Zobrazeno 1 - 10
of 167
pro vyhledávání: '"Hautefeuille V."'
Alouani, E., Mercier, M., Flecchia, C., Auclin, E., Hollebecque, A., Mazard, T., Turpin, A., Pernot, S., Cohen, R., Dutherage, M., Kim, S., Sclafani, F., Ben-Abdelghani, M., Herve, C., Aparicio, T., De La Fouchardière, C., Perkins, G., Hautefeuille, V., Jaffrelot, M., Gallois, C., Bongard, V., Tougeron, D., Taïeb, J., Guimbaud, R.
Publikováno v:
In ESMO Open June 2023 8(3)
Laurent-Badr, Q., Barbe, C., Brugel, M., Hautefeuille, V., Volet, J., Grelet, S., Desot, E., Botsen, D., Deguelte, S., Pitta, A., Abdelli, N., Brasseur, M., De Mestier, L., Neuzillet, C., Bouché, O.
Publikováno v:
In Digestive and Liver Disease June 2020 52(6):658-667
Adenis, A., Alessio, A., Aouakli, A., Azzedine, A., Bedjaoui, A., Bidault, A., Blanchi, A., Botton, A., Cadier-Lagnes, A., Fatisse, A., Gagnaire, A., Gilbert, A., Gueye, A., Hollebecque, A., Lemaire, A., Mahamat, A., Marre, A., Patenotte, A., Rotenberg, A., Roussel, A., Thirot-Bidault, A., Votte, A., Weber, A., Zaanan, A., Dupont-Gossart, A.C., Villing, A.L., Queuniet, A.M., Coudert, B., Denis, B., Garcia, B., Lafforgue, B., Landi, B., Leduc, B., Linot, B., Paillot, B., Rhein, B., Winkfield, B., Barberis, C., Becht, C., Belletier, C., Berger, C., Bineau, C., Borel, C., Brezault, C., Buffet, C., Cornila, C., Couffon, C., De La Fouchardière, C., Giraud, C., Lecaille, C., Lepere, C., Lobry, C., Locher, C., Lombard-Bohas, C., Paoletti, C., Platini, C., Rebischung, C., Sarda, C., Vilain, C., Briac-Levaché, C., Auby, D., Baudet-Klepping, D., Bechade, D., Besson, D., Cleau, D., Festin, D., Gargot, D., Genet, D., Goldfain, D., Luet, D., Malka, D., Peré-Vergé, D., Pillon, D., Sevin-Robiche, D., Smith, D., Soubrane, D., Tougeron, D., Zylberait, D., Carola, E., Cuillerier, E., Dorval Danquechin, E., Echinard, E., Janssen, E., Maillard, E., Mitry, E., Norguet-Monnereau, E., Suc, E., Terrebonne, E., Zrihen, E., Pariente, E.A., Almaric, F., Audemar, F., Bonnetain, F., Desseigne, F., Dewaele, F., Di Fiore, F., Ghiringhelli, F., Husseini, F., Khemissa, F., Kikolski, F., Morvan, F., Petit-Laurent, F., Riot, F., Subtil, F., Zerouala-Boussaha, F., Caroli-Bosc, F.X., Boilleau-Jolimoy, G., Bordes, G., Cavaglione, G., Coulanjon, G., Deplanque, G., Gatineau-Saillant, G., Goujon, G., Medinger, G., Roquin, G., Brixi-Benmansour, H., Castanie, H., Lacroix, H., Maechel, H., Perrier, H., Salloum, H., Senellart, H., Baumgaertner, I., Cumin, I., Graber, I., Trouilloud, I., Boutin, J., Butel, J., Charneau, J., Cretin, J., Dauba, J., Deguiral, J., Egreteau, J., Ezenfis, J., Forestier, J., Goineau, J., Lacourt, J., Lafon, J., Martin, J., Meunier, J., Moreau, J., Provencal, J., Taieb, J., Thaury, J., Tuaillon, J., Vergniol, J., Villand, J., Vincent, J., Volet, J., Bachet, J.B., Barbare, J.C., Souquet, J.C., Grangé, J.D., Dor, J.F., Paitel, J.F., Jouve, J.L., Raoul, J.L., Cheula, J.M., Gornet, J.M., Sabate, J.M., Vantelon, J.M., Vaillant, J.N., Aucouturier, J.P., Barbieux, J.P., Herr, J.P., Lafargue, J.P., Lagasse, J.P., Latrive, J.P., Plachot, J.P., Ramain, J.P., Robin, J.P., Spano, J.P., Douillard, J.Y., Beerblock, K., Bouhier-Leporrier, K., Slimane Fawzi, K., Cany, L., Chone, L., Dahan, L., Gasnault, L., Rob, L., Stefani, L., Wander, L., Baconnier, M., Ben Abdelghani, M., Benchalal, M., Blasquez, M., Carreiro, M., Charbit, M., Combe, M., Duluc, M., Fayolle, M., Gignoux, M., Giovannini, M., Glikmanas, M., Mabro, M., Mignot, M., Mornet, M., Mousseau, M., Mozer, M., Pauwels, M., Pelletier, M., Porneuf, M., Ramdani, M., Schnee, M., Tissot, M., Zawadi, M., Clavero-Fabri, M.C., Gouttebel, M.C., Kaminsky, M.C., Galais, M.P., Abdelli, N., Barrière, N., Bouaria, N., Bouarioua, N., Delas, N., Gérardin, N., Hess-Laurens, N., Stremsdoerfer, N., Berthelet, O., Boulat, O., Capitain, O., Favre, O., Amoyal, P., Bergerault, P., Burtin, P., Cassan, P., Chatrenet, P., Chiappa, P., Claudé, P., Couzigou, P., Feydy, P., Follana, P., Geoffroy, P., Godeau, P., Hammel, P., Laplaige, P., Lehair, P., Martin, P., Novello, P., Pantioni, P., Pienkowski, P., Pouderoux, P., Prost, P., Ruszniewski, P., Souillac, P., Texereau, P., Thévenet, P., Haineaux, P.A., Benoit, R., Coriat, R., Lamy, R., Mackiewicz, R., Beorchia, S., Chaussade, S., Hiret, S., Jacquot, S., Lavau Denes, S., Montembault, S., Nahon, S., Nasca, S., Nguyen, S., Oddou-Lagraniere, S., Pesque-Penaud, S., Fratte, S.P., Chatellier, T., Mansourbakht, T., Morin, T., Walter, T., Boige, V., Bourgeois, V., Derias, V., Guérin-Meyer, V., Hautefeuille, V., Jestin Le Tallec, V., Lorgis, V., Quentin, V., Sebbagh, V., Veuillez, V., Adhoute, X., Coulaud, X., Becouarn, Y., Coscas, Y., Courouble, Y., Le Bricquir, Y., Molin, Y., Rinaldi, Y., Lam, Y.H., Ladhib, Z., Aparicio, Thomas, Ducreux, Michel, Faroux, Roger, Barbier, Emilie, Manfredi, Sylvain, Lecomte, Thierry, Etienne, Pierre-Luc, Bedenne, Laurent, Bennouna, Jaafar, Phelip, Jean-Marc, François, Eric, Michel, Pierre, Legoux, Jean-Louis, Gasmi, Mohamed, Breysacher, Gilles, Rougier, Philippe, De Gramont, Aimery, Lepage, Come, Bouché, Olivier, Seitz, Jean-François
Publikováno v:
In European Journal of Cancer July 2018 98:1-9
