. The method estimates the activities of nonspecific esterases of a cell by concentrating within it a specific amount of fluo
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Environmental Technology. 19:513-519
Using appropriate laboratory pilot plants we studied phage elimination during sewage treatment by lagooning and activated sludges. Sewage fed into two types of pilot plant was seeded with a somatic coliphage (φX-174) or an F-specific RNA phage (MS2)
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Archiv für Protistenkunde. 142:59-75
Summary Adenosine nucleotides (AN) (AMP, A DP and ATP) were assayed in the rumen fluid, at once, to quantify the ruminal biomass and to estimate the physiological state of the microbial populations during digestion. Several extractants were tested Th
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Archiv für Protistenkunde. 140:83-94
Summary In research of chemotherapy of fish parasitized by myxosporeans toltrazuril was tested in vivo against Henneguya sp. parasitizing the primary gill filaments in the tapir fish, Gnathonemus petersi. Naturally infected tapir fish were incubated
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Protoplasma. 154:122-131
The feeding behaviour of the rumen ciliatePolyplastron multivesiculatum has been studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In contrast to other large entodiniomorphs,Polyplastron scarcely attaches to plant substrata such as straw or
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European Journal of Protistology. 33:211-213
Summary To study ciliate-virus interactions, Tetrahymena pyriformis and the simian rotavirus SAH were placed in contact in PPYS, the standard ciliate culture medium. By electron microscopy, some phagocytized viral particles were observed in the diges
G. Bertin, Mariette Mercier, J. Senaud, Jacques Bohatier, Jean-Pierre Jouany, Frédérique Mathieu
Publikováno v:
Reproduction Nutrition Development
Reproduction Nutrition Development, EDP Sciences, 1998, 38 (4), pp.401-416
Reproduction Nutrition Development, EDP Sciences, 1998, 38 (4), pp.401-416
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of two probiotics, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) and Aspergillus oryzae (AO), without their culture medium, on the digestion of plant cell wall components in sheep that had been successively def
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Reproduction Nutrition Development
Symposium on Evolution of the Rumen microbial Ecosystem
Symposium on Evolution of the Rumen microbial Ecosystem, Mar 1997, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Reproduction Nutrition Development, EDP Sciences, 1997, 37 (Suppl), pp.43-44
Symposium on Evolution of the Rumen microbial Ecosystem
Symposium on Evolution of the Rumen microbial Ecosystem, Mar 1997, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Reproduction Nutrition Development, EDP Sciences, 1997, 37 (Suppl), pp.43-44
International audience
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