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pro vyhledávání: '"Elmar Bittner"'
Johannes Zierenberg, Ralph Kenna, Michael Bachmann, Nikolaos G. Fytas, Martin Weigel, Elmar Bittner
Publikováno v:
The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 226:533-537
We numerically study the finite-size droplet condensation-evaporation transition in two dimensions. We consider and compare two orthogonal approaches, namely at fixed temperature and at fixed density, making use of parallel multicanonical simulations
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Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. 184:400-414
We discuss several aspects of a Monte Carlo computer simulation study of the condensation of macroscopic droplets emerging in the two-dimensional Ising lattice-gas model. By varying the particle density at fixed temperature we monitor the droplet for
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Condensed Matter Physics, Vol 12, Iss 4, Pp 739-752 (2009)
The outcome of football games, as well as matches of most other popular team sports, depends on a combination of the skills of players and coaches and a number of external factors which, due to their complex nature, are presumably best viewed as rand
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The European Physical Journal B. 67:459-471
Analyzing football score data with statistical techniques, we investigate how the not purely random, but highly co-operative nature of the game is reflected in averaged properties such as the probability distributions of scored goals for the home and
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Nuclear Physics B. 793:344-361
The compact Abelian Higgs model is simulated on a cubic lattice where it possesses vortex lines and pointlike magnetic monopoles as topological defects. The focus of this high-precision Monte Carlo study is on the vortex network, which is investigate
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Europhysics Letters (EPL). 75:716-722
In recent analytical work, Biskup et al. (Europhys. Lett., 60 (2002) 21) studied the behaviour of d-dimensional finite-volume liquid-vapour systems at a fixed excess δN of particles above the ambient gas density. By identifying a dimensionless param
Wolfhard Janke, Elmar Bittner
Publikováno v:
Europhysics Letters (EPL). 74:195-201
The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations by employing a combination of the multi-overlap algorithm with parallel tempering methods. We investigate the finite-size scaling behaviour of the free-e
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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 277:204-214
We study an Ising spin system coupled to the fluctuating two-dimensional geometry of the discrete Regge model and compare with the results of the standard Regge calculus. Particular emphasis is placed on the phase transition of the spin system and th
Phase structure and graviton propagators in lattice formulations of four-dimensional quantum gravity
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Classical and Quantum Gravity. 16:1163-1173
We examine the phase structure of standard Regge calculus in four dimensions and compare our Monte Carlo results with those of the -Regge model as well as with another formulation of lattice gravity derived from group-theoretical considerations. With