Sarter, Hélène, Savoye, Guillaume, Marot, Guillemette, Ley, Delphine, Turck, Dominique, Hugot, Jean-Pierre, Vasseur, Francis, Duhamel, Alain, Wils, Pauline, Princen, Fred, Colombel, Jean-Frédéric, Gower-Rousseau, Corinne, Fumery, Mathurin, Al Hameedi, R, Al Khatib, M, Al Turk, S, Agoute, E, Andre, J, Antonietti, M, Aouakli, A, Armand, A, Armengol-Debeir, L, Aroichane, I, Assi, F, Aubet, J, Auxenfants, E, Avram, A, Ayafi-Ramelot, F, Azzouzi, K, Bankovski, D, Barbry, B, Bardoux, N, Baron, P, Baudet, A, Bayart, P, Bazin, B, Bebahani, A, Becqwort, J, Bellati, S, Benet, V, Benali, H, Benard, C, Benguigui, C, Ben Soussan, E, Bental, A, Berkelmans, I, Bernet, J, Bernou, K, Bernou-Dron, C, Bertot, P, Bertiaux-Vandaële, N, Bertrand, V, Billoud, E, Biron, N, Bismuth, B, Bleuet, M, Blondel, F, Blondin, V, Bobula, M, Bohon, P, Bondjemah, V, Boniface, E, Bonkovski, D, Bonnière, P, Bonvarlet, E, Bonvarlet, P, Boruchowicz, A, Bostvironnois, R, Boualit, M, Bouazza, A, Bouche, B, Boudaillez, C, Bourgeaux, C, Bourgeois, M, Bourguet, A, Bourienne, A, Boutaleb, H, Bouthors, A, Branche, J, Bray, G, Brazier, F, Breban, P, Bridenne, M, Brihier, H, Bril, L, Brung-Lefebvre, V, Bulois, P, Burgiere, P, Butel, J, Canva, J, Canva-Delcambre, V, Capron, J, Cardot, F, Carette, S, Carpentier, P, Cartier, E, Cassar, J, Cassagnou, M, Castex, J, Catala, P, Cattan, S, Catteau, S, Caujolle, B, Cayron, G, Chandelier, C, Chantre, M, Charles, J, Charneau, T, Chavance-Thelu, M, Cheny, A, Chirita, D, Choteau, A, Claerbout, J, Clergue, P, Coevoet, H, Cohen, G, Collet, R, Colin, M, Colombel, J, Coopman, S, Cordiez, L, Corvisart, J, Cortot, A, Couttenier, F, Crinquette, J, Crombe, V, Dadamessi, I, Daoudi, H, Dapvril, V, Davion, T, Dautreme, S, Debas, J, Decoster, S, Degrave, N, Dehont, F, Delatre, C, Delcenserie, R, Delesalle, D, Delette, O, Delgrange, T, Delhoustal, L, Delmotte, J, Demmane, S, Deregnaucourt, G, Descombes, P, Desechalliers, J, Desmet, P, Desreumaux, P, Desseaux, G, Desurmont, P, Devienne, A, Devouge, E, Devred, M, Devroux, A, Dewailly, A, Dharancy, S, Di Fiore, A, Djedir, D, Djedir, R, Doleh, W, Dreher-Duwat, M, Dubois, R, Duburque, C, Ducatillon, P, Duclay, J, Ducrocq, B, Ducrot, F, Ducrotte, P, Dufilho, A, Duhamel, C, Dujardin, D, Dumant-Forest, C, Dupas, J, Dupont, F, Duranton, Y, Duriez, A, Duveau, N, El Achkar, K, El Farisi, M, Elie, C, Elie-Legrand, M, Elkhaki, A, Eoche, M, Essmaeel, E, Evrard, D, Evrard, J, Fatome, A, Filoche, B, Finet, L, Flahaut, M, Flamme, C, Foissey, D, Fournier, P, Foutrein-Comes, M, Foutrein, P, Fremond, D, Frere, T, Gallais, P, Gamblin, C, Ganga, S, Gerard, R, Geslin, G, Gheyssens, Y, Ghossini, N, Ghrib, S, Gilbert, T, Gillet, B, Godart, D, Godard, P, Godchaux, J, Godchaux, R, Goegebeur, G, Goria, O, Gottrand, F, Gower, P, Grandmaison, B, Groux, M, Guedon, C, Guerbeau, L, Gueroult-Dero, M, Guillard, J, Guillem, L, Guillemot, F, Guimberd, D, Haddouche, B, Hakim, S, Hanon, D, Hautefeuille