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González Escallón, Julian D.
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Ackerman, Bruce, Social Justice and The Liberal State (Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1980)
Alexy, Robert, A Theory of constitutional rights (Oxford university press, Oxford, 2002)
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, La ética de la identidad (Katz Editores, Buenos Aires, Madrid, 2007)
Arendt, Hannah, Between past and future (The Viking Press, New York, 1961)
Arendt, Hannah, Eichmann en Jerusalén (Debolsillo, Barcelona,2016)
Arendt, Hannah, On Revolution (Compass book edition, New York,1965)
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Dworkin, Ronald, Law’s Empire (Harvard Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986)
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Fitzpatrick, Peter, La Mitología del Derecho Moderno (Siglo veintiuno editores, México D.F.,1998)
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Hobsbawm, Eric, La Era de la Revolución 1789-1848 (Crítica, Barcelona, 1997)
Honneth, Axel, El derecho de la libertad. Esbozo de una eticidad democrática (Katz Editores, Buenos Aires, Madrid, 2017)
Honneth, Axel, Struggle for Recognition. The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995)
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Kelsen, Hans, Pure Theory of Law (University of California Press, Oakland, CA,1967)
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Lindahl, Hans, Fault Lines of Globalization. Legal Order and the politics of a-legality (Oxford university press, Oxford, 2013)
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Repositorio EdocUR-U. Rosario
Universidad del Rosario
instacron:Universidad del Rosario
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Hobsbawm, Eric, La Era de la Revolución 1789-1848 (Crítica, Barcelona, 1997)
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Honneth, Axel, Struggle for Recognition. The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995)
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Lindahl, Hans, Fault Lines of Globalization. Legal Order and the politics of a-legality (Oxford university press, Oxford, 2013)
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Repositorio EdocUR-U. Rosario
Universidad del Rosario
instacron:Universidad del Rosario
Esta disertación presenta un marco para comprender el caso del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo desde la perspectiva del debate sobre filosofía política anglosajona entre el liberalismo y el comunitarismo. Según la teoría liberal, la aut
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