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pro vyhledávání: '"Hanne Kathrine Krogstrup"'
Publikováno v:
Cepra-Striben, Iss 13 (2012)
Anmeldelse af "Kampen om evidens"
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Publikováno v:
Brix, J, Krogstrup, H K & Mortensen, N M 2020, ' Evaluating the Outcomes of Co-production in Local Government ', Local Government Studies, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 169-185 . https://doi.org/10.1080/03003930.2019.1702530
New Public Governance assumes that co-production leads to beneficial outcomes, such as increased efficiency and better citizen well-being. However, few empirical studies have documented these outcomes, and some have demonstrated that the assumed outc
With the shift towards new public governance, professionals' and citizens' experiences and knowledge are placed at the heart of public service design, implementation, and evaluation. There are thus beginning indications that the dominant evaluation a
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The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant ISBN: 9783030030087
Mortensen, N M, Brix, J & Krogstrup, H K 2020, Reshaping the Hybrid Role of Public Servants : Identifying the Opportunity Space for Co-production and the Enabling Skills Required by Professional Co-producers . in H Sullivan, H Dickinson & H Henderson (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of The Public Servant . 1 edn, Palgrave Macmillan . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03008-7_17-1
The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant ISBN: 9783030299798
Mortensen, N M, Brix, J & Krogstrup, H K 2020, Reshaping the Hybrid Role of Public Servants : Identifying the Opportunity Space for Co-production and the Enabling Skills Required by Professional Co-producers . in H Sullivan, H Dickinson & H Henderson (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of The Public Servant . 1 edn, Palgrave Macmillan . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03008-7_17-1
The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant ISBN: 9783030299798
This chapter starts by introducing how the public sector has adopted different governance metatrends during the last century and how the adoption of these metatrends over time has led to new, hybrid roles for service users and frontline staff. The fo
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Publikováno v:
Jensen, J B, Krogstrup, H K & Thomassen, A O 2019, ' Why are we here? The importance of sensemaking i co-production ', Paper presented at IIAS Study Group on 'Coproduction of Public Services', Lueven, Belgium, 27/05/2019-28/05/2019 .
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
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Publikováno v:
Krogstrup, H K & Pedersen, L M 2017, ' Økonomisk evaluering af stressforebyggelse ', Paper fremlagt ved NOPSA 2017, Odense, Danmark, 08/08/2017-11/08/2017 s. 1-21 .
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
Dette er et work in progress paper. Omdrejningspunktet er arbejdsbetinget stress, der opfattes som et af de væsentligste arbejdsmiljøproblemer i den offentlige sektor med store konsekvenser for individer, arbejdspladser og for samfundet som helhed.
Externí odkaz:
Publikováno v:
Krogstrup, H K & Mortensen, N M 2017, Opbygning af kapacitet til samskabelse og brugerinvolvering . i H K Krogstrup (red.), Samskabelse og Capacity Building i den offentlige sektor . 1 udg, Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 149-169 .
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
Dette kapitel handler om brugerinvolvering i samskabelsesprocesser. Capacity Building repræsenterer de kompetencer og værdier, der kan indlejres i samskabelsesprocessen, såsom at brugerne inddrages med udgangspunkt i deres kompetencer og ressource
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Publikováno v:
Baadsgaard, K & Krogstrup, H K 2016, Metaanalyser og evidens . i T Bredgaard (red.), Evaluering af offentlig politik og administration . 1 udg, Hans Reitzels Forlag, København, s. 69-94 .
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
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Publikováno v:
Kristiansen, S & Krogstrup, H K 2015, Deltagende observation 2. udgave . 2 udg, Hans Reitzels Forlag, Latvia .
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
Denne bog er en teoretisk og praktisk introduktion til deltagende observation, og giver konkrete anvisninger, som er nyttige for såvel erfarne som den uprøvede feltforsker.
Externí odkaz:
Brian Kjær Andreasen, Lone Krogh Kjær-Rasmussen, Hanne Kathrine Krogstrup, Henrik Vardinghus-Nielsen
Publikováno v:
Andreasen, B K, Krogh, L, Krogstrup, H K & Vardinghus-Nielsen, H 2005, Evaluering af reformen af den samfundsvidenskabelige basisuddannelse på Aalborg Universitet . Institut for Uddannelse, Læring og Filosofi, Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg .
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
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