, V, Heckestweiller, P, Hecquet, G, Hedde, J, Hellal, H, Henneresse, P, Heyman, B, Heraud, M, Herve, S, Hochain, P, Houssin-Bailly, L, Houcke, P, Huguenin, B, Iobagiu, S, Istanboli, S, Ivanovic, A, Iwanicki-Caron, I, Janicki, E, Jarry, M, Jeu, J, Joly, J, Jonas, C, Jouvenet, A, Katherin, F, Kerleveo, A, Khachfe, A, Kiriakos, A, Kiriakos, J, Klein, O, Kohut, M, Kornhauser, R, Koutsomanis, D, Laberenne, J, Lacotte, E, Laffineur, G, Lagarde, M, Lalanne, A, Lalieu, A, Lannoy, P, Lapchin, J, Laprand, M, Laude, D, Leblanc, R, Lecieux, P, Lecleire, S, Leclerc, N, Le Couteulx, C, Ledent, J, Lefebvre, J, Lefiliatre, P, Le Goffic, C, Legrand, C, Le Grix, A, Lelong, P, Leluyer, B, Lemaitre, C, Lenaerts, C, Lepeut, G, Lepileur, L, Leplat, A, Lepoutre-Dujardin, E, Leroi, H, Leroy, M, Le Roy, P, Lesage, B, Lesage, J, Lesage, X, Lescanne-Darchis, I, Lescut, J, Lescut, D, Leurent, B, Levy, P, Lhermie, M, Libier, L, Lion, A, Lisambert, B, Loge, I, Loire, F, Loreau, J, Louf, S, Louvet, A, Lubret, L, Luciani, M, Lucidarme, D, Lugand, J, Macaigne, O, Maetz, D, Maillard, D, Mancheron, H, Manolache, O, Marks-Brunel, A, Marre, C, Marti, R, Martin, F, Martin, G, Marzloff, E, Mathurin, P, Mauillon, J, Maunoury, V, Maupas, J, Medam Djomo, M, Mechior, C, Melki, Z, Mesnard, B, Metayer, P, Methari, L, Meurisse, B, Meurisse, F, Michaud, L, Mirmaran, X, Modaine, P, Monthe, A, Morel, L, Mortier, P, Moulin, E, Mouterde, O, Mozziconaci, N, Mudry, J, Nachury, M, Ngo, M, N’guyen Khac, Eric, Notteghem, B, Ollevier, V, Ostyn, A, Ouraghi, A, Oussadou, B, Ouvry, D, Paillot, B, Painchart, C, Panien-Claudot, N, Paoletti, C, Papazian, A, Parent, B, Pariente, B, Paris, J, Patrier, P, Paupard, T, Pauwels, B, Pauwels, M, Penninck, E, Petit, R, Piat, M, Piotte, S, Plane, C, Plouvier, B, Pollet, E, Pommelet, P, Pop, D, Pordes, C, Pouchain, G, Prades, P, Prevost, A, Prevost, J, Quartier, G, Quesnel, B, Queuniet, A, Quinton, J, Rabache, A, Rabelle, P, Raclot, G, Ratajczyk, S, Rault, D, Razemon, V, Reix, N, Renaut-Vantroys, T, Revillion, M, Riachi, G, Richez, C, Robinson, P, Rodriguez, J, Roger, J, Roux, J, Rudelli, A, Saber, A, Savoye, G, Schlossberg, P, Sefrioui, D, Segrestin, M, Seguy, D, Seminur, C, Serin, M, Seryer, A, Sevenet, F, Shekh, N, Silvie, J, Simon, V, Spyckerelle, C, Talbodec, N, Tavernier, N, Tchandeu, H, Techy, A, Thelu, J, Thevenin, A, Thiebault, H, Thomas, J, Thorel, J, Thuillier, C, Tielman, G, Tode, M, Toisin, J, Tonnel, J, Touchais, J, Toumelin, P, Touze, Y, Tranvouez, J, Triplet, C, Triki, N, Turck, D, Uhlen, S, Vaillant, E, Valmage, C, Vanco, D, Vandaele-Bertiaux, N, Vandamme, H, Vanderbecq, E, Vander