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pro vyhledávání: '"G, Di Bisceglie"'
M. Rothman, Steen Dalby Kristensen, C. Isaia, Eugene Braunwald, William Wijns, D. Allocco, M. Pfisterer, M. Waliszewski, Martin T. Rothman, Maarten L. Simoons, S. Carlier, Adrian Bagust, Lars Wallentin, L. Wallentin, Philippe Gabriel Steg, P.G. Steg, P. de Jong, S. Ternstrom, H. Dobbels, C. DiMario, Hans L. Hillege, S. Kloth, G. Guagliumi, A. Patteet, Patrick W. Serruys, W. Wijns, Carlo DiMario, Matthias Pfisterer, Joost Daemen, A. Aimonetti, H.L. Hillege, A. Gitt, P. Jüni, M. Berenger, Jean Fajadet, G. Bos, A. Baczynska, Victor Legrand, J. Daemen, E. Camenzind, A. Kastrati, A. Potgieter, Sabine Kloth, E. Klasen, Ibrahim Tariah, S. James, S. Hellbardt, Bernard Chevalier, I. Tariah, Stefan James, H. Nagai, Sigmund Silber, J.C. Ghislain, F. Ni Mhullain, Anselm K. Gitt, Gert Bos, P. W. Serruys, Giulio Guagliumi, J. Fajadet, C. Raveau-Landon, R. ten Hoedt, Adnan Kastrati, Mitchell W. Krucoff, B. Chevalier, J. Van Wuytswinkel, Andrew Farb, E Braunwald, A. Bagust, Peter Jüni, S. Silber, A. Boam, M.W. Krucoff, J.P. Calle, James M. Bowen, G. Campo, V. Legrand, J.M. Bowen, G. Di Bisceglie, I. Purdy, M. Lekehal, S Windecker, D. Paunovic, M. L. Simoons, Stephan Windecker, J. de Schepper, L. LeNarz, Edoardo Camenzind
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European Heart Journal. 30:152-161
Drug-eluting stents (DES) were introduced into clinical practice in 2002 in order to reduce restenosis that occurred in 15–25% of patients receiving bare-metal stents (BMS).1–3 Subsequent trials with different types of DES confirmed their efficac
Joost, Daemen, Maarten L, Simoons, William, Wijns, Adrian, Bagust, Gert, Bos, James M, Bowen, Eugene, Braunwald, Edoardo, Camenzind, Bernard, Chevaliers, Carlo, DiMario, Jean, Fajadeto, Anselm, Gitt, Giulio, Guagliumi, Hans L, Hillege, Stefan, James, Peter, Jüni, Adnan, Kastrati, Sabine, Kloth, Steen D, Kristensen, Mitchell, Krucoff, Victor, Legrand, Matthias, Pfisterer, Martin, Rothman, Patrick W, Serruys, Sigmund, Silber, Philippe G, Steg, Ibrahim, Tariah, Lars, Wallentin, Stephan W, Windecker, A, Aimonetti, D, Allocco, M, Berenger, A, Boam, J P, Calle, G, Campo, S, Carlier, J, de Schepper, G, Di Bisceglie, H, Dobbels, A, Farb, J C, Ghislain, S, Hellbardt, R, ten Hoedt, C, Isaia, P, de Jong, M, Lekehal, L, LeNarz, F Ni, Mhullain, H, Nagai, A, Patteet, D, Paunovic, A, Potgieter, I, Purdy, C, Raveau-Landon, S, Ternstrom, J, Van Wuytswinkel, M, Waliszewski
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EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 4(4)
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Bone. 47:S94
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Daemen J; Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands., Simoons ML, Wijns W, Bagust A, Bos G, Bowen JM, Braunwald E, Camenzind E, Chevalier B, Dimario C, Fajadet J, Gitt A, Guagliumi G, Hillege HL, James S, Jüni P, Kastrati A, Kloth S, Kristensen SD, Krucoff M, Legrand V, Pfisterer M, Rothman M, Serruys PW, Silber S, Steg PG, Tariah I, Wallentin L, Windecker SW, Aimonetti A, Allocco D, Baczynska A, Bagust A, Berenger M, Bos G, Boam A, Bowen JM, Braunwald E, Calle JP, Camenzind E, Campo G, Carlier S, Chevalier B, Daemen J, de Schepper J, Di Bisceglie G, Dimario C, Dobbels H, Fajadet J, Farb A, Ghislain JC, Gitt A, Guagliumi G, Hellbardt S, Hillege HL, Ten Hoedt R, Isaia C, James S, de Jong P, Jüni P, Kastrati A, Klasen E, Kloth S, Kristensen SD, Krucoff M, Legrand V, Lekehal M, Lenarz L, Ni Mhullain F, Nagai H, Patteet A, Paunovic D, Pfisterer M, Potgieter A, Purdy I, Raveau-Landon C, Rothman M, Serruys PW, Silber S, Simoons ML, Steg PG, Tariah I, Ternstrom S, Van Wuytswinkel J, Waliszewski M, Wallentin L, Wijns W, Windecker SW
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European heart journal [Eur Heart J] 2009 Jan; Vol. 30 (2), pp. 152-61. Date of Electronic Publication: 2008 Nov 26.
Daemen J; Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands., Simoons ML, Wijns W, Bagust A, Bos G, Bowen JM, Braunwald E, Camenzind E, Chevaliers B, DiMario C, Fajadeto J, Gitt A, Guagliumi G, Hillege HL, James S, Jüni P, Kastrati A, Kloth S, Kristensen SD, Krucoff M, Legrand V, Pfisterer M, Rothman M, Serruys PW, Silber S, Steg PG, Tariah I, Wallentin L, Windecker SW, Aimonetti A, Allocco D, Berenger M, Boam A, Calle JP, Campo G, Carlier S, de Schepper J, Di Bisceglie G, Dobbels H, Farb A, Ghislain JC, Hellbardt S, ten Hoedt R, Isaia C, de Jong P, Lekehal M, LeNarz L, Mhullain FN, Nagai H, Patteet A, Paunovic D, Potgieter A, Purdy I, Raveau-Landon C, Ternstrom S, Van Wuytswinkel J, Waliszewski M
Publikováno v:
EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology [EuroIntervention] 2009 Jan; Vol. 4 (4), pp. 427-36.