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pro vyhledávání: '"Frederick P. Stutz"'
Frederick P. Stutz
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Geographical Analysis. 5:61-66
Frederick P. Stutz, Barney Warf
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.This comprehensive text explores contemporary geographic topics and perspectives relating to th
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Urban Geography. 13:468-474
Travel diaries were administered to 2754 households in San Diego by the San Diego Association of Governments one day in 1986. These surveys are used to document population shifts throughout the 24-hour day and for documenting the maximum population f
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Urban Geography. 13:392-400
(1992). City of Quartz. Mike Davis; Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstituionalization to Homelessness. Michael Dear and Jennifer Wolch; The Pentagon and the Cities. Andrew Kirby, editor; The Four Little Dragons: The Spread of Indwtriulization in East
Frederick P. Stutz
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WorldMinds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems ISBN: 9781402016134
Major shifts in urban regions’ population distribution occur throughout the 24-hour day and the seven-day week. On weekday mornings, the population of residential zones declines and the population of educational, commercial, and employment zones in
Externí odkaz:
John Lyle, Frederick P. Stutz
Publikováno v:
The Cartographic Journal. 20:39-49
Land use suitability mapping is a technique which can help find the best location for a variety of developmental actions given a set of goals and other criteria. The mapping technique is based on natural and human processes and analyses the interacti
Philip L. Hinshaw, Frederick P. Stutz
Publikováno v:
Southeastern Geographer. 16:35-46
Frederick P. Stutz
Publikováno v:
The Professional Geographer. 37:391-395
(1985). ENHANCING HIGH SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY AT THE LOCAL LEVEL. The Professional Geographer: Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 391-395.
Frederick P. Stutz
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The Professional Geographer. 32:393-399
Experience with five funded and three unfunded state and local-government research projects involving transportation, land use, and community planning problems reveal that state and local government agencies are usually understaffed and cannot divert