Eecken, E, Vandermolen, P, Vandevenne, P, Vandeville, L, Vandewalle, A, Vandewalle, C, Vaneslander, P, Vanhoove, J, Vanrenterghem, A, Vanveuren, C, Varlet, P, Vasies, I, Verbiese, G, Verlynde, J, Vernier-Massouille, G, Vermelle, P, Verne, C, Vezilier-Cocq, P, Vigneron, B, Vincendet, M, Viot, J, Voiment, Y, Wacrenier, A, Waeghemaecker, L, Wallez, J, Wantiez, M, Wartel, F, Weber, J, Willocquet, J, Wizla, N, Wolschies, E, Zaharia, O, Zaoui, S, Zalar, A, Zaouri, B, Zellweger, A, Ziade, C, Beaugerie, L, Allez, M, Ruemmele, F, Lamer, A, Roy, M
Publikováno v:
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023, ⟨10.1093/ibd/izad090⟩
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023, ⟨10.1093/ibd/izad090⟩
International audience; Background The identification of patients at high risk of a disabling disease course would be invaluable in guiding initial therapy in Crohn’s disease (CD). Our objective was to evaluate a combination of clinical, serologica
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de la Fouchardiere, C., Zaanan, A., Cohen, R., Le Sourd, S.M., Tougeron, D., Soularue, E., Dubreuil, O., Williet, N., Samalin-Scalzi, E., Piessen, G., Hautefeuille, V., Jary, M., Ben Abdelghani, M., Evesque, L., Rochigneux, P., Blanc, E., Bibeau, F., DeMontfort, A., Coutzac, C.
Publikováno v:
In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S429-S429
Alouani, E.L., Roces, G., Tougeron, D., Jaffrelot, M., Pernot, S., Mazard, T., Hautefeuille, V., Ben Abdelghani, M., Dutherage, M., Cohen, R., Sclafani, F., Muller, M., Aparicio, T., Coutzac, C., Hollebecque, A., Decraecker, M., Parent, P., Taieb, J., Guimbaud, R., Selves, J.
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In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S272-S272
Roth, G., Pellat, A., Piessen, G., Le Malicot, K., Schwarz, L., Gallois, C., Tougeron, D., Hautefeuille, V., Jary, M., Benoist, S., Ramee, J-F., Desgrippes, R., Muller, M., Manfredi, S., Bouche, O., Taieb, J.
Publikováno v:
In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S235-S236
Cuvelier, C., Brahmi, M., Sobhani, I., Verret, B., Grancher, A., Penel, N., Toulmonde, M., Lahlou, W., Dupuis, H., Calavas, L., Muller, M., Watson, S., Bruyat, D., Poumeaud, F., Chaigneau, L., Manfredi, S., Lecomte, T., Bertucci, F., Bouche, O., Hautefeuille, V.
Publikováno v:
In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S1049-S1049
Hautefeuille, V., Cuvelier, C., Sobhani, I., Grancher, A., Dupuis, H., Chaigneau, L., Verret, B., Watson, S., Penel, N., Toulmonde, M., Lahlou, W., Calavas, L., Ghiringhelli, F., Pracht, M., Mourthadhoi, F., Muller, M., Monceau-Baroux, L., Tougeron, D., Bouche, O., Brahmi, M.
Publikováno v:
In Annals of Oncology September 2024 35 Supplement 2:S1048-S1048